life after еда рецепты
База игровых гайдов
Для приготовления еды в LifeAfter вам потребуется гриль. Приготовленная еда обладает полезными бонусами. В этом гайде вы найдете рецепты кулинарии в LifeAfter.
Рецепт Варенья
Положительный эффект: Утоление голода
Необходимые ингредиенты: Фрукты (4 штуки)
Рецепт Пареные овощи
Положительный эффект: Утоление голода
Необходимые ингредиенты: Овощи (4 штуки)
Рецепт Шашлык
Положительный эффект: Повышение урона по диким животным
Необходимые ингредиенты: Мясо (1 штука) / Овощи (3 штуки)
Положительный эффект: Повышение критического урона
Рецепт Цукаты
Положительный эффект: Утоление голода
Необходимые ингредиенты: Фрукты (3 штуки) / Мёд (1 штука)
Рецепт Жаренное мясо
Положительный эффект: Восстановление HP
Необходимые ингредиенты: Мясо (4 штуки)
Рецепт Тост
Положительный эффект: Утоление голода
Необходимые ингредиенты: Мука (4 штуки)
Рецепт Жаренные грибы
Положительный эффект: Восстановление HP
Рецепт Суп с овощами и рыбными фрикадельками
Положительный эффект: Повышение максимальной энергии
Необходимые ингредиенты: Рыба (1 штуки) / Овощи (3 штуки)
Рецепт Горячая вода
Положительный эффект: Восстанавливает температуру тела и лечит простуду
Необходимые ингредиенты: Кубик льда (4 штуки)
Рецепт Молоко
Положительный эффект: Восстанавливает температуру тела и здоровье
Необходимые ингредиенты: Молоко (4 штуки)
Рецепт Жаренные ломтики тыквы
Положительный эффект: Утоление голода
Необходимые ингредиенты: Мука (1 штука) / Молоко (1 штука) / Тыква (2 штуки)
Рецепт Жаренные грибные палочки
Положительный эффект: Повышение скорости рытья
Необходимые ингредиенты: Мука (3 штука) / Рыба (1 штука)
Все рецепты в LifeAfter. Боевые блюда. #1
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Яйцо, Сахар, Ананас, Ананас
Блюдо из огненного гидролага
Огненный гидролаг, Рыбные ингредиенты
Булочка со свининой
Мясо, Мука, Соус
Мясо, Фрукт, Мука
Вареники в остром соусе
Мясо, Мука, Мука, Мука
Вареный кровавый тофу
Мясо, Перец, Приправа, Внутренности
Варёная кукуруза под соусом чили
Перец, Кукуруза
Вермишель со свининой
Мясо, Перец, Вермишель, Вермишель
Говяжья и бычья требуха с соусом чили
Перец, Масло, Внутренности, Внутренности
Говяжья похлёбка с картофелем
Мясо, Мясо, Морковь, Картошка
Горячее и острое блюдо
Мясо, Соус, Лук
Жареная хрустящая свинина
Мясо, Мясо, Приправа, Приправа
Жареное мясо кубиками
Мясо, Перец
Жареные картофельные дольки
Перец, Масло, Картошка, Картошка
Жареные клёцки
Мясо, Яйцо, Яйцо, Приправа
Жареные свиные внутренности
Перец, Перец, Внутренности, Внутренности
Жареный грунион
Грунион, Рыбные ингредиенты
Жареный картофель
Жареный картофель с лимонным соком
Лук, Картошка, Картошка, Лимон
Жареный картофельный жульен
Масло, Сахар, Картошка, Картошка
Жареный молодой картофель с зеленью
Масло, Лук, Картошка, Картошка
Жареный рубленый картофель в масле
Соус, Масло, Лук, Картошка
Картофельное пюре
Молоко, Молоко, Картошка, Картошка
Мясо, Приправа, Картошка, Картошка
Кисло-сладкая свинина
Мясо, Мясо, Сахар, Ананас
Киш с овощами
Овощи, Яйцо
Клубничное желе
Молоко, Лёд, Клубника, Клубника
Кукуруза и фарш
Мясо, Кукуруза
Кунжут и красная фасоль
Особая мука, Особая мука, Чёрный кунжут и красная фасоль, Чёрный кунжут и красная фасоль
Перец, Лук, Тофу, Тофу
Молочный суп
Мясо, Молоко
Мясной пирог с морковью
Мясо, Мясо, Морковь, Морковь
Мясные вареники в остром соусе
Мясо, Мука, Перец
Мясо, Овощи, Яйцо, Рис
Яйцо, Рис, Соус
Особая пицца
Вермишель, Лук, Перец
Острая рисовая лапша
Перец, Рис
Остро-сладкие тефтельки
Мясо, Мёд, Перец
Острый тофу
Мясо, Лук, Тофу
Пареная рубленая свинина с солёным яйцом
