dragon quest builders 2 рецепты комнат

All Dragon Quest Builders 2 room recipes

How to build all Dragon Quest Builders 2 room recipes.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 room size, luxury and mood guide

Dragon Quest Builders 2 rooms can be different sizes, luxury ratings and moods, here’s how to make them.

In Dragon Quest Builders 2 room recipes have been changed a bit to make them easier and more flexible to create. To build a room in Dragon Quest Builders 2 you no longer need a light source, but you do still need walls 2 blocks high and a door. What you put into that room after that determines the type of room you have built, also known as the room recipe. Here we’ll show you what you need to know about how to make certain rooms in Dragon Quest Builders 2 and what materials you’ll need to make them.

How to make a room in Dragon Quest Builders 2

As mentioned above, all you need to make an empty room in Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a 2-high wall and a door, however the size of the room can also be a factor in determining that room’s purpose. Rooms come in 5 sizes: Tiny (4-15 square blocks), Small (16-35 sq. blocks), Normal (36-63 sq. blocks), Large (64-99 sq. blocks) and Enormous (100-150 sq. blocks). Usually it won’t matter how large your room is when you’re making one of the room recipes below, as long as it’s big enough to fit all the items you need. However there are exceptions to this during Story Mode where NPCs may specify that a room needs to be a certain size.

Rooms can also have different Luxury and Mood ratings, to find out more check out our guide. For now, here’s all the Dragon Quest Builders 2 Room Recipes, broken down by type of room. Some item and room names may change as these are translations of the Japanese version. We’re currently going through all DQB2 room recipes to find the localised items. We’ll update this list as we unlock the English items and room names.

All Dragon Quest Builders 2 Room Recipes

All Bedroom recipes:

#002 Social Bedroom:

#003 Communal Bedroom:

#004 Prepared Bedroom:

#005 Farmers’ Bedroom:

#006 Farmers’ Flophouse:

#009 Done Up Dormitory:

#010 Luxury Dormitory:

#011 Basic Soldier’s Bedroom:

#013 Bigger Barracks:

All Bathroom recipes:

#014 Double Bathroom:

#015 Private Men’s Bathroom:

#016 Private Women’s Bathroom:

#017 Rustic Bathroom:

#018 Deluxe Bathroom:

#020 Scenic Shower Room:

#021 Onsen Bathroom:

All Kitchen and Dining Room recipes:

#024 Simple Kitchen:

#026 Agricultural Kitchen:

#027 Agricultural Café:

#028 Simple Mushroom Cookroom:

#029 Deluxe Mushroom Kitchen:

#030 Simple Castle Kitchen:

#031 Castle Cafeteria:

#032 Gory Grillhouse:

#033 Standard Dining Room:

#034 King’s Dining Room:

All Private Bedroom recipes:

#035 Private Bedroom:

#036 Master Bedroom:

#037 Private Noble’s Bedroom:

#038 Rough n’ Tough Bedroom:

#039 Neat n’ Sweet Bedroom:

#040 Royal Bedchamber:

#041 Princess Bedchamber:

#042 Simple Shared Bedroom:

#043 Superior Shared Bedroom

#044 Shared Noble Bedroom

All Bar Recipes:

#046 Well-Stocked Bar

All Toilet recipes:

#054 Soldier’s Toilet

All Changing Room recipes:

#055 Basic Changing Room

#056 Spa Changing Room

#057 Dancer’s Changing Room

#058 Pool Changing Room

All Workshop recipes:

#063 Metalworker’s Workshop

#065 Dyeing Workshop

#066 Builder’s Workshop

All Shop Room recipes:

All Miscellaneous Room recipes:

#071 Pumping Station

#072 Relaxation Room

#075 Wizard’s Workshop

#078 Shabby Throne Room

#079 Chapel of The Children

#080 Summoning Chamber

#081 Creepy Conservatory

All Museum room recipes:

#084 Sculpture Gallery

#085 Picture Gallery

#086 Large Museum Room

#087 Small Exhibition Room

#088 Large Exhibition Room

#089 Small Treasury

#090 Large Treasury

More Miscellaneous room recipes:

#092 Fortune Teller Room

#097 Execution Chamber

#098 Playroom/Toy Room

#099 Slime Room [Secret Recipe]

#102 Dragonfly Room

All Special Room recipes:

#103 Dragonlord’s Throne Room [REQUIRES A DQB1 SAVE FILE]

#104 Demonlord’s Throne Room [Unlocks once you complete the Hargon Chapel, #079]

#106 Mushroom Chamber

#107 Wrecking Ball Room

All Garden and Park recipes:

Most of these recipes only require a single-block-high fence around them with a wooden gate to count as a room, then put the items inside. If a door or gate is specified, it is required to be in the fence.

#115 Luxurious Park

#117 Cactus Garden [Do NOT plant cacti over 2 blocks high]

#120 Fountain Garden

Massive thanks to YouTuber BenXC for finding these recipes in the Japanese version of the game so we know what we’re looking for in the localized version. Now you know all Dragon Quest Builders 2 room recipes, you should be able to make that dream town from scratch!


