fallout 4 меню диалогов

Расширенный диалоговый интерфейс | Extended Dialogue Interface (XDI)

— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии

Журнал изменений:
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Что-то еще автор добавил, какой-то новый функционал, но я не понял что имеется ввиду «Say Once functionality for player and NPC dialogue in XDI-enabled scenes is now supported.», если кто понял смысл этой фразы, то напишите мне.
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Обновлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Обновлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Обновлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Новое: плагины теперь могут указывать собственное ключевое слово активации XDI.
— Исправлено: файл мода теперь правильно помечен как ESM формат, поэтому будет правильно размещаться в списке загрузки модов. Ранее файл мода тоже имел формат ESM, но был помечен как ESP.
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Исправлено: менеджер модов в самой игре больше не будет автоматически отключать мой мод XDI (это раздел Модификации в меню игры).
— Обновлен вариант мода для игры версии, обновлены внутренние адреса в файле XDI.dll
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Добавлен вариант мода для игры версии
— Исправлено: ответы NPC, которые связаны с квестами, больше не будут вызывать вылет игры.
— Новое: возможность выбора параметров диалога с помощью цифровых клавиш.
— Новое: новая опция в МСМ меню для отображения цифры перед вариантами диалогов.
— Новое: новые параметры настроек в МСМ меню для отображения скобок и фона диалогового меню.
— Новое: значки подсказок диалогов обмена и инвентаризации для ванильных диалогов.
— Улучшено распознавание следующей темы. Больше вариантов диалогов теперь будут иметь диалоговые подсказки (значки).
— Исправлено диалоговое меню теперь будет отображаться правильно при разговоре с не NPC (например, Интерком).
— Исправлено диалоговое меню теперь будет правильно открываться при загрузке сохраненной игры.
— Исправлена проблема в некоторых сценках, где диалоговое меню показывалось пустым.
— Подкорректирован перевод в МСМ настройках.

Для модмейкеров:
* Если вы сами делаете моды и хотите изменить диалоги для работы с этим модом, то здесь есть инструкция.

При обновлении с 1.0 до 1.3.2 и выше:
— Чтобы обновиться, просто замените и перезапишите старые файлы. XDI может быть безопасно обновлен в любое время.


Девочки и мальчики, дамы и господа, я рад представить вам работу русскоязычного модмейкера shadwar, который через 5 дней после выхода игры сделал то, о чем вы все мечтали.

Он вернул диалоги к классическому виду с полными репликами. Теперь вы сможете по-настоящему насладиться игрой без консольного колеса диалогов!

Для установки (старая версия 0.42):
1. Из папки Data\strings удалить (переименовать) файл Fallout4_ru.STRINGS
2. скинуть файл NewDialog_ru.bsa из выбранной папки (с цифрами или без) в папку Data игры и файл fallout4_ru.strings в папку strings.
3. Найти файл Fallout4.ini (в C:\Users\*USERNAME*\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)
4. в строку sResourceStartUpArchiveList дописать NewDialog_ru.bsa

Версия 0.6
1. Добавлены новые настройки через установку NMM.
2. Вы можете изменить порядок вывода диалогов.

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Версия 0.4.1:
1. Небольшой визуальный фикс

Версия 0.4:
1. Визуальные фиксы
2. Положение меню немного изменено для более комфортного управления мышкой
3. Добавлена подсветка диалога при наведении мышкой

Обновление 0.3 hotfix:
Исправлены некликабельные линии в диалогах. Просьба перекачать архив.

Обновление 0.2:
1. Правильная работа и отображение кнопок геймпада.
2. Изменена крестовина диалога напарника.

Версия 0.1init:
1. Изменяет крестовину диалога на более классический вид.
2. Заменяет пункты меню диалога на полные реплики игрока.
3. Изменяет кнопки выбора для большего удобства при игре с клавиатуры.

Старая версия 0.42 для тех, кто по каким-то причинам не хочет пользоваться Nexus Mod Manager.


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File information

Last updated

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Virus scan

Tags for this mod

About this mod

The first, origin, and fomous dialogue menu mod.
You will get a more classic dialogue menu, more user friendly with full-sized dialogue strings.
Almost every parts of dialogue can be configured to Yours own preferences, as You like.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Author’s instructions

You can’t use any parts of this mod for getting money (sold, donate, rent) without permission to this.

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted

This is origin dialogue mod, at this point only english and russian full dialogue strings added in archives.

