survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта


Crafting is essential to survival. All tools, weapons and most building materials are made through crafting.

This page covers the general crafting process, not specific crafting recipes. All available recipes can be found in the recipaedia, through the in-game help. You can search for any individual item and its recipe on this wiki by using the SEARCH bar at the top of every page.


Description (From Recipaedia)

Crafting is a process of making more complicated items out of simpler ones, using a crafting table or the crafting area.

To craft, you need to place ingredients in the crafting slots in a pattern specific to the item being crafted. All crafting recipes are available in RECIPAEDIA.

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To access Recipaedia during the game. Click on the «. «, then the «?» on the pop out options.

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After clicking on the «?», the Help Topics page will come up. Click on the «Recipaedia» button and all descriptions and recipes will be there. You will need to scroll through all of them or click on the various categories to more directly find the recipe you are looking for.

There are two sizes of crafting areas: 2×2 and 3×3. The smaller area is always available and can be accessed by pressing the crafting button. To craft more complicated items on a 3×3 area you need to make a crafting table, place it somewhere in the world and click on it.

You open the personal crafting area by touching the crafting button on the screen. This is the button with the four squares. See the GUI page for more information. You open the crafting table by tapping on it when you are close enough. The crafting window is similar for both. See the pictures below.

The crafting window has two major spaces in it. The left side is the crafting section. The crafting grid is on the top and is either 2×2 or 3×3. The output box is under that. The right side of the window shows your inventory. Drag the materials you need from your inventory onto the specified spaces in the crafting grid.

Be aware that when you are using either crafting area, the game IS NOT PAUSED. You can still be attacked while crafting, so make sure you are in a safe place BEFORE crafting.

Crafting Process

The process for crafting is the same for either crafting area size. Most of the items you need will have to be made on the workbench, in the 3×3 area.

2×2 Crafting

The 2×2 crafting area is also called handcrafting because you do not need a workbench to use it. You can only make rather simple items like sticks, wooden planks, crafting tables, etc.

If your inventory is full, you can even use the 4 slots in the personal crafting area as additional storage. However, you will NOT be able to craft anything here until you remove the stored items from the crafting slots.

Below is an example of the 2×2 crafting table, being used to make a Workbench:


SurvivalCraft Public

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SurvivalCraft 2 Day One тепер доступна в App Stote и Amazon Kindle

Пожалуйста, продолжайте тестировать, Каалус скоро выпустит полную версию, не переживайте.

И посмотрите видео

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SurvivalCraft Public запись закреплена

Всем привет. Один из участников комьюнити усердно работал над редактором миров для Survivalcraft. Он называется SCEditor и вы можете скачать бета версию тут:

У Каалуса не было времени проверить редактор самостоятельно, но он выглядит функциональным и полным возможностей для редактирования, вплоть до значений данных блока или неочевидных опций миров. Спасибо создателю. Этот редактор позволяет загружать миры напрямую из папки игры. Однако, он все еще в бета, так что редактор может работать не так, как ожидается. Попробуйте!

Каалус заморозил работу над 2.3, работая над новым проектом, который вйдет ближе к весне. Это будет еще одна мультиплеерная стратегия. Игра будет использовать тот-же сетевой протокол, что и Ruthless Conquest, но она будет более комплексной и продвинутой в каждом аспекте. Каалус хочет завершить ее до того, как вернется к Survivalcraft. К счастью, это не должно занять много времени. До сих пор разработчик работал месяц над технической составляющей, и еще месяц над самой игрой. Похоже, что Коронавирусная самоизоляция очень способствует тяжелой работе survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Смотреть фото survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Смотреть картинку survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Картинка про survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Фото survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта


Survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта

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Вопрос: Как закинуть текстуру/карту/скин в игру?
Ответ: Существуют три способа:

Способ №3 From link
Для этого способа нужна ссылка на контент (Dropbox)

Вопрос: Мне не нравится внешность моего персонажа, как поменять её.
Ответ: Для этого нужно скачать и установить скин. Чтобы поменять скин персонажа, зайдите в настройки карты —> Options.

