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Project Zomboid консольные команды админа

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Каждый администратор сервера Project Zomboid выполняет множество различных операций, а запомнить все команды админа не просто. Для облегчения жизни мы собрали все консольные команды администратора в сводную таблицу.

Команды вводятся в чат через / при наличии соответствующих прав или непосредственно в консоль сервера.

Здесь вы найдете команды для телепортации, выдачи предметов и машин, блокировки пользователей и многое другое.

/addvehicle «Base.VanAmbulance» «name»

/addvehicle «script» «user or x,y,z»

/teleport «player1» «player2»

Все эти консольные команды администратора помогут Вам в нелегком труде по администрированию сервера.


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Cheat Menu V2.9.1

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The largest, most advanced, and easy to use mod of its kind. Features fully modular and toggleable cheats ranging from God Mode, item spawning, zombie spawning, skill editing, creative, terraforming, infinite carryweight, flying, and more.
Credit to Onkeen for the awesome preview picture.

Note: This mod is no longer being developed. If an update breaks something I’ll come back to fix it. And yes, this works on build 41, please stop asking.

All of the features are toggleable and can be turned off/on at any time. These are also compatible with any existing saves. The mod is fully modular, an update might break one or two things but it most likely will not break the entire mod. It will also work on multiplayer, but it will only show up and function for server admins (meaning it is safe for multiplayer)

I will try to help the best that I can with any issues you may have, and I am open to any suggestions with two exceptions explained later below.

To use this mod, right click anywhere and hover over the «Cheat Menu» context menu.

These are 100% safe, and do not make any permanent changes to your save.

The enabled/disabled states of the following cheats persist between loads: God Mode, Ghost Mode. Like all cheats in this mod, they do not permanently alter your save and are safe to use.

Click Subscribe and launch Project Zomboid. In the Mods menu in the Main Menu, make sure that Cheat Menu is activated (it’ll have a green check mark. if it doesn’t, double click it to activate it.)
Load or create a new character. The red context menu that you bring up when you right click anywhere will have a new entry called «Cheat Menu» that this mod adds.

According to player reports, it does not work for all players in splitscreen.

On multiplayer, the mod does not show up for non-server admins. This is intentional.

Sometimes the menu does not appear, despite the mod being enabled. This is usually caused by a mod conflict or Debug Mode being enabled.

Please report below if anything is broken. As I’ve said earlier, feel free to request any features or leave suggestions. If you’re having problems with this mod let me know in the comments and I’ll look into it.

Acecool, for overhauling the Compass Menu (now known as Teleport & GPS Menu)

Robomatt for his modding tutorials and wisdom.

Mind Mod, for which I wouldn’t have learned to mod Project Zomboid if it never existed.

Ra1n1s from pz-mods, for taking the time to test my mod and report any bugs.

Grazziani from TIS forums, for finding the solution to long distance teleportation issues.

The Indie Stone Forums and PZ-Mods community, who have provided help, reported bugs, and gave suggestions. If it wasn’t for you guys, this mod never would’ve happened

Workshop ID: 499795221
Mod ID: cheatmenu


Project Zomboid: Чит-Мод/Cheat-Mode (Cheat Menu) [2.6]

Мод совместим с сохранениями из билда 32/33
Мод работает только у администратора сервера, если вы играете в мультиплеер (это означает, что игра в безопасности, и ничто не помешает вашей игре)
Мод абсолютно безопасен, и не может изменить (а значит и испортить) ваши сохранения

Полез я значит на форум наших англоязычных друзей, вот описание всех функций


Mac OS

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Полез на форум. Пардон конечно, но перевести не судьба?

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IseAssasins Не было времени на это. Потом, может, и переведу (но это не точно)

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samsami ЛАдно прощаю =) =Р

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У меня ошибка, после нажатия на вкладку моды игра зависает (процесс не отвечатет),что посоветуете?

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Debug mode

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Debug mode is a modified game state in Project Zomboid. In this mode, the player has access to multiple developer tools which can spawn items, enable various cheats, teleport the player to any destination, and more.



Debug scenario

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A list of debug scenarios can be found on the main menu, double-clicking will start the game in a predefined scenario. Custom scenarios can be made by editing «DebugScenario.lua» at «ProjectZomboid\media\lua\client\DebugUIs\Scenarios», or creating a new scenario.