Dragon Quest Builders 2 рецепта комнаты — как построить каждую комнату и завершить наборы предметов

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Чтобы сделать вашу базу настолько впечатляющей (и уютной), насколько это возможно, вам понадобится список рецептов комнат Dragon Quest Builders 2, чтобы вы могли с комфортом разместить своих жителей. Наряду со строительством спален, в которых можно спать, и кухонь, где можно готовить и есть, вы также можете позаботиться о барах, спа-центрах, садах и многом другом, чтобы ваши жители Dragon Quest Builders 2 были довольны своим постоянным потоком сердец благодарности, которые они опускают, позволяя Вы, чтобы выровнять свою базу.

На самом деле, существует более 100 рецептов для Dragon Quest Builders с 2 комнатами, поэтому на изучение их уйдет много времени, используя только прогресс и эксперименты. Вот где мы вступаем, так как это руководство содержит инструкции о том, как построить комнату каждого типа, а также рецепты для наборов, используемых в этих конструкциях. Обратите внимание, что из-за локализации названия некоторых комнат и предметов различаются в зависимости от региона, однако, если у вас разные, вы все равно сможете решить, что требуется, без особых хлопот. Давайте строить!

Ищете дополнительную помощь? Тогда убедитесь, что вы также ознакомились с нашими основными Dragon Quest Builders 2 подсказки и узнать, как получить Dragon Quest Builders 2 мини-медали.


Dragon Quest Builders 2 комнатные рецепты — Спальни

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(Изображение предоставлено: Square Enix)

Основная спальня
Кровать (любая) x2, Источник света (любая)

Социальная спальня
Кровать (любая) x4, Источник света (любая) x2

Коммунальная Спальня
Кровать (любая) x8, Источник света (любая) x4

Подготовленная Спальня
Кровать (любая), Источник света (любая), напольные часы, растение в горшке (комплект)

Фермерская спальня
Кровать (Любая) x2, Источник света (Любой), Сельское хозяйство, Дрова

Фермерский дом
Кровать (любая) x4, Источник света (любая) x2, Инструменты для сельского хозяйства x2, Дрова x2

Фермерский домик
Кровать (любая) x8, Источник света (любая) x4, Инструменты для сельского хозяйства x4, Дрова x4

Кровать (любая) x8, горшок x3, Inn Sign

Лучшее общежитие
Кровать (любая) x8, горшок x3, знак Inn, источник света (любой) x2, табурет x2

Роскошное общежитие
Кровать с балдахином x8, горшок x3, знак Inn, бра x2, табурет x2, комод

Основная Солдатская Спальня
Декоративная броня / мечи, кровать (любая) x2, источник света (любая)

Декоративная броня / Мечи x2, Кровать (любая) x4, Источник света (любая) x2

Большие казармы
Декоративная броня / Мечи x4, Кровать (любая) x8, Источник света (любая) x4

В ванных комнатах

Dragon Quest Builders 2 комнатные рецепты — Ванные комнаты

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(Изображение предоставлено: Square Enix)

Двухместная ванная комната
Ванна / душ x2, вешалка для полотенец x2, умывальник x2, источник света (любой)

Частная мужская ванная
Ванна / Душ x2, Полотенцедержатель x2, Знак Джентльмена

Частная женская ванная комната
Ванна / Душ x2, Полотенцедержатель x2, Lady Sign

Деревенская ванная комната
Базовая ванна, вешалка для полотенец х3, умывальник х4, стул (любой)

Ванная комната делюкс
Ванна х2, вешалка для полотенец х3, умывальник х4, табуретка, источник света (любой), дрова х2

Душ, вешалка для полотенец, складной экран

Живописная душевая
Душевая кабина x4, вешалка для полотенец x2, складной экран x2, источник света (любой) x2, окно x4

Ванная Onsen
Вода Onsen x10 (вырыть для них яму), лепестки цветов (сверху воды Онсена), табурет для ванной комнаты x3, умывальник x3, фильтр-фонтан (рядом с водой Онсена и льется в нее)

Подозрительный Спа
Плазменные блоки х10 (вырыть для них яму), злой предмет (любой), табурет для ванной комнаты х3, умывальник х3

Плавательный бассейн
Стандартные блоки Water x10 (вырыть для них яму), Лестница (внутри бассейна, чтобы вылезти), Стул для бассейна, Sun Parasol, Cactus Drink


Room Recipes (Dragon Quest Builders 2)

Dragon Quest Builders 2 features new and old recipes, allowing the player to craft simple or complex rooms to accomplish missions and requirements, as well as building unique towns and buildings. Each room provides specific functions for the player and residents. With the introduction of the gratitude points system, how residents use the rooms can give the player points used to unlock block and item recipes, Explorer Shores areas, and direct block purchasing in the post-game.

