метеоритный дождь приключения драконов яйца



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НОВЫЙ КОД в Dragon Adventures Роблокс 2021 | Приключения драконаПодробнее

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НОВЫЙ КОД в Dragon Adventures Роблокс 2021 | Приключения драконаПодробнее

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Метеоритный дождь приключения драконов яйца

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Получение [ ]

Обучение [ ]

В обучении игрокам дают яйцо Грассланда и учат, как его инкубировать. В результате всегда получается дракон Рокирус (стартовый). Если игрок покидает игру после того, как подобрал обучающее яйцо, оно будет в инвентаре игрока при следующем входе в игру. Вылупление из этого яйца занимает всего 5 секунд.

Игрок начинает с одним инкубатором, однако в разделе «Редактировать базу» можно создать больше (для одного инкубатора используется 50 дерева, 50 камня и 50 угля).

Спаун [ ]

На каждой карте (кроме Leisure и Accessory Island ) есть зоны гнезд. Гнезда можно найти в определенных местах карты, а некоторые из них могут быть окружены мобами. Каждые 5 минут в случайном гнезде появляется яйцо. Иногда их бывает сложно собрать в зависимости от сложности яйца. Чтобы получить яйцо, игроку необходимо щелкнуть по нему мышкой и удерживать линию в зеленой зоне. Каждое мировое яйцо имеет свою сложность. После того как яйцо было собрано, требуется 5 минут, чтобы появилось новое. Это не относится к ивентовым яйцам.

Яйца также можно купить у Бродячего торговца и в магазине.

Торговля [ ]

Яйцами можно обмениваться на 35 уровне.

Покупка [ ]

Яйца можно купить в магазине за монеты. Чем лучше уровень, тем дороже он становится.


Тайные яйца имеют равные шансы вылупиться в дракона из каждого мира (12,5% от получения любого яйца), поэтому это может быть нежелательно при поиске одного вида дракона.

Высиживание [ ]

Типы яиц [ ]

Каждый тип яйца имеет свой цвет, указывающий, откуда оно. Например, яйца из Grassland коричневые с зеленой чешуей, яйца из Jungle зелёные, яйца из Tundra синие, яйца Volcano красные. Каждый тип яйца дает разные виды. Каждый вид обычно имеет свой уникальный шанс быть полученным из яйца. Например, Numine имеет 75% шанс вылупления из яйца Volcano, но Palus имеет только 50% шанс вылупления из яйца Jungle.


Meteor Shower Event

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Player next to the limited meteor event shop.

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Player standing next to a meteor.

This event has ended.

This event started on April 19 2021, and ended on May 2nd at 1 am CST.

The event lasted for approximately 12 days.

Sparkling meteors would fall in the Lobby world, along with an extra-terrestrial visitor named Æ A-12 in the village for special items in exchange for Meteor Shards for a limited time. The player could find meteors by seeing them fall in a purple streak of light or find them on the floor. Every meteor gives 5 meteor fragments, which the player can use to purchase limited items, like potions, base buildables, and an accessory.

When the bar near the player’s coins and meteors is full, the whole server would receive 25 Meteor Shards.

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Event Shop

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The meteor shower event shop.

In Lobby, the player can find an NPC named Æ A-12 who will exchange event items for Meteor Shards. These items consist of potions, accessories, and base buildables.

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Leaked image of event items from Discord

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Celestial Element Potion.

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ItemUsePrice (Meteors)
Five Stars Dragon AccessoryAccessory150 Meteor Shards
Star Crescent Dragon AccessoryAccessory250 Meteor Shards
Star Saddle Dragon AccessoryAccessory350 Meteor Shards
Star Dragon Bed Base BuildableBase Buildable350 Meteor Shards
Star Rug Base BuildableBase Buildable250 Meteor Shards
Star Decoration Base BuildableBase Buildable150 Meteor Shards
Star StreetlightBase Buildable350 Meteor Shards
Meteor Preset Theme PotionPreset Potion875 Meteor Shards
Celestial Element PotionElement Potion1,750 Meteor Shards

Please refrain from posting your trading offers on this page. There are already pages specifically made for your trading needs. Click on the links down below to navigate to that trading page.

Information on what the trading page is used for can be found on the same page.


Easter Event 2021

This event has ended.



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The Easter Event released on Easter Day: Sunday, April 4, 2021. Buildables, new resources including potions, the Skyrix and Aranga (Bunny), Easter Eggs, and a new Easter World are the only known things as of now to have been released for the 2021 Easter Event.