Debug menu

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The debug menu is a user interface allowing the player to view/manipulate the game state.

When in a game, a grey bug icon on the left of the HUD will appear when in debug mode. Clicking this, will make it red and display the debug menu.

General debuggers

This option shows all general game options. Currently, the only option is «GameSpeed».

addalltowhitelist/addalltowhitelistДобавить всех игроков с паролем в белый список
additem/additem «name» «Base.Axe» countДобавить предмет игроку. Без указания пользователя предмет выдается Вам
adduser/adduser «name» «pwd»Добавление нового игрока в белый список с паролем
addusertowhitelist/ addusertowhitelist «name»Добавление пользователя с паролем в белый список
addvehicleТелепортировать себя к игроку или игрока к игроку
General Game Options

GameSpeedAdjust the game speed by moving the slider. Clicking the left and right arrows will increase/decrease the game speed by 0.1 increment at a time, or 1.0 if holding the sprint key ( LShift by default). This value can range from 1 to 1000, with 0.1 increments.default=1

Moodles and Body

Player Stats and Body

HungerSlider that affects the hunger moodle, increases to 1 naturally.min=0
ThirstSlider that affects the thirst moodle, increases to 1 naturally.min=0
FatigueSlider that affects the tired moodle, increases to 1 naturally.min=0
EnduranceSlider that affects the endurance moodle, increases to 1 naturally.min=0
FitnessSlider that affects the fitness skill. This is a dynamic skill that will increase and decrease depending on the player’s actions in 0.2 increments (per level).min=-1
DrunkennessSlider that affects the drunk moodle, decreases to 0 naturally. A full bottle of alcohol adds 0.41. A higher value will increase the fatigue moodle at a much higher rate.min=0
AngerSlider that affects the angry moodle, decreases to 0 naturally.min=0
FearSlider that affects an unknown naturally static value.min=0
PainSlider that affects the pain moodle, decreases to 0 naturally. Cannot be adjusted manuallymin=0
PanicSlider that affects the panic moodle, decreases to 0 naturally.min=0
MoraleSlider that decreases to 0 naturally when stress is above 0.5. When stress is below 0.5, morale will instantly become 1.0.min=0
StressSlider that affects the stress moodle, decreases to 0 naturally.min=0
BoredomLevelSlider that affects the bored moodle, decreases to 0 naturally.min=0
SanitySlider that can be adjusted when the BoredomLevel is above 50.min=0
WetnessSlider that affects the wet moodle, decreases to 0 naturally.min=0
TemperatureSlider that affects the player’s body temperature, affecting the hyperthermia and hypothermia moodles, decreases to 0 naturally.min=20
ColdDamageStage (hypo 4)Slider that determines how much damage the player will take when the hypoermia moodle is at level 4.min=0
OverallBodyHealthSlider that affects the player’s overall health.min=0
CatchAColdStrengthSlider that affects the cold moodles, increaes to 100 naturally when above 1.0.min=0
SicknessSlider that determines the sick moodle. Adjusts with InfectionLevel and FakeInfectionLevel Cannot be adjusted manuallymin=0
InfectionLevelSlider that affects the player’s progress towards zombification, increasing rate of damage taken.min=0
FakeInfectionLevelSlider that affects the player’s sickness, naturally occurs with the hypochondriac trait.min=0
FoodSicknessLevelSlider that affects the player’s sickness, naturally occurs after eating bad food.min=0
IsInfectedCheckbox that determines whether the player has the zombie infection.boolean
IsFakeInfectedCheckbox that determines whether the player is should have zombie infection symptoms without being infected.boolean
IsOnFireCheckbox that determines whether the player is on fire.boolean
GhostCheckbox that determines whether the zombies can see the player, and zombies can be seen regardless of visibility.boolean
God ModeCheckbox that determines whether the player is in god mode. Gives the player invincibility, i.e. takes no damage, max hunger, thirst, etc.boolean

General Cheats

Build CheatCheckbox that determines whether all buildables in the metalwork and carpentry menus can be instantly built without the need of a skill or tool.boolean
Health Panel CheatCheckbox that determines whether the debug options inside the health panel are available.boolean
Moveable CheatCheckbox that determines whether all moveables can be instantly moved/rotated without the need of a skill or tool.boolean
Mechanics CheatCheckbox that determines whether the debug options inside the mechanics menu are available.boolean

Climate debuggers

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FX panel

This is opened by selecting «Other debuggers», then «WeatherFX Panel». Here you can play around with various values such as fog intensity, precipitation levels and precipitation type. Please note that to play around with these you will need to disable the ‘Climate’ manager or the simulated daily climate will overrule your changes.