In latest (0.7) version there is only one file: mod configured for Nexus Mod Manager. I strongly recomment use exactly current version, because YOU can configure visual style. YOU can configure even dialogue order. Look at screenshots for more information about configurable parts of dialogue menu.

Also, if your language is not listed (English and Russian), You can do dialogue full strings yourself. Its easy. There is a tool for this: OldDialStyle from Fallout4translator to automatically produce the strings needed by this mod.

1. Remove «, NewDialog_en.bsa» from Fallout4.ini
2. Replace Fallout4_en.STRINGS in Fallout4/Data/strings to its original file from originalStrings folder.
3. Delete NewDialog_en.bsa and originalStrings folder from Fallout4/Data folder.

Version 0.7:
1. Update strings to latest stable version.
2. Added DLC strings

Version 0.6:
1. Additional configuration via NMM.
2. You can change dialogue order.

Version 0.5:
1. Add some configuration via NMM install script.

Version 0.4.2:
1. Some strings file updates by new version of Fallout4translator.

Version 0.4:
1. Some visual fixes.
2. Dialogue menu slighty moved up, for more comfortable mouse expiriense.
3. Added Mouse hover.

Version 0.3:
1. Visual improvements.
2. Multiline long strings
3. Added two different versions: With number (key) indication, and without.
4. Added english release.

Version 0.2:
1. Some fixes.
2. Now companion menu also changed.

Version 0.1:
1. Initial. Proof of the possibility of new dialogue menu.

In Russian:
Для установки 0.5-0.7 версии:
1. Удалите старую версию, удалите из Fallout4.ini
2. Установите NMM (Nexus Mod Manager)
3. Скачайте последнюю версию с помощью менеджера.
4. Выберите скачанный мод в менеджере и нажмите установить.
5. Настройте внешний вид.
6. Играйте.


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Full Dialogue Interface (NewDialog English and CN-DE-ES-FR-IT-JA-PL-PTBR-RU translations)

File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Uploaded by

Virus scan

Tags for this mod

About this mod

Makes the game display the full lines of what your character is going to say in conversation, instead of just a paraphrase. It also revamps the interface so that the game will now display dialogue options in a list and use the number keys/face buttons for input, depending on your control scheme. Supports both keyboard and gamepad.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Credits and distribution permission

Author notes

The interface files are shadwar’s work; you’ll have to contact them if you wish to modify or use those.

File credits

Thanks to shadwar for developing the original Russian mod.

Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for Fallout 4.

Thanks to mcguffin for their Fallout 4 Translation Tool, which was and still is invaluable for developing the mod.

Thanks to ZeroByDivide for the initial build of Full Dialogue Interface’s NMM installer.

Thanks to Commander19 for help formatting the full description on the mod page.

Thanks to x360w for their BA2 Repacker tool (a.k.a., Fallout 4 Tools).

Thanks to Aryn for letting me know when the official, vanilla Japanese strings had been updated.

Thanks to Will, Sam, Jon, and Jordin for being the truest friends I have ever known. Hey, I can afford to be a little sappy in the credits section. No one ever reads ’em, anyway.

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Version Beta12

Beta 11
* Updated all languages to support the new 1.6 patch.
* The installer will now automate installation of DLC support. Downloading DLC strings separately as update files is no longer necessary.
* Extended support for the Lite version to the DLCs. English only.
* Updated the Italian documentation with a new translation by Murdoc26. Thanks, Murdoc26!
* Corrected some slight issues with the Japanese and Chinese strings.

Beta 8.1
* Fixed an issue with the Lite version not installing correctly.

Beta 7.1
* Updated the interface files to shadwar’s latest version.
* The issue wherein the A and X buttons (or the 2 and 4 keys) were reversed from their vanilla position has been fixed.
* The dialogue menu is now slightly wider.
* Other small refinements and tweaks.

Beta 7
* Wrangled up the last of the still-paraphrased lines in the English version. To the best of my knowledge, all lines that can be extended have been. There are still a few prominent exceptions (such as curing wounds at a doctor or renting a room), but these are deliberate.
* Updated all non-English translations to Beta 7. Along with extending all possible lines, they also include all the tonal notes that the English version does (Sarcasm, Barter, Flirt, Lie, Romance, Relationship).
* Updated the Lite version of the English translation to correct final issues with line run-off and extend as many lines as possible.
* Updated the Lite version to also display lines in proper casing rather than always being in ALL CAPS. This does mean that the Lite version includes a small interface file tweak, however, but the diamond layout is still there.
* Generally corrected a myriad of issues with non-English translations and brought them up to full Beta7 standards.
* Other small fixes and tweaks too minute to mention individually.