Вопрос: Что такое Community в Get Contents?
Ответ: Это хранилище контента для SurvivalCraft

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Вопрос: Как разделить вещи в инвентаре?
Ответ: Долгий тап (нажатие) на предмет, который нужно разделить(в стороны пальцем водить не надо, иначе предмет будет перетаскиваться), пока вокруг него не появится красная рамка, потом тап в пустую ячейку. (для портативных устройств)
На Windows (PC) версии держим ЛКМ на предмете до того, как появится красная рамка. После нажимаем ЛКМ по нужной ячейке. Так же можно перетаскивать по одному предмету с помощью ПКМ.

Вопрос: Как посмотреть рецепт?
Ответ: Выбираем предмет и нажимаем на кнопку Recipe в правом нижем углу.

Вопрос: Можно ли поменять язык в игре?
Ответ: Нет, нельзя.

Вопрос: На каких устройства я могу поиграть в SurvivalCraft?
Ответ: Вы можете скачать SurvivalCraft на Android, Windows Phone, IOS, Kindle-устройств, а так же на PC (Только для Windows 8.1 и выше)

Вопрос: Здесь бесконечный мир?
Ответ: Да, мир бесконечен.

Вопрос: В игре есть голод?
Ответ: Да, есть.

Вопрос: Как есть в игре?
Ответ: Перетяните еду в окно с персонажем в инвентаре. Если вы перетяните стак (40) кусков мяса, ГГ (главный герой) все равно съест один.

survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Смотреть фото survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Смотреть картинку survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Картинка про survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта. Фото survivalcraft 2 рецепты крафта

Вопрос: Как согреться в игре?
Ответ: Одевайте теплую одежду, встаньте у костра.

Вопрос: Как одеть одежду/броню?
Ответ: Перетащите одежду или броню в окно с персонажем в инвентаре. В SurvivalCraft вы можете носить несколько слоев одежды. Будьте внимательны, порядок очень важен. Вы не сможете одеть носки на ботинки.

Вопрос: А как поиграть с другом на сервере?
Ответ: Серверов пока нет и с другом поиграть не получится.

Вопрос: Можно ли чинить вещи?
Ответ: Нет. Но можно починить железные вещи путем крафта из них алмазных вещей.

Вопрос: Когда обновление?
Ответ: Никогда не будет точной информации о дате выхода обновления. Когда? Это знает только Kaalus.

Вопрос: Где взять кровать? Как спать?
Ответ: Кровати в игре нет. Спать на полу. Условия: мягкая поверхность(доски, земля) и крыша над головой. Чтобы лечь спать, заходим в меню игрока, нажимаем на кнопку «ZzZ»

Вопрос: Как рисовать текстуры?
Ответ: Рисовать текстуры можно с помощью любого графического редактора, поддерживающего пиксельное разрешение: PixelArt на на андроид или на ПК



This video is by Kaalus on how to farm.

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You can rake dirt to make farmland.

Farming works best on tilled soil that is placed next to or on top of water, and is fertilized with saltpeter. This is called cultivated soil. Different trees grow in different ranges of temperature and humidity, the rest of the plants don’t care. Rye and cotton grow best in moist, cultivated soil.


Crop Types

Rye can be made into flour, dough and bread. Rye seeds can be obtained by uprooting it’s wild counterpart, which when planted in a good enough environment will grow into yellow edible rye.

Pumpkin seeds can be removed from pumpkins by putting one in a crafting slot, and planted on high quality soil. The grown pumpkins may be eaten raw, but can also be cooked in a furnace with a water bucket to get pumpkin soup.

Cotton can be grown to produce Cotton Wads which are used to make canvas and is also used when loading a musket. Cotton seeds may be obtained by breaking wild cotton plants. They must then be planted on proper soil to grow into cultivated cotton plants.

Ivy is used for string, but can only be planted on vertical surfaces. Ivy is grown from harvested ivy and not from seeds. It does not need dirt or soil to grow. The best way to farm it is to use a wall and put the ivy as far up as you can reach. It will grow down quickly (depending on the environment) and you can harvest it. Be sure to leave the top ivy block on the wall so it will continue to spread.

