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Space engineers админ меню

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Google-fu turns up blank, maybe documentation would be a good idea to have, Keen.

Though I bet it’s buried in some Youtube video somewhere

How do I confer admin/ space master/ creative mode to another player on a listen server?

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if your hosting a MP game through steam. You can access the player list with F3, select a person and promote them.

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In your SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg add this line:

change the xxxx to the steam64 ID of the player you want admin.

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Bump threads

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He didn’t say thanks. I will. Thanks.

We have to add the player Steam ID to the Admin Tab of the Dedic console.

Hit F3 in-game and promote players from there.

I will lock this 2016 discussion because way too old, it is in the pinned important forum rules.

Never be shy to create your new forum discussion so all can help only you without Necroing old dead discussions.

Usually have help within 24 hours in a new created discussion.


Admin Screen

The Admin Screen can be accessed by pressing Alt-F10 while a game is running. As a mnemonic, think A as in Admin uses AltKey. The settings and changes only apply to that specific game.

This screen used to be called Space Master.


Admin Tools

This menu changes properties for the current player. It is useful if you are the admin of a server and you need «god mode» powers, for example, to help other players by pasting their grids back in, and so on. Of course you can also use these powers in single-player games.

Cycle objects

This screen lets an Admin quickly find any extreme in the game by cycling through all objects sorted by specific criteria. This is useful when looking for the source of performance degradation on multiplayer servers.

While cycling, you can see the entity name and the current value displayed.

Trash removal

If you notice grids “disappearing”, check your Trash Removal settings.

After crashes or space battles, you end up with a lot of floating debris that may have an impact on performance if it is not ground down or collected. Trash removal means here that such debris is automatically deleted from the game. But the catch is, how do we define what «trash» is, while at the same time preventing the game from automatically removing, say, a half welded drone that you are still working on?

Many of these settings are intended for Multiplayer. If your game runs well in Singleplayer, suspend automatic Trash Removal, and clean up the debris yourself.


Use this panel to define «trash» in game terms. For example, you may decide to allow the game to delete any grid «that is stationary or linearly moving or accelerating, but not powered and not being controlled by a player, and has fewer blocks than 20», and so on.

You can choose from the following criteria for which items and grids are «trash»:

To accept the your new definition of trash, click Submit Changes. Or click Cancel Changes to discard any changes to «Trash Removal: General». To forbid the game to automatically remove any blocks, click Suspend.


Voxels can be automatically cleaned up as well, this means, holes are filled in and the terrain resets to how it was when the game was started. Here you can define the criteria for when that reset will happen. Voxel reset is switched off by default.

Click Enable to reset voxels that fulfil these criteria. If you made any edits, click Submit Changes, or click Cancel Changes to discard any changes to «Trash Removal: Voxels».


Here are some more criteria for automatic deletion and garbage collection. Most of them are only relevant to Multiplayer.

Click «Stop all entities» if items/wrecks are drifting to have a chance to catch them. Or, click «Remove floating objects» to draconically get rid of all debris at the risk of also deleting a few things that might still be in use.

If you made any edits, click Submit Changes, or click Cancel Changes to discard any changes to «Trash Removal: Other».

Entity List

Here an admin can view the list of all entities on this server, such as grids or players, and teleport to them, control them, or delete them.

Safe Zones

This menu manages admin-owned safe zones, which are useful, for example, to protect a spawn point on a multiplayer server. In contrast to player-built Safe Zones, admin-owned safe zones don’t need an in-world safe zone block, use no power, and do not use up zone chips.

If there is no admin controlled safe zone yet, first click «New Safe Zone» to create a safe zone at your current position.

Then select a Safe Zone from the list and configure it:

An admin can configure filters which players, factions, grids, and floating objects are allowed into the safe zone (whitelist), or are blocked from entering (blacklist). Tip: Click «Add Contained» to quickly add all players/grids/etc that are currently present in the zone to a black- or whitelist.

