как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс

SCP 3008 в Роблокс (управление)

Данный режим представляет собой игру на очень большой карте, которая, как отмечают некоторые игроки, «словно бесконечная». Причём карта эта наполнена различными предметами, встречающиеся в IKEA. Речь идёт, конечно же, о мебели, которую можно приобрести.


Управление в режиме

Как поворачивать предметы в SCP 3008

Для того что бы повернуть предмет необходимо поднять его, нажать на цифру 1, 2 или 3 а затем нажать на клавишу «R». В зависимости от нажатой цифры вы сможете вращать предметы по оси X, Y или Z.

Как телепортироваться

Для того что бы телепортировать любого игрока или самого себя нужно открыть соответствующее меню (скрин 1). Выбрать себя или игрока и нажать Go To если хотите что бы игрок телепортировался к Вам, или Bring если хотите что бы Вы сами телепортировались к игроку.

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Как сделать Waypoint (точку возрождения)

Для этого откройте соответствующее меню, пропишите имя точки возрождения, выберите цвет и настройки отображения. Нажмите «Create Waypoint».

Как сделать бесконечную жизнь и энергию себе или другому игроку

Для этого откройте меню, вкладку «Mod menu», «Player settings Menu» и в строке Ennergy и Health пропишите inf. Так же можете прописать любое другое значение.

Как присесть

Для того что бы присесть необходимо нажать на клавишу «С». Это может пригодиться для того что бы пролезть под стол или любой другой объект на карте под который невозможно пройти пешком.

Как включить светильник

Для того что бы включить или выключить светильник необходимо нажать на клавишу «F».

Как подобрать предмет

Для того что бы подобрать предмет необходимо нажать на клавишу «F».

В чём же суть режима?

В том, что в дневное время вы можете застраиваться этими самыми объектами. То есть, вы можете сделать себе собственный дом. Но как только наступает тёмное время суток, из этой самой тьмы выбираются самые страшные монстры. И вам придётся выживать уже с трудом.

Похожие записи:

Монстры эти выглядят по-разному, но при этом могут навести на игрока ужас. Режим достаточно атмосферный и вы можете испытать всё на собственной шкуре, поиграв в него как в одиночку, так и вместе с друзьями. А настоящим катализатором для страха станет музыкальное сопровождение в этом режиме.

В чём особенность?

Как уже было сказано выше, каждый игрок имеет право создавать собственное убежище из окружающих предметов. Вы можете даже создать огромную башню, на которой вас не достанут монстры, но она всё же будет уязвимой для этих созданий.

Помните, что чем больше времени игрок уделяет для постройки сооружения и защиты от монстров, тем больше вероятность, что эти самые «охотники» не сумеют его достать. То есть, по сути, данный режим — это выживание, где на каждом шагу игрока поджидает настоящая опасность и страх. И вы, как выживший, должны будете потратить все силы собственного воображения, чтобы создать безопасное место для пребывания.

Хотите поиграть с собственным сыном или дочерью в этот режим? Пожалуйста. Он отлично подходит для людей всех возрастов, так как в нём нет жестокости. Вам нужно лишь правильно прятаться от ваших врагов и придумывать, как достичь совершенства в этом режиме.


Easter Eggs


House Easter Egg

Can be found on pillars, contains normal furniture. One of the tables has a chocolate bar labeled: «DEN GODA CHOKLAD», which means «The Good Chocolate» in Swedish. When it’s picked up, it doesn’t appear in the inventory. The only way to get it back is to reset, as it drops normally.


On The 2L Doctor Bob bottle, you can see a picture of Hubert in the top-right hand corner of the front label

Pink bed

If you play SCP-3008 with a female avatar there is a small chance that 1 of the beds of any plot with beds is gonna be pink. The bed can be also be spawned in a VIP server

All toy figurines included in the play plot are mini versions of Uglyburger0 or the people he knows, there is also one toy that is a reference to Hubert.

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One of the toy figurines

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A mini version of a Hubert toy

Loading screen

There is a VERY small chance that this easter egg will pop up. It shows a RTX Yellow crewmate with a speech bubble saying «AMOG US» when the game is loading. If you didn’t know, this is an internet meme.

Render man face

In on side of the cafeteria, there is an empty tray. And inside that tray is a creepy face which is an internet meme called «Render man face». This is also the part of the plot that you can find the other Hubert easter egg.

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Render man face, if you look closely enough, you will see it.


At a random living room plot, at one side, a GameCube can be found. Most younger people wouldn’t really know what it is, but it’s just a small easter egg for most older people who grew up playing on the GameCube (irl).

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Stuffed animals

You might think that the stuffed animals might just be for game décor, but they are are actually real IKEA products, like DJUNGELSKOG.

как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть картинку как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Картинка про как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс

A DJUNGELSKOG stuffed animal toy.