The buildables shown are not craftable, and must be bought from the Event Shop. You can purchase them with a certain amount of Carrot Cake harvested from the plants in the Easter World.

They were released during the start of the 2021 Easter Event.

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Easter World

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The 2021 Easter Event world is vibrantly colored with various trees, plants and large crystals that create sounds. There are 3 floating islands in the sky, with two other floating islands elsewhere. At the world teleporter, there are two large shrine-like structures. One is for depositing Carrot Cake, while the other is the main hub for the Egg Hunt. The largest shrine-like structure has a blue roof with stars on the inside of it. There are fourteen eggs all around it, along with vines coming from the top and floating lanterns.

Event Shop

The Event Shop is run by Taylor at the 2021 Easter World.

Around the Easter World there are harvest locations where the player can click on Easter Shrubs to collect Carrot Cake. Carrot Cake can be used in the Event Shop for base decorations, potions and more. 200 Carrot Cake may also be used to spawn the Easter Egg in the world.

ItemUsePrice (Carrot Cake)
Pastel Preset PotionPreset Potion800
Sakura PotionElement Potion2,000
Single PillarBase Decoration65
Easter FountainBase Decoration100
Overgrown Sakura WallBase Decoration50
Easter LanternBase Decoration65
Easter Pine TreeBase Decoration65
RosesBase Decoration35
Easter Street LampBase Decoration75
Easter Floor RuneBase Decoration50
Overgrown Sakura CornerBase Decoration50
Large Easter TreeBase Decoration75
Baby bunniesBase Decoration35
Chocolate BunnyBase Decoration35
Small Easter TreeBase Decoration50
Carrot BasketBase Decoration35
Floating Easter LanternBase Decoration35
Mom bunniesBase Decoration50
Overgrown Sakura GateBase Decoration75
Easter BasketBase Decoration35
Floor SconceBase Decoration35
Tree StumpBase Decoration35
Easter Crystal PlinthBase Decoration65
Floating Easter CrystalBase Decoration50
Double PillarBase Decoration75

Easter Premium Incubators

During the 2021 Easter Event there are Premium Incubators. These incubators are in the appearance of large furnaces, and speed up egg hatching from an hour to 45 minutes (25% faster) and can be found in the Easter World. There are a total of 5 incubators, one costing 25,000 coins, with the others costing 125 Robux each. There is also a shrine there that can have Carrot Cake deposited in it, and it is run by Brad. Max, who stands next to the incubators, tells the player what they do and how they work.

Note: When the player buys a Premium Incubator, the incubator stays until the end of the event, and does not disappear when the player leaves the game. Any 2021 Easter Eggs in them also stay if the player leaves.

Easter Wheel

There is a daily wheel in the 2021 Easter World, and it can be spun once every 20 hours for free. 1 Easter Token costs 80 Robux, 3 Easter Tokens cost 145 Robux, and 7 Easter Tokens cost 440 Robux.

Wheel Items

Item NameTypeAmount(s)
Carrot CakeEvent currency25, 50, 100
Fairy JarResource100
Glowing MushroomResource250
Golden AppleResource50
Golden DragonfruitResource50
Golden PearResource50
Magic CrystalResource100
PetalResource100, 300
Color Shuffle PotionPotion1
Easter Preset PotionPotion1
Material Shuffle PotionPotion1
Personality PotionPotion1
Sakura PotionPotion1
Spring Preset PotionPotion1
Easter Egg 2021Egg1

The 2021 Easter Eggs look very similar to the Easter Eggs from the previous 2020 Easter Event 2020, both having vibrant colors. Just like the previous event, both the Skyrix and the Aranga (Bunny) are obtainable from the Easter Eggs. These eggs will spawn in every 15 minutes on public servers, and 22.5 minutes on private servers. The 2021 Easter Egg can also be spawned in by using 200 Carrot Cake. To find the egg once it spawns, there will be three light rays shooting up into the sky then one single blue light ray will come down onto where the egg is for a short period of time (note: the blue ray doesn’t point directly to the egg, just to its general area. You may need to work outwards from the area where the blue ray pointed to so you can find the egg.). This feature, the rays of light, will only be present if someone has spawn an egg using carrot cakes and will not apply to the server spawning one. This means there will be no guidance to where the egg is if the server spawns one.

Tip: If you fly right over the egg you will hear a faint DING if you are high up you will not hear this. Easter Eggs take an hour to hatch in a normal incubator, but in the premium incubators, it only takes 45 minutes, The easter eggs spawn randomly in the server.

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Known Egg locations:

(The Easter Egg may be found in one of these places.)