Beta 6
* Added an NMM installer, courtesy ZeroByDivide with a few tweaks and edits by myself.
* Updated the interface files to shadwar’s latest versions, and added a new interface version (Brackets and Numbers but No Shadows).
* Updated the Lite version to include more lines.

Beta 5
* Updated interface files to shadwar’s latest versions, which fix several bugs.
* Added tonal notes for Sarcastic, Relationship, and Romance.
* Corrected numerous instances in the English translation of still-paraphrased lines.

Beta 4
* Updated interface files to shadwar’s latest versions, which adds bracketing and line-breaks.
* Fixed an issue in the English translation wherein certain lines were not appearing.
* Fixed an issue in the English translation wherein a line in an early BoS quest was still paraphrased.

Beta 3
* Corrected issues in the English translation Lite version wherein text would overflow the screen. Resolutions lower than 1920×1080 may still have overflowing text in certain circumstances.
* Added tonal tags to both the Full and Lite versions. These tags specify when your character is lying, when they are flirting, and when they are bartering ([Lie], [Flirt], and [Barter] respectively will precede applicable dialogue).
* Fixed an issue in both the Full and Lite versions wherein a dialogue option for an early Brotherhood of Steel mission would have plot details mentioned earlier than intended. Spoilers, basically. I just like words.
* Fixed an issue in both the Full and Lite versions wherein certain Sarcasm responses would erroneously have 00 displayed before them.

Beta 2
* Corrected issues in the English translation wherein long responses would go off the screen.
* Corrected issues in the English translation wherein the amount of caps for a bribe/ransom were not being displayed.
* Corrected issues in the English translation wherein certain companion and factional dialogues were still paraphrased.

Beta 1
Initial release.

Straight donations accepted

What does this mod do?

The Full Dialogue Interface mod makes the game display the full lines of what your character is going to say in conversation, instead of just a paraphrase. It also revamps the interface so that the game will now display dialogue options in a list and use the number keys/face buttons for input, depending on your control scheme. The mod supports both keyboard and gamepad. Many different interface layouts are available, so check the screenshot section for examples of what the mod looks like in action.

This is a translation of shadwar’s work and should not be used at the same time as the NewDialog mod.

Support for the new Nuka World DLC has been added. Find it under ‘Update files’ in the mod’s downloads tab. English only for the moment; other languages to come later in the week.

Full Dialogue Interface is also available for Xbox One and Playstation 4.

I’ve got a new mod out, Traits and More Perks, that re-adds New Vegas-style Traits to Fallout 4 and adds some brand new Perks to boot. Give it a look if you’re in need of some new content to spice up your game. Apologies for the gross self-promotion.

To all international users:
The translations for the Chinese and Spanish documentation need to be redone for Beta12, as many new interface layouts and installation options have been added.
If you would like to help, the text that needs translating can be found here:

Full vs. Lite

To clarify: The Full version functions with both keyboards AND gamepads, but changes the interface to a list and will adhere to your control scheme setup (number keys or face buttons). The Lite version retains the vanilla layout.

Both versions will function according to your control scheme (keyboard or gamepad) and display the full line of your character’s dialogue as opposed to a paraphrase, as in vanilla.

The primary difference between the two is the presentation of the dialogue and the input options. The Full version shows the dialogue choices in a list and can use the number keys for input, while the Lite version retains the vanilla layout and input options (arrow keys, mouse click, and/or gamepad buttons).


In the installer, mark the check box next to the one option you want to install. DO NOT CLICK THE «Finish» BUTTON WITHOUT CHECKING AT LEAST ONE OPTION! After the installer is finished, do the following two steps and then you’re done:

After you’re done placing the folders in the proper place, do the following two steps and then you’re done:

Method B
If the above doesn’t work for you, try the following. If that still doesn’t work, skip to Method C, below. Method C is guaranteed to work, but it’s recommended to at least try this first as Method C involves directly overwriting files rather than adding new ones. With that being said, Method B involves the following:
1. Open your Fallout4.ini file, and find the following line:

2. Add «, INTERFACE\» (without quotes) to the end of this line, so that it looks like so:

3. In the same directory, find Fallout4Prefs.ini, and add the following line under [Launcher]:

NOTE: If the interface is not showing up, try adding step 2’s modifications to Fallout4_Default.ini located in your root Fallout 4 directory. Further, try adding step 3’s additions to the duplicate Fallout4Prefs.ini located in Fallout 4\Fallout 4 (no, this isn’t a typo; there’s another folder named Fallout 4 inside your root Fallout 4 directory). These steps may be necessary if you are bypassing the launcher.