Bob Ross sign

как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть картинку как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Картинка про как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс

Death message

When someone happens to die, prior to starving, falling, or getting beat up by employees, a message in the chat informing others will appear. There is an unknown chance that the death message will say «(Player) doesn’t feel too good». This is a reference to one of Marvel’s movies: «Infinity war». The line is said by actor Tom Holland after Thanos, the main supervillain, snaps the infinity gauntlet: «Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good. «. Another one death message, «(Player) asked for weapons.», is a reminder to all players that Uglyburger0 does not want to add weapons.

VIP items

In the VIP server spawn menu, there are one, too many things. Although aside the toy figurine references, there is the «Space Jam». In the inside of a Space Jam, there is a picture referring to it. «Space Jam» is a movie about Lebron James and Bugs Bunny. Commonly known as the «Hello Chat» meme.

April Fools Easter Egg

During the April Fools version there was a low chance of getting a tip named


Survival Guide

как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть картинку как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Картинка про как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс

A survival guide to «SCP-3008».

This is a Survival Guide for new players. Here, you can learn about some tips and tricks for surviving in SCP-3008. This includes behavior patterns of the enemies, methods of survival and building tips.


Your First Night

As many survival game players know, it’s a really big know-how that you know what to do on your first night. The main objective at night is keeping the various instances of SCP-3008-2 away. You must also watch your energy level, as when it runs out you start losing health quickly. If you run out of health, you will spawn near where you died (Or probably far), making it easier to to re-find your home base.

If you have time in the day before your first night, any of the following will increase your chances of survival:

The easiest way to make a base is to build on a cafeteria: make walls and a roof so employees can’t get in, and make sure that the walls cover the entire cafeteria. It’s the easiest way and you’ll never run out of food. Or, you can just make a simple 5-sided base out of any decent building material you can find. Another good way is to fix up an abandoned base.

An extremely important tip is to use waypoints. If you go into the extras menu (T key), you can create up to four waypoints (plus another 4 waypoints if you have the Octuple Waypoints Gamepass). These can only be seen by you and will only go away if you leave the game or delete/hide them. It is advised to make a waypoint on your base, and any other important areas you want to remember the location of.

Finding Your Friends

Working together to build bases and find food can prove very beneficial. Therefore, finding teammates and friends is pretty much required if you need a helping hand. There is one good strategy that works every time, granted that you do it the right way. There are other less effective but acceptable methods of finding people as well.

Main Method

как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Смотреть картинку как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Картинка про как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс. Фото как съесть еду в scp 3008 роблокс

White arrow in the middle of rotation arrows

First pick up an object, any object, as long as you can see a white arrow in the middle of the rotation arrows. It is hard to see at first because it is mostly transparent but you should be able to see it eventually. Press ctrl + shift + r to reset the position of the object, or press the reset button on mobile. Then rotate it on the Y axis, or green arrow once. Go to the direction the arrow is facing, and tell your friends to do the same.

If you have done it right, you should be able to meet each other in one of the corners, where you can now work together to survive!

Additional Methods

Developing Maximum Security

After the first few nights you should feel comfortable with expansion. Or, if you’ve already found a base, with building good security.

There are doors in the game, but they don’t work properly. There are numerous strategies to creating an area where enemies can’t or probably won’t get in. Note that:




General Information

Attack damage


Fast (Night)
Very Fast (Blood Night)


Employee Information


2 (Manual spawning only)


3 (Height Variation)
3 (Length Variation)



In the game, these characters wander about passively in the day-time, and try to harm players at night-time. They do a range of 7-13 damage to players over time if the players get too close to them.

They cannot be killed in-game, and are very sparsely populated.

They can be trapped using furniture. This is easier during night-times due to the pushing mechanic. However, this is very risky.

If they are pushed (left click the employee), they will be pushed with slight knockback and be stunned for a few seconds. However, this is only active during the Night.


They can come in many skin colors such as white, pink, brown, tan, and peach. They may have thick legs, women body type, flat, and hunched. The Hubert is from the April fools addition (to read more look below) a Ben is only legs.

General Employees

April Fools Employees

These employees are exclusively part of the April Fools updates, meaning you can not find them during the actual game. However, if you missed out, there is an April Fools version of the game that you can play.


In the game, SCP-3008-2 can take on many forms, all resembling the same figure, but with different features that make them unique.

Skin Color

There are 5 different skin colors:


There are 4 different height variations:


There are 3 different length variations:


In-game, SCP-3008-2 will be passive during the day, walking at a slow pace, ignoring other players. If they detect an obstacle in their path, they will slowly find another direction to walk in. They do not pay attention to whistling at this time and simply continue on their path. They also cannot be pushed. They will only attack during the day if it happens to be a Foggy Day.


At night, SCP-3008-2 becomes hostile & active. When unprovoked, SCP-3008-2 will walk around as they normally would during the day. However, if they hear or see a player(s), they will begin to chase them, usually just under the speed of a running player. While they do this, they will repeat to the player, «Excuse me, the store is now closed. Please exit the building.» in a monotone, deep, and harmonized voice (sometimes, in a demonic-like voice.) They will stop chasing the player once they are far away from the player(s), or if the player(s) are out of sight for long enough.