Мясо, Мясо, Яйцо, Рис
Парная рыба с перцем
Перец, Большеголовый карп, Рыбные ингредиенты
Паровая свинина с рисовой мукой
Мясо, Рис, Соус
Пирог с мясом
Мясо, Мука
Питательная похлёбка
Мясо, Мука, Молоко
Пицца с кукурузой и креветками
Мука, Креветка, Кукуруза
Плавательный пузырь с креветками
Рыба, Овощи, Масло
Пряно-острое блюдо с морепродуктами
Перец, Креветка, Кальмар, Морской краб
Рис в горшочке
Мясо, Рис, Рис, Приправа
Рис с картофелем и беконом
Мясо, Рис, Лук, Картошка
Рис с кокосом
Кокос, Яйцо, Рис, Соус
Рис с рубленой свининой
Мясо, Яйцо, Рис, Соус
Рисовая каша с яйцом и свининой
Мясо, Яйцо, Рис, Рис
Рисовые роллы с внутренностями
Перец, Вермишель, Внутренности
Рисовые роллы с мясом
Мясо, Мясо, Рис, Соус
Рисовые роллы с почками и печёнкой
Рис, Соус, Внутренности
Рисовые роллы с яйцом
Яйцо, Яйцо, Рис, Соус
Рисовые тефтельки
Мясо, Мясо, Рис, Приправа
Рубленая свиная рулька в желе
Мясо, Соус, Масло
Салат с яйцом и картофельным пюре
Молоко, Яйцо, Кукуруза, Картошка
Мясо, Мясо, Мясо, Соус
Сладкий рисовый десерт
Рис, Мука, Приправа
Мясо, Овощи, Фрукт, Мука
Суши с овощами
Овощи, Овощи, Овощи, Рис
Рыба, Молоко
Тарелка с маринованными деликатесами
Внутренности, Яйцо, Соус
Грибы, Креветка, Лук
Тушёные картофельные кубики
Перец, Морковь, Картошка, Картошка
Фруктовый пирог
Фрукт, Мука, Мёд
Фуршет из клёцок
Мясо, Овощи, Рис
Хлеб с беконом и картофелем
Мясо, Мука, Мука, Картошка
Хрустящие блинчики
Мясо, Мука, Приправа
Мясо, Фрукт
Яичница с грибами
Грибы, Яйцо
Яичные вареники со свежим мясом
LifeAfter Food Recipes List: A Complete Guide to Food Recipes
Posted on Last updated: March 26, 2019
As you are probably aware by now, LifeAfter is the recently released zombie survival game from NetEase, which is the same company behind popular mobile titles such as Rules of Survival, Survivor Royale, and Crusaders of Light. The game, which is available for iOS and Android devices alike, puts you as one of the survivors after a devastating virus plagues the entire world, resulting in hordes of zombies, or as the game calls them, “Infected” Creatures and other monsters. We have already published a LifeAfter beginner’s guide, to help out players who are starting out with some neat tips and tricks.
Of course, the cards will be stacked against you at first, as you’ll have your health intact but your stomach growling in hunger and your fists being your only form of defense against the Infected. How long can you survive in the wilderness, and how well could you prepare yourself through proper base management, diligent crafting and recipe preparation, and the creation of weapons to defend yourself against these undead creatures?
You will notice that we mentioned “recipe preparation” above, and that’s exactly what we shall be focusing on in this LifeAfter strategy guide. There are so many food recipes which you can prepare using a variety of ingredients and ingredient combinations, and each of them have their own specific benefits. Read on and find out how to “craft” these recipes and improve your chances of making it in this post-apocalyptic world!
Introduction To LifeAfter Food Recipes
When it comes to food, there are several places where you can find the required ingredients to cook up a new recipe. For starters, you can gather fruit, for instance, while exploring, and the same applies to meat, which will come from the animals that you are able to successfully kill while out there in the wild. Meanwhile, there are other ingredients which you could purchase from the game’s non-playing characters.