Please also note that fog enabled through this method is for testing fog masking around buildings, and won’t look as good/varied as the fog generated by the virtual climate system – as it won’t take into account colour or desaturation.

Climate view panels

The debug climate control and climate values panels can be accessed by selecting «Other debuggers», then «Weather plotter» and «Daily values» respectively. These panels provide a stockmarket-type graph of the current/recent weather over hours (H1), days (D1) and months (M1)

To see what values are running under the bonnet use the legend/panel on the right, and values turned on will be green. The climate values panel, meanwhile, displays additional info about seasons, cloud cover, etc.

These panels are overall for the provision of information, but that said when you toggle «airMass» on, when it crosses the 0 middle line you will see weather generated when airmass switches from hot/cold.

Thunder panel

This panel can be opened by selecting «Other debuggers», then «Thunderbug», but is only useful if there is a storm active. A geographical indication of where the storm is over the PZ map can be seen, as well as lightning locations.


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This will display all buildings (including player-made) and can be used to detect when buildings are fully closed off from the PZ map – and as such will allow fog/precipitation to surround structures, but not appear within them. PLEASE NOTE: this is a real performance hog, so may well slow down the game when turned on.

Zombie population

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Shows all zombies as red dots on a map.

Player’s stats

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Access to player traits and skills interface.

Items list

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Allows the spawning of any item in-game to the player’s inventory.

Stash debuggers

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Allows the debugging of «annotated map» house stashes.

Debug screen

Command console

Lua debugger

The Lua debugger can be accessed by pressing F11; breaking into debugger at the next available Lua entry point. A list of all loaded Lua files are displayed on the right, with the currently selected file above the list. The line highlighted green is the entry point to the debugger, allowing for quick in-game debugging.

Map debugger


Project Zomboid Cheats and How to Access Them

Project Zomboid is a largely popular RPG zombie survival game for good reason. Rarely do games stray as far to make a the means of survival in a game so difficult that you’d spend most of your time just trying to stay alive. One of the things that keeps fans of the game coming back is that the game is a genuine hardcore survival experience. The box didn’t lie. Naturally, with a game being so difficult some players will want to find cheats to make the game either easier, more enjoyable or just so try out some of the mechanics they may not even get to without cheating. Luckily for you, there is a way to open up a cheat menu in Project Zomboid.

Along with there being a native way to cheat in the game, there is also a very popular mod which adds a cheat menu into the game. We will go through both methods of cheating in Project Zomboid on this article so you can decide for yourself if you want to cheat using the Vanilla debug menu, or download the cheat menu mod from the Steam workshop.

How To Enable Cheats in Project Zomboid

By default, there is no cheat menu in the game. There isn’t some special cheat code to input into the game and you cannot type any cheats into the console whilst playing the game. To cheat in Project Zomboid you will have to set a certain launch option before you start the game.

The first step is to find the Project Zomboid game in your Steam library. Once you have found the game, right-click on the game and go to the ‘Properties’ tab.

Once you have opened the right-click menu, go down to properties and select it. Once you have selected it you will obviously come to the game’s properties menu. From here you can opt into the latest beta, change game settings and other local setting but we are going to go to the ‘General’ tab which should be open first by default. Go down to the small text box which is under ‘Launch Options’ and type in the following launch option exactly how it looks:

Once you have typed this into the both, you can close the menu and start the game as you normally would. Once you have gotten to the main menu, start a new game and select any of the scenarios that you would wish to play in. You won’t see any obvious changes to the game yet, until you have actually gotten into the world with your character. Read the next section to find out how you can use the cheats in Project Zomboid.

How to Use Cheats

Now that we’ve enabled the debug cheat menu in Project Zomboid we are able to use some tools in order to cheat in the game and make it a bit easier. Under the moodlets on the top left of the UI you should see a symbol that looks rather unfamiliar. There is now a symbol which resembles a mosquito present on the screen. Check the image below to see what it looks like.