Trees do not need watered or fertilized soil but they must have enough humidity and the right temperature range for the species. Saplings may be crafted from the leaves of the tree and planted. They will grow over time and can be harvested for wood and leaves.

Flowers can be used for decoration. You get flower seeds from flowers, using the personal crafting interface or crafting table. They can be grown on soil, dirt or sand and fertilizer is not necessary.

Cacti can be grown on sand up to 3 blocks tall. If they are cut leaving the bottom portion, they will regrow their loss. There are no seeds and the cactus block itself is planted to grow taller.

Tall Grass seeds can be obtained by putting a tall grass into the personal crafting interface or the crafting table. Tall grass can be grown in the same conditions as flowers.

Farm Preparation

Crop-specific Notes

Rye can be very picky and may not grow well even in the best prepared soil. It can take a long time to grow and may produce few seeds per plant. It takes 9 seeds to make one bread. If you use harvested seeds to grow the next crop, you may only get one seed per plant to make into bread. That means you may need 9 plants for each loaf plus one saltpeter. This is a very inefficient use of resources. It is very helpful to gather seeds from wild rye.

Cotton will grow fast compared to rye. It is usually fully grown in two to three SC days. When it is harvested, you get cotton wads plus more cotton seeds. You do not need the seeds to craft anything, so they can be collected to plant the next crop. If you do not have extra cotton seeds, they can easily be gathered from wild cotton plants. Also cotton don’t need fertilized soil. Just plant them on tilled soil close to water and you won’t need to walk naked anymore.

Pumpkins can be picked and eaten once they are ripe. Pumpkins will grow to maturity even on grass, but they grow better on cultivated, moist soil so planting them just anywhere may not get the best results. Planting pumpkins on fertilized soil completely destroys the fertilizer. Harvested mature pumpkins can be crafted to get more seeds. One pumpkin will make three seeds so you can eat (or use) two other pumpkins and still have seeds for the next crop. If you plan on growing pumpkins, you should NOT eat the first few pumpkins you find as they may be scarce to find. As of update 2.1 pumpkins can’t survive more than 2 in-game days after fully mature, because pumpkins will rot, and both rotten unripe pumpkins or ripe pumpkins cannot be used to craft pumpkins seed, so you must check your pumpkins crop often, and don’t leave your pumpkins crop for relative long time, because some or even all of your pumpkins will be rot.

Trees can be grown indoors if there is enough space. They grow only on Dirt and Grass. No block other than soil can be fertilized! A water on the bottom blocks of the 3×3 square around a sapling raises its temperature and sets humidity >= 12.

Temperature of saplings near water

RealFeels like

Flowers, ivy, and grass do not need fertilized or tilled soil and can be grown anywhere.

Cacti can only be planted on sand. They will grow under any conditions.




General Attributes:

Is Stackable

Is Flammable

Fuel Value

Emitted Light Amount

Sleep Suitability


Explosion Resilience

Is Fluid Blocker

Tool-related Attributes:

Digging Method

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Description (from Help)

Furniture blocks are sculpted from up to 16x16x16 smaller sub-blocks. Sub-blocks within a single furniture block can be made of different materials and painted to different colors. Through crafting, furniture blocks can be combined, made interactive or made to work with electricity. Furniture designs can be combined into packs, shared between worlds and uploaded to Community Content.

To design and create furniture use the hammer tool. You need to build the design from regular blocks in the world and then use the hammer on the resulting structure to shrink it down. Furniture design window will appear where you can tweak the design by moving it, rotating it and changing resolution (between 2x2x2 and 16x16x16). Once you are happy with the design, you can commit it.

In creative mode, the design will be turned into a single furniture block, and the source blocks from which the design was created will remain in the world. In survival modes, the design will be turned into several copies of the furniture block (with number depending on resolution) and the source blocks will be consumed. Furniture blocks can be placed in the world in 4 orientations, similar to e.g. a furnace or a ladder.