Yes, it can be quite a challenge satisfying your hunger in the early stages of the game. But if you’re patient enough, if you properly store the resources you collected, and if you spend your in-game currency wisely, it wouldn’t be too hard at the end of the day to ensure that you never go hungry. Take note that some recipes have different effects than others — some may be able to allay your hunger, while others could keep you warm by increasing your body temperature, for instance. Also, bear in mind that these recipes need to be cooked in order for you to consume them and take advantage of their benefits. That means finding a Petrol Barrel like the one near your Development Zone, though in most cases, you obviously don’t want to be cooking in the darkness of night, when there are lots of zombies, er…Infected prowling the area.
With that said, let’s take a look at most, if not all of the recipes you can cook up while playing LifeAfter.
Recipes For Allaying Hunger / Restoring Fullness
When exploring in LifeAfter, it’s important that you don’t ignore that growling sound coming from your stomach — believe us, you would indeed be able to hear it, aside from seeing your Fullness bar at low levels. Not only will hunger impact your ability to chop down trees, dig for stone, fight off Impacted, etc. — you will also notice your HP dropping as your Fullness drops down to dangerously low levels. These recipes are designed to allay your hunger (completely restoring Fullness) or incrementally restoring said Fullness stat, so make sure you can cook a few of these before heading out for some wood-chopping, Infected-fighting, or any other tasks that could deplete your Fullness.
(Note: This does not include recipes that also have an impact on your Health stat or allow for HP regeneration instantly or over time, as this would be covered in the next category.)
1. Bread with Jam
Ingredients: Flour, Fruit
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +37.5
2. Candied Food
Ingredients: Fruit, Honey
Main Stats Impacted: HP +60, Fullness +27.5
3. Jam
Ingredients: Fruit
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +30
4. Steamed Crab
Ingredients: Crab
Main Stats Impacted: Allay Hunger
5. Steamed Shrimp
Ingredients: Shrimp
Main Stats Impacted: Allay Hunger
6. Steamed Vegetables
Ingredients: Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +30, Health +2.5
7. Toast
Ingredients: Flour
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +60
Recipes For Health / HP Restoration
Of course, allaying your hunger is just part of the equation when talking about survival in LifeAfter. You also have your HP to take into consideration, and anyone who’s been playing for some time should know that attacks from Infected, especially hordes of Infected, could significantly dent your HP. Health, on the other hand, gets affected when you are exposed to the rain and catch a cold, or possibly catch some other virus. And when Health goes down, your other stats could gradually go down as well.
In the event you fall sick or lose a lot of HP in the in-game world, these recipes should serve as the ideal pick-me-up, while also improving a stat or two on top of those benefits.
1. Barbecued Meat
Ingredients: 4x Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +40, Fullness +40
Additional Effect: HP regeneration
2. Carrot Patty
Ingredients: 2x Carrot, 2x Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Health
Additional Effect: Health restored
3. Fried Tricholoma
Ingredients: 4x Tricholoma
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Health
Additional Effect: Health restored
4. Fruit Milk
Ingredients: Fruit, Milk
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Health
Additional Effect: Health restored
5. Grilled Mushrooms
Ingredient: Mushroom
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +30, Health +5
Additional Effect: Health restored
6. Honey
Ingredients: 4x Honey
Main Stats Impacted: HP +240, Fullness +20
Additional Effect: HP regeneration
7. Honey Grilled Meat
Ingredients: Honey, Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +70, Fullness +30
Additional Effect: HP gradually regenerates
8. Juice
Ingredients: 2x Fruit, 2x Ice Cube
Main Stats Impacted: None other than HP
Additional Effect: HP restored
9. Meat Plate
Ingredients: 2x Meat, Mushroom, Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: HP +20, Fullness +30, Health +2.5
10. Mushroom Soup
Ingredients: Mushroom, Milk
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Health
Additional Effect: Health restored
11. Strawberry Muffin
Ingredients: 3x Strawberry, Flour
Main Stats Impacted: None other than HP
Additional Effect: HP restored
Recipes For Increasing Damage
When fighting the Infected, you can only do so much with your weapons. Some of the Infected could have higher levels than others, and some types, of course, are harder to defeat than others. (Special Infected and Humanoid Monsters, for example.) Need some help with that? LifeAfter has several recipes that have the effect of increasing the damage inflicted on Infected Creatures, Humanoid Monsters, and even Buildings and wild animals. Let’s take a look at these recipes and what they specifically do when you consume them.