You can also rename or move existing Safe Zones:

Remember to enable the zone to make it work, or disable it if no longer needed.

Note: If players have created their own safe zones (using safe zone blocks), these do not appear in the list here and are not meant to be controlled from here.

Global Permissions

Choose what you want to allow players to do in this game in general. The following is allowed by default in Survival games:

For example, for a race track you could deactivate «damage» if too many cars get disqualified due to lag-related crashes.

Replay Tool

A cinematographic tool. See Replay Tool.


See Weather for general info how it appears in game. Weather must be enabled in the world settings for this world for the following Admin commands to work:

This window also shows you the current weather at the location, and its intensity and temperature.

The last line is the weather forecast and it shows incoming weather.

Spectator Tool

A cinematographic tool. See Spectator Tool.


If Economy is enabled in the world settings, an admin can control how many space credits each player owns and what their reputation among NPC traders is.


Space engineers как открыть админ панель

Но, я знаю как можно компоненты добыть, Alt +F10 и галочка на верху, это включает творческий режим, а дальше просто ставите блоки с нужными компонентами и потом убираете ту галочку и распиливаете болгарочкой то что понаставили

Нажми Alt + F10 поставь галочку на enable creative mode tools затем нажми Shift + F10 там ниже можно будет выбрать предмет который тебе нужен

Shift + F10 откроет меню генерации предметов/планет/астероидов, там же есть ресурсы ( руда/слитки ) и можно выбрать сколько надо.

Ребят а кто-нибудь знает как пролететь сквозь землю, стену или самолёт

AklasdbЗнаток (499) 1 год назад

просто часто бывает такое когда летит контейнер с лутом ввиде скина а он сквозь земль и как достать

есть баг люто сложный в исполнении, вроде не фиксят его. там с точкой массы замута. в общем на ютубе погугли «призрачные технологии space engineers»

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Is it possible to use admin commands to spawn materials (i.e. cobalt) into the game on a survival map?

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Alt-f10, check «enable creative mode tools» or something like that, close the menu, shift-f10, scroll down on the drop down to cobalt ingot or ore or whatever, place it down in game and pick up. That should work I think?

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You can now also point at a container, like a small cargo container or refinery.

Highlight/hover over the access port, and you can use shift + F10 (after enabling creative mode with alt+f10, and checking the box) and directly input your materials to spawn in the container.

I also want to highlight another helpful mod: Easy Inventory It requires Text HUD API too.

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Ну вот и обещанный гайд по программированию или скриптингу в Space Engineers. Это первая часть гайда и в ней мы рассмотрим объвление переменных и типы переменных.

И так, для начала мы установим Programmable block на нашу станцию/корабль.Открываем панель управления блока и жмякаем на кнопку «Edit». Мы сразу же видим:

Данный код создаёт метод Main в нашей внутриигровой «программе» в которой и будут происходить наши действия.Без него код не запуститься.

Писать код мы будем между строк, для этого кликаем ЛКМ после скобочки

Для работы кода у вас должно быть:
1 сенсор с именем code, со всеми полями установленными на чистую 1 (1.0000)
3 кнопки, с действиями по увеличению расширения сенсора code (налево,направо,вверх)
1 кнопка с действием Run программируемый блок.
1 программируемый блок с кодом
1 дверь с именем door

Данная статья подойдет для любого владельца игрового сервера Space Engineers, не зависимо у нас арендуется сервер или нет.

Первым делом заходим в личный кабинет и управление игровым сервером Space Engineers.

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Переходим в него и видим следующее:

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Нас интересует файл SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg открываем его и находим строчку Administrators.

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Обязательно прописываем SteamID64, узнать его можно по примеру. Сохраняете файл и запускаете сервер, проверяете админ права. Если у Вас будут вопросы, Вы всегда можете обратиться в нашу службу поддержки.


Become a Space Engineer

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The easiest way to add yourself as an administrator into the game is start your Dedicated Server and connect via DS Server Manager (1), VRage Remote Client (2) or Remote API (3).