Method C
Do neither of the above work with your install? This will fix your problems without any additional hassle.

Simply go to the downloads tab on the mod’s page and look for the «Repacked BA2 files» section. Download the one that has the interface format you want (Brackets Without Numbers, Corners With Numbers, etc.). If you’re using NMM, you’re done. Otherwise, if you’re installing manually, follow the instructions included in the Readme.

Troubleshooting and Common Problems

Problem: After running the NMM installer, the mod didn’t seem to change anything.
Solution: You may have run the installer without marking a check box next to the one option you want in the installer’s menu. Clicking «Finish» without marking any check boxes means you didn’t tell the installer to do anything, because you never selected which option you wanted. Try running the installer again and make sure you mark the check box next to your preferred option.

Problem: I have a problem that isn’t described above; or, the above solutions did not work for me.
Solution: NMM may have had a hiccup and altered something it shouldn’t have. Re-validate your game files through Steam, then perform a manual install by following the instructions above.


1. Go to Fallout 4\Data\Interface and delete the following file: DialogueMenu.swf
2. Go to Fallout 4\Data\Interface and delete the following file: MultiActivateMenu.swf
3. Go to the Strings Backup folder contained in Fallout 4\Data and copy the three files from there into Fallout 4\Data\Strings, overwriting the mod’s files
4. If you have any DLCs installed, go to Fallout 4\Data\Strings, and delete all files with the following names: DLCRobot, DLCCoast, DLCworkshop03

Credits and Final Remarks

shadwar for the original New Dialog mod.
mcguffin for developing the Fallout 4 Translator utility.
ZeroByDivide for the initial build of Full Dialogue Interface’s NMM installer.
Commander19 for help formatting the full description on the mod page.
Stryke131 for the String Patcher tool.
x360w for the BA2 Repacker tool.
Aryn for letting me know when the official, vanilla Japanese strings had been updated.

This is a beta and while everything functions perfectly, there may be a few dialogue options here and there that I missed. Let me know if you find something that slipped through the cracks.

If you want to be notified as soon as I release a new mod or update one of my mods, you can follow me on Twitter at: @CirosanCB
I only use the account to post updates about mods, so it won’t clutter your feed with any unrelated nonsense.


Fallout 4 «NewDialog / Классический вид диалога v0.6 (Обновлено до 0.6 (1.12.15)»

Описание, инструкции и рекомендации

Девочки и мальчики, дамы и господа, я рад представить вам работу русскоязычного модмейкера shadwar, который через 5 дней после выхода игры сделал то, о чем вы все мечтали.

Он вернул диалоги к классическому виду с полными репликами. Теперь вы сможете по-настоящему насладиться игрой без консольного колеса диалогов!

Для установки (старая версия 0.42):
1. Из папки Data\strings удалить (переименовать) файл Fallout4_ru.STRINGS

2. скинуть файл NewDialog_ru.bsa из выбранной папки (с цифрами или без) в папку Data игры и файл fallout4_ru.strings в папку strings.
3. Найти файл Fallout4.ini (в C:\Users\*USERNAME*\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)
4. в строку sResourceStartUpArchiveList дописать NewDialog_ru.bsa

Версия 0.6
1. Добавлены новые настройки через установку NMM.
2. Вы можете изменить порядок вывода диалогов.
3. Меню установки переведено (Exotic)

Версия 0.5:
1. Автоматизирована установка через Nexus Mod Manager. Перед обновлением удалите старую версию, устанавливать через NMM! Будут предложены варианты настройки внешнего вида:

Версия 0.4.1:
1. Небольшой визуальный фикс

Версия 0.4:
1. Визуальные фиксы
2. Положение меню немного изменено для более комфортного управления мышкой
3. Добавлена подсветка диалога при наведении мышкой

Обновление 0.3 hotfix:
Исправлены некликабельные линии в диалогах. Просьба перекачать архив.

Обновление 0.2:
1. Правильная работа и отображение кнопок геймпада.
2. Изменена крестовина диалога напарника.

Версия 0.1init:
1. Изменяет крестовину диалога на более классический вид.
2. Заменяет пункты меню диалога на полные реплики игрока.
3. Изменяет кнопки выбора для большего удобства при игре с клавиатуры.


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