1. Fruit Pie
Ingredients: Fruit, Honey, Flour
Main Stats Impacted: HP +60, Fullness +35
Additional Effect: Increases damage vs. Humanoid Monsters
2. Meatballs
Ingredients: Meat, Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: HP +10, Fullness +35, Health +2.5
Additional Effect: Increases damage vs. Infected Creatures
3. Meat Skewer
Ingredients: Meat, Fruit
Stats Impact: HP +10, Fullness +32.5
Additional Effect: Increases damage vs. Wild Animals
4. Milk Stew
Ingredients: Meat, Milk
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increases damage vs. Infected Creatures
5. Mince Pie
Ingredients: Flour, Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +30, Fullness +45
Additional Effect: Increases damage to Humanoid Monsters
6. Nutrition Stew
Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Significantly increased damage to Wild Animals
7. Sandwich
Ingredients: Meat, Flour, Fruit
Main Stats Impacted: HP +10, Fullness +40
Additional Effect: Increases damage to Infected Creatures
8. Special Pizza
Ingredients: Meat, Vegetable, Mushroom, Flour
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increases damage to Buildings
Recipes For Boosting Speed
For the most part, the Infected are slow-moving creatures that, on the outset, look easy to outrun. But you should know that they could be deceptively fast at times, and could end up catching up with you if you aren’t careful. To this end, you’ll need a boost to your Movement Speed, and this game does have its share of recipes that are specifically designed to help you get that much-needed increase in speed to help you evade the Infected.
Additionally, you’ll need to dig quickly as the sun prepares to set, because we all know that night time is the right time for the Infected to attack. We’ve also included the known recipes that could increase your Digging Speed and help you wrap up faster so you could return to the safety of your base before the Infected strike. There’s even one recipe that could increase your Crit Chance, though we’re going to be dealing with that stat in greater detail later on in this LifeAfter guide.
1. Fried Fish Finger
Ingredients: Fish
Additional Effect: Increases Digging Speed
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Digging Speed
2. Fruitcake
Ingredients: Fruit, Honey, Flour, Milk
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Movement Speed
Additional Effect: Extended increase in Movement Speed
3. Strawberry Jelly
Ingredients: 2x Strawberry, Milk, Ice Cube
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Movement Speed and Grit Chance
Additional Effect: Increases Movement Speed and Crit Chance
4. Strawberry Yogurt
Ingredients: Strawberry, Honey, Ice Cube, Milk
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Movement Speed
Additional Effect: Increases Movement Speed
5. Toffee
Ingredients: Honey, Milk
Main Stats Impacted: HP +140, Fullness +20, Health +20
Additional Effect: Increases Movement Speed
Recipes for Changing Body Temperature
Changes to your Body Temperature could cause you to fall ill, so what’s to do in such a situation? How can you specifically cure a common cold, mainly the type that you could come down with while playing LifeAfter? Here are the recipes you could prepare to nip things at the bud and cure your cold and/or alter your body temperature.
1. Bee Syrup
Ingredients: Honey, 3x Ice Cube
Main Stats Impacted: HP +60, Fullness +5
Additional Effect: Increase Body Temperature, Cure Cold
2. Beet Porridge
Ingredients: Honey, Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: HP +60, Fullness +27.5, Body Temperature +20
Additional Effect: Increase Body Temperature, Cure Cold
3. Cream Soup
Ingredients: Milk, Meat, Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Body Temperature
Additional Effect: Significantly increases Body Temperature
4. Dumplings
Ingredients: Meat, Mushroom, Flour
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Body Temperature
Additional Effect: Increases Body Temperature
5. Fruit Smoothie
6. Fruity Popsicle
7. Hot Water
Ingredients: Ice Cube
Main Stats Impacted: Body Temperature +15
Additional Effect: Restore Body Temperature and Cure Cold
8. Milk
Ingredients: Milk
Additional Effect: Restore Body Temperature and Health
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Body Temperature and Health
9. Milk Pudding
Ingredients: Milk, Ice Cube, Honey
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Body Temperature
Additional Effect: Lowers Body Temperature
10. Stewed Fish Soup
Ingredients: Fish
Main Stats Impacted: None other than Body Temperature
Additional Effect: Restore Body Temperature and Cure Cold
Fish / Seafood Recipes
Once you’re able to reach the fishing quests in the game, you’ll be able to satiate your hunger by catching fish and cooking it. Now we’ve mentioned fish a few times earlier on in this guide, but as you’ll see from the following recipes, different fish have different effects, and they could improve a wide range of stats depending on the recipe you prepare.