This symbol is your ticket to cheats in Project Zomboid. By left-clicking on this little symbol you will be able to open up the debug menu. When you click open the menu you will see a pretty large list of different debug terms on the screen. These are different sections of the game and game mechanics which can be modified in order to cheat. Take the first menu for example, the ‘General debuggers’ menu. With this, you are able to straight away change different values of your player on the fly, such as health, dirt, stamina, thirst and more. Simply select the side-menu ‘Moodles and Body”.

Another great thing you can do is toggle different cheats on and off through, such as the Health Panel cheat. One you have activated the health panel cheat, you will have access to different cheats inside the health panel. (This is the panel on that can be accessed by clicking the heart icon, which shows your character’s body parts and health.)

I will go through some of the more common cheats below and show you exactly how to enable them.

Project Zomboid God Mode Cheat

Probably the most common video game cheat of all time, god mode enables the player to take no damage at all from anything in the game. Like most popular games, Project Zomboid also has it’s own god mode cheat. There is a very easy way to enable this cheat whilst in the debug mode of your game.

As shown in the previous section, you can open up a menu which is called ‘General Debuggers’. Once here go to the ‘Modifiers and Body’ tab. Now, if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you can see a few different common cheats with checkboxes next to their name. To enable the cheat you desire, somply tick the box and close the menu. The cheat should take effect straight away. For this, we are going to check the box which says ‘God Mod’. (oops)

Once the box is checked, the player will no longer take any kind of damage. Be aware that any injuries that were sustained prior to checking the god box will remain on your character until they are healed. It is advised to fully heal your character using the health menu cheat before turning on god mode.

Now, you will be an unstoppable force in Project Zomboid. Although most players would agree that cheating in a game like Project Zomboid will ruin your fun completely, cheating can help you discover a lot of the game’s content without having to grind for it. A lot of people like playing Minecraft in creative mode so what is the harm in enjoying a game with cheats enabled to change your experience? I say you do you.

With so many different features and mechanics I could be here all day talking about all of the cheats which you can enable in Project Zomboid. I will just try to stick to the main cheats in the game and the most common ones so that this page doesn’t end up being a 30 minute read. Check out the debug menu for yourself if you really want to dive into every cheat that is available in the game. There are a lot.

Ghost Mode Cheat in Project Zomboid

Along with the god mode cheat, there is another common cheat called the ghost mode. With the ghost mode enabled, none of the enemies in the game will be able to detect the player’s character at all. This will not prevent the player from taking any damage however, so be warned that you could still cut you legs and hands on broken glass and fall from heights to sustain damage.

To enable the ghost cheat, use the same steps as previously mentioned in the guide to enabling god mode. Once again, go to the ‘General Debuggers’ section of the debug menu and scroll down to the bottom of the “Moodles and Body’ section. Now, you will find a checkbox with Ghost written next to it. Select this checkbox to enable the Ghost cheat so you can slip past any NPC undetected.

No Building Cost / Creative Mode

Another great cheat to try out some of the building mechanics in Project Zomboid is the Building cheat. Once enable, this cheat will allow the player to build whatever item they want at no cost instantly. Build to your heart content without limit with this Project Zomboid Build 41 cheat.

Once activated, the player can build things as they usually would in the game by using the right-click menu of their mouse. With the menu opened, build things as you usually would in the game by selecting the carpentry or metalworking tab and choosing the item that you;d like to build. Now, you can place this item wherever you want in the world without having any cost at all and without having to physical build it.

Using the build cheat you can place whatever you want. This could be helpful for setting up a main base when you’re doing a legitimate run later. You could use the build cheat to set up different player housing on a role-playing server. Maybe you just want to try out a build for a future base or see what different things you can build without the pressure of possibly dying to zombies or having to go out and collect all the resources.

Let your creative juices flow and build something hopefully better than what I have done in the image above with the Build cheat.

Project Zomboid Cheat Mod

There is also a very popular mod which adds an easier cheat menu to the game. If you don’t want to mess with the launch options of the game, or simply just want an easier access to cheat options that this mod might be for you. Being available on the Steam Workshop for Project Zomboid makes this mod fairly easy to install and use.

Simply go to the workshop and subscribe to the mod. Once you are in-game you will be able to select the option from the menu which is labelled ‘Mods’. You can select which mods to turn off and on in this menu. Once in-game, simply right-click and you will see all of the different options available for the cheat menu there in the game.

ou can check out the mod Cheat Menu V2.9.1 here for a full list of features and download page.


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