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Взломанный The Battle Cats

Это увлекательная игра, в которой котики будут биться стенку на стенку. Она сочетает в себе элементы очень многих интересных жанров.

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Особенности игрового процесса

Ваша база всегда будет располагаться с правой стороны экрана. Она выглядит как милый кошачий домик. Однако в действительности это укрепленное сооружение, оборудованное огромным лазером, атакующим неприятелей. Вражеская база, соответственно, находится слева.

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Каждую минуту в вашу копилку будет добавлять внутриигровая валюта. Золотые монетки помогут вам нанять бойцов для обороны базы. Поначалу вам будет доступны только самые слабые юниты, однако по мере прохождения они будет становиться все сильнее. Враг тоже не дремлет, так что не стоит терять бдительность.

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Если противники одолевают вас числом, то это не беда. Вы сможете расправиться с ними, активировав лазер. При его использовании от противников остается лишь мокрое место.

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Симпатичная и минималистичная графика является одним из главных достоинств игры. Практически все боевые юниты вызывают неподдельное умиление. Кажется, будто котиков нарисовал какой-то начинающий художник младшего возраста.

Также стоит отметить наличие звукового сопровождения. Саундтрек идеально подходит к динамичному геймплею.


The Battle Cats

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Что-то пошло не так, может баг? 🤔

[только авторизованные пользователи могут видеть прикрепленные файлы]

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Знаете, искал какую нибудь необычную игру, наткнулся на эту. Сначала думал очередной проходняк, думал скипуть и скачать какой нибудь батл рояль. Но тут меня остановило название фирмы разработчика, сразу видно креативного человека. Скачал, и знаете, не пожалел

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No namе, хахаха и вправду я ток сейчас заметил это название хахаахха (на в награду лайк)

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Можно ли как нибудь перенести данные акка с одного телефона на другой?

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The Battle Cats v10.10.0 Мод (Unlimited money) APK

Android: Android 5.0 (LOLLIPOP)

= Супер Простая система нивелирования =
Четкие этапы, чтобы получить XP и предметы, чтобы выровнять кошка! Что они будут развиваться, чтобы на уровне 10? Вы можете разблокировать свою истинную форму?

Идеально подходит для Casual Play! Развлечения для всех возрастов, кто (и их тоже кошка!) Могут наслаждаться «Battle Cats»!

Какой тип кошки вы будете сражаться с сегодняшнего дня? Принесите на причудливо милый Battle Cat армии!

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The Battle Cats APK + MOD (Unlimited XP/Cat Food) v10.10.0

Updated OnOctober 30, 2021 (2 weeks ago)
NameThe Battle Cats
GenreTower Defense

RequiresAndroid 5.0

Download The Battle Cats MOD APK now to have Unlimited XP and Cat Food in this fun intellectual defense game about cats. But first, I will share some related information about the game.

Introducing The Battle Cats

Do you love cats? Let’s join The Battle Cats to join with cute cats in the battle to protect the Earth.

Earth is experiencing economic crises, with terrorist are cats that have attacked the Earth and set up a ruling regime. They occupy all nuclear power plants and transfer energy to provide time machines. This is not easy when it was prevented and attacked by many other animals.

Simple gameplay

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Yes. The control mechanism in The Battle Cats is extremely simple. Often in most types of strategy games require you to calculate strategy and plan carefully. This game is different, a cute cartoon style game that makes everything so simple and lovely than ever.

The Battle Cats is Tower Defense Game, where you’ll have to defend your base by the cat army with so many eccentric shapes you have never seen before. Different cats have different powers, so you need to make the right choices. Your enemies are so formidable opponents that you must laugh. They can be dogs, snakes, hippos, etc.

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When the animals appear to move towards your base, over time you will accumulate a certain amount of money, just click on the icon of the cat you want to choose. Upon appearance your cat will automatically engage in combat with any enemy they encounter on the way until they are defeated or killed. So the only thing you need to do to win that is to look at the animals that attacked your base has what strength. Then you can choose the right cat that has the power to counter the other animals.

When your opponent is overcrowded and your money is not enough to pick the cat, then your special weapon is a very appropriate choice. Special weapons allow you to deal a huge amount of damage to kill a large number of enemies on the map. Treasure is also very important that you need to collect as much as possible, it helps you create very strong items and increase the solidity for your base.

Some noteworthy points

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One thing that stands out from other games is the number of characters. In The Battle Cats, there are more than 300 cats with funny looks for you to choose from when fighting. In each stage, you can only carry 10 different types of cats. You can make your cats stronger by leveling them up. When you reach level 10, the highest level at this time your cat possesses tremendous power, much larger than the first level.

However, the game lacks interaction among players. I think the game should have more PvP mode that allows players to challenge other players in 1v1 matches, which would be very interesting.


In terms of graphics, The Battle Cats has a simplicity in it and nothing outstanding but it makes me really excited. The colors in the game are very bright, the animals are designed by some basic strokes but they look quite funny and strange.

I think The Battle Cats is a good entertainment game not only about the game but also the graphics. The game is also a great choice for you to play with kids to help them have a great view about the animal world. Currently, the game requires Android 4.0.3 and above and iOS 9.0 or higher, allowing you to download absolutely free.

MOD APK version of The Battle Cats

MOD features

When playing the original version of the game, you realize that you need more than that. And when you download and use the MOD version of The Battle Cats, you get lots of XP and Cat Food (9999999).

Note that XP and Cat Food numbers will not be restored to their original state when you use them all.

Both the original and the MOD version of The Battle Cats can be easily installed via the APK file like any regular game or application.

How to update the MOD version without losing the game data?

You only need to download the MOD version with the game and install it. The device will automatically override the latest version on the currently installed version.
Note that you can only update without losing data if both the old and new versions are downloaded from APKMODY.

Download The Battle Cats MOD APK for Android

Above is an overview of The Battle Cats as well as detailed information about the MOD version of the game. And now, if you love this game, download it immediately via the link below.


The Battle Cats Мод Apk 10.2.0 [Бесконечные деньги] (100% работает, проверено!)

the battle cats мод меню. Смотреть фото the battle cats мод меню. Смотреть картинку the battle cats мод меню. Картинка про the battle cats мод меню. Фото the battle cats мод меню

Информация о моде: (Что модифицировано?)

The Battle Cats мод APK:

Обзор редактора

The Battle Cats is a hand-painted tower defense game. The cats here are not that cute, but they are all brave warriors. They defend the frontiers of their homeland and have unique abilities. Players need to be the commander. The officer placed them in a suitable location to resist the enemy’s invasion! As a general, you will select and formulate your own meow army, defend the main city while facing the enemy and occupy the opponent’s city! Although the various star people headed by Wang Xingren have wonderful skills, our 109 kinds of exotic cats are also master cats! If you want unlimited XP and cat food, you need to download The Battle Cats Mod. With this mod, you can upgrade and buy at will.

Graphic In the game, each kitty has a weird shape and looks very disgusting at first glance, but slowly you will find that their sluggish expressions and interesting attack movements are really cute!

Gameplay The game belongs to the tower defense game. You have to pool money to hire cats to meet the enemy to guard the fort. The money will increase over time. When the power reaches a certain level, the fort can also send out a laser to kill the enemy to scum!

Highlights This is a hand-painted tower defense game. A variety of unique cats are waiting for you to choose and form a team! Place them here and upgrade in every battle! A bit similar to the gameplay of Plants vs. Zombies.

Difficulty The game is easy to start, just click the cats and upgrade when you have enough money.


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