1. Grilled Carp
Ingredients: Carp, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +10, Fullness +32.5
Additional Effect: Increases Gathering Speed for 10 minutes
2. Grilled Catfish
Ingredients: Catfish, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +5, Fullness +40
Additional Effect: Increases Digging Speed for 10 minutes
3. Grilled Grass Carp
Ingredients: Grass Carp, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +35, Fullness +40
Additional Effect: Increases Logging Speed for 10 minutes
4. Grilled Grouper
Ingredients: Grouper, Any Vegetable/Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Gathering Speed for 10 minutes
5. Grilled Napoleon Fish
Ingredients: Napoleon Fish, Any Vegetable/Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Logging and Mining Speed for 10 minutes
6. Grilled Parrotfish
Ingredients: Parrotfish, Any Vegetable/Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Logging Speed and Crit Chance for 10 minutes
7. Grilled Pufferfish
Ingredients: Pufferfish, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +350, Fullness +40, Health +10
8. Grilled Ribbonfish
Ingredients: Ribbonfish, Any Vegetable/Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Logging Speed for 10 minutes
9. Grilled Salmon
Ingredients: Salmon, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Increased: None
Additional Effect: Increased Hemp Gathering Speed and Grit Chance
10. Grilled Silver Carp
Ingredients: Silver Carp, Any Vegetable/Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Maximum Breath for 10 minutes
11. Grilled Squid
Ingredients: Squid, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: Increased Health and Fullness
12. Grilled Tilapia
Ingredients: Tilapia, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Mining Speed and Crit Chance for 10 minutes
13. Grilled Turbot
Ingredients: Turbot, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Mining Speed for 10 minutes
14. Grilled Yellow Croaker
Ingredients: Yellow Croaker, Any Vegetable or Meat
Main Stats Impacted: Increased Health and Fullness
Crit Chance / Miscellaneous Recipes
Finally, let’s look at the other recipes that could improve some of the miscellaneous stats that we haven’t covered in great detail in the other categories. Mainly, we’ll be looking at Crit Chance, which, as we explained earlier, is your chance of landing a critical hit in a variety of activities — we’re not just talking about fighting off enemies here, but also chopping down trees and digging for stone!
1. Assorted Platter
Ingredients: Meat, Mushroom, Fruit, Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increase Crit Chance for Logging and Digging
2. Egg Tart
Ingredients: Honey, Flour, Milk
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increased Crit Chance for Digging
3. Fish Ball Noodles
Ingredients: Fish, Flour
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increases Max HP
4. Fruit and Vegetable Salad
Ingredients: Fruit, Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +30
Additional Effect: Increased Crit Chance for Hemp Gathering
5. Honey Croissant
Ingredients: Flour, Honey
Main Stats Impacted: HP +60, Fullness +80
Additional Effect: Increased Crit Chance for Logging
6. Honey Mushroom
Ingredients: Honey, Mushroom
Main Stats Impacted: HP +60, Fullness +27.5, Health +2.5
Additional Effect: Significantly increased Crit Chance for Hemp Gathering
7. Milky Croissant
Ingredients: Milk, Flour
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Significantly increased Crit Chance for Logging
8. Mushroom Noodles
Ingredients: Flour, Mushroom
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +37.5, Health +2.5
Additional Effect: Increased Crit Chance for Digging
9. Mushroom Skewers
Ingredients: Mushroom, Meat
Main Stats Impacted: HP +10, Fullness +32.5, Health +2.5
Additional Effect: Increased Crit Chance
10. Spaghetti
Ingredients: Flour, Meat, Vegetable, Fruit
Main Stats Impacted: HP +10, Fullness +42.5, Health +2.5
Additional Effect: Increased Crit Chance
11. Vegetable and Fish Ball Soup
Ingredients: Fish, Vegetable
Main Stats Impacted: None
Additional Effect: Increases Max Energy
12. Vegetable Cake
Ingredients: Vegetable, Flour
Main Stats Impacted: Fullness +52.5
Effect: Increased Crit Chance for Logging
And this wraps up our food recipe guide for LifeAfter. If you know any other tips or tricks for new recipes in the game, be sure to drop us a line in the comments below!