While chasing the player, they will not only have the ability to chase down the player, but also to climb, jump, and parkour to the player. They also have the ability to go into crawl spaces if they are short enough or if they tilt back while running toward the player (This may happen if they run into something). Along with that, they can also make multiple pathways to one player if an entryway (e.g. to a sky base) is blocked off through a process called pathfinding. For example, if the player has two staircases and a ladder, SCP-3008-2 can make its way to the player in all three ways, choosing the shortest distance first.

Blood Moon

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Blood Moons (also referred to as Blood Nights) are nights with intensified night music, a red lighting instead of the usual night’s lighting, and buffed employees. Blood Nights occur every 10th night, and has a 1 in 20 chance to activate on other nights.

During Blood Moons, SCP-3008-2 becomes very hostile, and more active than average. When unprovoked, SCP-3008-2 will walk around as they normally would during the day. However, if they hear or see a player, they will begin to chase them at a speed about 2 times the speed of a running player. While they do this, they will repeat the phrase, «Excuse me, the store is now closed. Please exit the building.» in a monotone, deep, and harmonized voice (sometimes, in a demonic-like voice). They will stop chasing the player(s) once they are far away from the player(s), or if the player(s) are out of sight for long enough.

While chasing the player, they have not only the ability to chase down the player at lightning speed, but also to climb fast, jump very high (about the same height as an industrial shelf plot), and parkour to the player.

TIP: During Blood Moons, it is recommended that you hide away from the employees until day-time, and to stay out of their line of sight.

Foggy Day

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Foggy Days look like normal days, but with more fog than usual. Foggy Days occur every 15th day, and has a 1 in 100 chance to activate on other days.

During Foggy Days, SCP-3008-2 becomes hostile, but not very active. When unprovoked, SCP-3008-2 will walk around as they normally would during the day. However, if they hear or see a player(s), they will begin to chase them, albeit at their regular speed. The employees will deal about 50% more than their normal damage to a player. They will stop chasing the player(s) once they are far enough away from them, or if they are out of sight for long enough.

Although chasing the player(s) at a slow pace, they will not only have the ability to walk towards the player, but also to climb, jump, and parkour to the player as usual.

The reason that they walk at a slow pace but still attack is because they could get their hostile energy from darkness. Since foggy days don’t let as much light in because of the fog, the Staff are hostile but not quite energetic enough.

Employees cannot be pushed during Foggy Days, attempting to do this will harm you in the process.

Trap Strategies

Employees trapped in a REALLY BIG «Chamber» (this made the employees walk around in a slow way)


Easter Eggs


House Easter Egg

Can be found on pillars, contains normal furniture. One of the tables has a chocolate bar labeled: «DEN GODA CHOKLAD», which means «The Good Chocolate» in Swedish. When it’s picked up, it doesn’t appear in the inventory. The only way to get it back is to reset, as it drops normally.


On The 2L Doctor Bob bottle, you can see a picture of Hubert in the top-right hand corner of the front label

Pink bed

If you play SCP-3008 with a female avatar there is a small chance that 1 of the beds of any plot with beds is gonna be pink. The bed can be also be spawned in a VIP server

All toy figurines included in the play plot are mini versions of Uglyburger0 or the people he knows, there is also one toy that is a reference to Hubert.

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One of the toy figurines

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A mini version of a Hubert toy

Loading screen

There is a VERY small chance that this easter egg will pop up. It shows a RTX Yellow crewmate with a speech bubble saying «AMOG US» when the game is loading. If you didn’t know, this is an internet meme.

Render man face

In on side of the cafeteria, there is an empty tray. And inside that tray is a creepy face which is an internet meme called «Render man face». This is also the part of the plot that you can find the other Hubert easter egg.

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Render man face, if you look closely enough, you will see it.


At a random living room plot, at one side, a GameCube can be found. Most younger people wouldn’t really know what it is, but it’s just a small easter egg for most older people who grew up playing on the GameCube (irl).

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Stuffed animals

You might think that the stuffed animals might just be for game décor, but they are are actually real IKEA products, like DJUNGELSKOG.

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A DJUNGELSKOG stuffed animal toy.

Bob Ross sign

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Death message

When someone happens to die, prior to starving, falling, or getting beat up by employees, a message in the chat informing others will appear. There is an unknown chance that the death message will say «(Player) doesn’t feel too good». This is a reference to one of Marvel’s movies: «Infinity war». The line is said by actor Tom Holland after Thanos, the main supervillain, snaps the infinity gauntlet: «Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good. «. Another one death message, «(Player) asked for weapons.», is a reminder to all players that Uglyburger0 does not want to add weapons.

VIP items

In the VIP server spawn menu, there are one, too many things. Although aside the toy figurine references, there is the «Space Jam». In the inside of a Space Jam, there is a picture referring to it. «Space Jam» is a movie about Lebron James and Bugs Bunny. Commonly known as the «Hello Chat» meme.

April Fools Easter Egg

During the April Fools version there was a low chance of getting a tip named


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