Not every block can be used for furniture design. For example, dirt or grass are ignored by the hammer tool. Allowed materials include: planks, granite, basalt, sand, clay, cobblestone, stone bricks, sandstone, marble, bricks, coal, malachite, diamond, copper, iron, glass, carpet, torches, wicker lamps, water, magma. Source blocks of the design can be painted or dyed to make the design more colorful. Finished furniture can also be painted, this will cover any colors of the source blocks.

Certain source blocks have special functions. For example a torch/lamp block will cause the furniture to have a fire attached to it in the place of the block. The design will also emit light.

You have to be careful when constructing furniture to avoid placing the design on a base made of allowed material (for example sand). The hammer tool will not be able to distinguish between the blocks you placed and the base, and will try to incorporate base into design. This will likely cause «design too large» error, because the maximum size of a design in any dimension is 16 blocks.

Once the furniture block has been created, you can use crafting table to combine it with other blocks in various ways. The following combinations are possible:

In the furniture panel in creative inventory you can view and organize your furniture designs. Create named furniture sets to categorize the designs. The newly created designs are placed in «uncategorized» set, which has a special function. Any design in this set, which does not otherwise exist in the world (no items or placed blocks) will be automatically recycled. Be careful and move valuable designs to named furniture sets to avoid accidentally losing them. Each named furniture set can be turned into a furniture pack and exported from the world. You can later import it to other worlds or upload to Dropbox/SDcard and share with others. Furniture packs can also be uploaded to community content.

There are certain limitations to the furniture system:

Crafting Process

This covers building static furniture using only solid blocks. It describes the basic steps. More complex furniture is covered here.

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There are two screens in this window, a control section on the left, plus data at the top. The data tells you how complex the piece is, using ‘triangles’. A piece must use no more than 300 triangles to define it. This data tells you exactly how many triangles your piece uses.

The controls section has buttons for viewing the piece, and more. These will be explained below. You can make pieces from different sized models, up to 16x16x16. This is the maximum model size. If your model is smaller than that, you can ‘shrink’ it to make it smaller than a single block, by adjusting the control at the bottom. If you shrink a single block with this control at 16, then the created block will be 1/16 the length of a single block. If your model is 16 blocks big then you will not be able to adjust this control. The minimum size of the model is 2 blocks. You can make furniture using only 1 block but it will be shrunk to half its dimension. The left screen shows the piece from the view selected in the controls section. You can choose between TOP, FRONT and SIDE views using the top button in the controls. The triangles let you move the piece within the chosen model size and according to the view in this screen. The curved arrows rotate the piece, within the selected view as well. The right screen is a dynamic view so you can see the piece in 3-D. You can hold/drag on this section to rotate the view from any angle. At the top right of this window is a (. ) button. This is used to name the piece you are creating. (You can also use it to rename an existing piece if you ‘hammer’ the existing piece.)

3. When the piece is positioned and sized as needed, tap CREATE and the UI goes away and the designer block falls from the hammer, and into your inventory. The original model is NOT destroyed in this process if you are in creative mode.

4. After creating the piece, you should add it to a furniture pack. Pieces that aren’t assigned to a pack may be deleted by the game. See the next section.


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Furniture Packs

Furniture pieces are organized into packs. Each pack can hold many different pieces. You can have up to 45 packs loaded in the game. If you try to create or import a furniture pack when you have the maximum amount, a message apears saying «Too Many Furniture Sets».

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To work with furniture packs, open the inventory window and choose FURNITURE in the category tab.

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To add a newly made piece to an existing pack, select UNCATEGORIZED ‘pack’. This will show you all the pieces that aren’t in a pack. Scroll down the list to find the pack you want to save the new design in, WITHOUT selecting a different pack. Take each piece you want to save and drag the piece from the right side into the furniture pack of your choosing.

At the bottom of this panel is an ADD button to create a new furniture set or pack. This button also lets you import furniture packs from ‘content’. This content is stored in the game just like block textures and character skins.

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You can do other operations to the furniture packs by selecting the pack and tapping the (. ) button:

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This lets you rename the selected pack, delete it from the game, move it up or down in the list, or export it to ‘content’. You must first save your furniture pack to content if you wish to move it from one world to another or to upload it to the Community Content. See this page for uploading details.


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