(There are approximately 21 spawn points.)

2021 Easter Egg model

Egg Hunt

Each day a new egg is released, and collecting the eggs will increase your chance of hatching an Aranga (Bunny). You can check the calendar or Easter World for what world the egg spawns in. If you miss a day you can buy the previous egg for 25 Robux. The eggs also make a DING sound like the easter egg.

Please be aware that the message of the calendar egg spawning in chat does NOT always appear in VIP servers. The message will appear briefly on your screen, but will sometimes NOT be in chat. Beware, you can easily miss the message. If you’re in a VIP server and think you might have missed the message, wait about 10 minutes from when you joined the game and begin hunting from there.

Egg of Nature (Day 1)

It spawns in Grassland every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Nature has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Nature, the Aranga will have a 1.98% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 98% chance of hatching.

Note: The percentages listed on this page are only what would apply if you did not have the Lucky Egg Gamepass. The gamepass adds roughly +1% extra Aranga hatch rate than someone without the gamepass.

Egg of Danger (Day 2)

It spawns in Jungle every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Danger has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Danger, the Aranga will have a 2.94% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 97.1% chance of hatching.

*Many people have had struggles with finding the Egg of Danger due to the layout of the Jungle realm. It is recommended you turn your graphics up while looking for the Egg of Danger. The egg will be brighter in contrast to the plants of the Jungle realm, giving you a better chance to spot it.

Egg of Chaos (Day 3)

It spawns in Volcano every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Chaos has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Chaos, the Aranga will have a 3.88% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 96.1% chance of hatching.

Egg of Mystery (Day 4)

It spawns in Tundra every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Mystery has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Mystery, the Aranga will have a 4.81% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 95.2% chance of hatching.

Egg of Serenity (Day 5)

It spawns in Ocean every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Serenity has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Serenity, the Aranga will have a 5.71% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 94.3% chance of hatching.

Egg of Eternity (Day 6)

It spawns in Desert every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Eternity has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Eternity, the Aranga will have a 6.6% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 93.4% chance of hatching.

Egg of Beauty (Day 7)

It spawns in Fantasy every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Beauty has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Beauty, the Aranga will have a 7.48% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 92.5% of hatching.

Egg of Oblivion (Day 8)

It spawns in Wasteland every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Oblivion has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Oblivion, the Aranga will have a 8.33% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 91.7% chance of hatching.

Egg of History (Day 9)

It spawns in Prehistoric every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of History has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of History, the Aranga will have a 9.17% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 90.8% chance of hatching.

Egg of Memories (Day 10)

It spawns in Grassland every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Memories has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Memories, the Aranga will have a 10% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 90% chance of hatching.

Egg of Ancients (Day 11)

It spawns in Jungle every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Ancients has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Ancients, the Aranga will have a 10.8% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 89.2% chance of hatching.

Egg of Destruction (Day 12)

It spawns in Volcano every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Destruction has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Destruction, the Aranga will have a 11.6% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 88.4% chance of hatching.

Egg of Brilliance (Day 13)

It spawns in Tundra every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Brilliance has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Brilliance, the Aranga will have a 12.4% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 87.6% chance of hatching.

Egg of Peace (Day 14)

It spawns in Fantasy every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Peace has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.

After collecting the Egg of Peace, the Aranga will have a 13.2% chance of hatching, while the Skyrix will have a 86.8% chance of hatching.


The Aranga (Bunny) and the Skyrix are obtainable in this event. Their hatch chances from the 2021 Easter Eggs depend, as the special egg hunt eggs like the Egg of Chaos or Egg of Danger increase the Aranga’s hatch chance, but decrease the Skyrix’s hatch chance every time the player collects one. This excludes the 2021 Easter Eggs from the Easter World as seen above.

Note: The 2021 Easter eggs now have a 100% chance of hatching a Skyrix, and a 0% chance of hatching an Aranga (Bunny) due to the event ending.


The Skyrix is a dragon with 4 legs, 2 wings, and a singular horn on its head. It has fur and tail feathers, as well as 2 ears. It is about the size of an elder Agricos (Lizard) when it is full grown.

Aranga (Bunny)

The Aranga resembles that of a bunny or hare, and has 3 floating eggs above its back. It has 2 pairs of ears and 4 legs, along with the ability to fly without wings, similar to the Taihoa (Lung Dragon). It has a long fluffy tail with 2 other smaller ‘tails’ that dispense particles at their tips.

The Aranga is confirmed to not have a cap, and only 1 can be hatched per day per player.

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2021 Easter Event badge

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