Go to your Library/Tools, search for Space Engineers Dedicated Server and install it.

Players from all platforms can be managed while logged into a Dedicated Server, as it’s an asynchronous process.

(1) Dedicated Server Manager

Run SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe

You can use the Promote button here to assign Admin rights. Once promoted, any admin can start using the admin menu directly from the game client.

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(2) VRage Remote Client

Run VRageRemoteClient.exe

You can use the Promote button here to assign Admin rights. Once promoted, any admin can start using the admin menu directly from the game client.

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(3) Remote API – Server Provider Player Management

The Remote API is a way for server providers and experienced users. As an example, Nitrado integrated the player management for Space Engineers Dedicated servers into their portal and DS owners can control – promote/demote other players that are online there.

More info about Remote API is on the Space Engineers game page in the section above.

Adding Mods – Steam & Xbox

Mods can be added to your dedicated server through the subscribed mods tab.

Mods may be added freely but Xbox players can only use mods that are hosted on If hosting a server specifically for Xbox players, or for a mix of PC and Xbox players, please only use mods hosted through the service.

Mods that are added to the server must conform to the following format.


Подпишитесь, чтобы загрузить
SEPluginManager (broken)

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This is a plugin loader and manager which allows for easy installation of multiple plugins direct from the Steam Workshop.

DISCLAIMER Plugins allow things that are beyond the scope of what Keen allows in normal mods. This comes with greater risk of crashes, data loss, malicious intent. You should be sure you know what you are doing and what the risks are when using plugins. I’m not responsible for anything someone else’s plugin does. Plugins are particularly prone to breaking when Keen updates the game, if you start getting crashes on launch or in game you should try removing the launch option first of all.

Remember to remove this launch option if your game start crashing at launch or you unsubscribe from the mod

Alternatively, add a new non-steam game to your library and point it to the space engineers executable and give it the above launch option, this way you can easily run plugin and non-plugin versions of the game.

Run SE and if it loaded correctly you should see something like this in the bottom right of the screen:

Click the config button to enable or disable the plugins you’ve installed or subscribed to. Restart the game after you change these. Newly subscribed to plugins are not enabled by default, you must manually enable them after subscribing and restart SE.

Auto updating of plugins is disabled by default. If an update is published you must go into the manager config screen and click the update button next to the mod and restart the game. You can also enable auto updating if you wish.

If there are pending updates the SEPluginManager text in the bottom right of main menu will be orange. If one or more plugins failed to load it will be red.

Don’t add this mod to your save game’s mod list.

Logs and config can be found in the steamapps\SpaceEngineers\Bin64\SEPluginManager. If you get crashes at startup caused by a plugin, try removing the modlist.txt file in this directory, this will allow updates to be applied which may fix the crash. If the manager is loading but the plugins aren’t, check the SEPluginManager.log file in here, it may contain something helpful.

Local plugins will be loaded from sub-directories of the SEPluginManager dir listed above. For example Bin64\SEPluginManager\MySuperFunPlugin\coolstuff.dll would be where to place your local plugin.

To uninstall simply remove the launch options.

Here are some plugins by myself and others that make use of this system.

If you’re a plugin author and want to use this to distribute it, simply create a normal SE mod and in the Data directory put a zip called ‘’ containing your plugin dll (any other files you need) and a file called ‘name.txt’ with the name that will be shown to the user on the config screen. Upload to workshop and it should all work. The loader handles loading the Harmony2 library, so you don’t need to include the harmony dll if you’re using it.

It is highly recommended to have several small feature specific plugins rather than one larger with lots of changes. This way when Keen updates the game maybe only one of them will break instead of breaking everything as if it were one plugin. Additionally, it is better for compatibility with other plugins if each one does less on its own and allows the user more control over what features to enable.

If you do use this and send me a link to your workshop plugin, I’ll add it to the list above.


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