All completed rooms will display in the player’s Builderpedia. Grayed-out rooms listed in the Builderpedia identify rooms not yet built in the current area. Until a room has yet to be constructed at least once, the room recipe itself will be displayed in the Builderpedia as a series of question marks; this however does not apply to both the secret recipes and to any recipe introduced by the various DLCs, as both of these kinds of room recipes are completly hidden and are not displayed in any way in the Builderpedia until discovered.


Room Basics

Each room must have a minimum of 4 squares and a maximum of 150 squares of space within a walled enclosure. The following three room types do not appear in the Builderpedia.

Two-block-high walled space with:

Or a one-block-high walled space with:

Walled space which uses in place of a door:

Any area that includes:

Note: Will create a Hotel when built next to a Reception Room.

(Requires the Hotto Stuff Pack DLC)

(Requires the Hotto Stuff Pack DLC)

(Requires the Hotto Stuff Pack DLC)

(Requires the Modernist Pack DLC)

(Requires the Modernist Pack DLC)

(Requires the Modernist Pack DLC)


Note: Will create a Spa Resort when built next to a Music Hall.

(Requires the Modernist Pack DLC)


Note: Will create a Restaurant when built next to a Dining Room.

(Requires the Hotto Stuff Pack DLC)

(Requires the Aquarium Pack DLC)

(Requires the Modernist Pack DLC)

or the tables with the decorative item can be substituted with a Dining Table (Set) or Simple Sipper’s Set (Set) respectively.

Room NameRequirementsEffects
Room(Requires the Modernist Pack DLC)

Private Rooms

Note: Will create a Castle when built next to a Throne Room.


Changing Rooms



Note: In order to use the Ornamental Medial Herb or the Ornamental Chimaera Wing, it is required to have either used a preorder bonus code or to have bought the digital Switch version with season pass included.

Social Spaces

Note: if the room has a Cheecky atmosphere dancer residents will offer a Buff-Buff massage.

Note: Will create a Castle when built next to a Royal Bedchamber.



Note: Will create a Spa Resort when built next to a Steamy Spa.


Note: Room can have pets assigned to it with a Resident’s Sign (Any). Will create a Petting Zoo when built next to a Playful Park.

(Requires the Aquarium Pack DLC)

Secret Rooms

These rooms are not counted toward the Room completion percentage in the Builderpedia.

Sets are block and item combinations that create new properties or fulfill some room requirements.

Placement: Frying pan must be placed on top of the bonfire.

Placement: Crock pot and decorative food or crockery must be placed on top of the table.

Placement: Table must be placed adjacent to chairs.

Placement: Drinks must be placed on top of the table.

Note: In order to unlock the Stackable Slime, it is required to have either a preorder bonus code or to have bought the digital Switch version with season pass included.

(Requires the Aquarium Pack DLC)

Room Combinations

When two specific types of room are build next to each other, with at least one wall/fence in common, they will combine forming a different, single unit. If any of the rooms involved changes type for any reason (like a Fright bulb sprouting) the combination will disappear until the initial conditions are stored. In the map screen, specific icons will indicate the position of any combinations builded on the isle.


List of room recipes in Dragon Quest Builders 2


Page actions

The following is a list of rooms that the Builder can assemble in Dragon Quest Builders 2. All completed rooms will display in the player’s Builderpedia, unless otherwise noted below.


Room Basics [ edit ]

Each room must have a minimum of 4 squares and a maximum of 150 squares of space within a walled enclosure. The following three room types do not appear in the Builderpedia due to their simplicity.

RoomTwo-block-high walled space with 1 door of any type, or one-block walled space with 1 Wooden Gate or 1 Picket Gate or 1 Saloon DoorCan be made into specific rooms when requirements are met.
PlazaWalled space which uses in place of a door 1 Wooden Doormat or 1 Stone DoormatCan be made into specific rooms when requirements are met.
FieldMust be a room or plaza that includes a ScarecrowFarmers will till earth blocks and water planted seeds within the field. After a certain point in the game, farmers will learn to automatically harvest crops in the field.

Inns [ edit ]

Bathrooms [ edit ]

Note: Will create a Spa Resort when built next to a Music Hall.

Kitchens [ edit ]

Note: Will create a Restaurant when built next to a Dining Room.

Private Rooms [ edit ]

Note: Will create a Castle when built next to a Throne Room.

Bars [ edit ]

Bathrooms [ edit ]

Changing Rooms [ edit ]

Workshops [ edit ]

Shops [ edit ]

Social Spaces [ edit ]

Note: Will create a Castle when built next to a Royal Bedchamber.

Museums [ edit ]

Miscellaneous [ edit ]

Note: Will create a Spa Resort when built next to a Steamy Spa.

Gardens [ edit ]

Note: Room can have pets assigned to it with a Resident’s Sign (Any). Will create a Petting Zoo when built next to a Playful Park.

Secret Rooms [ edit ]

These rooms are not counted toward the Room completion percentage in the Builderpedia.

Sets [ edit ]

Sets are block combinations that create new properties or fulfill some room requirements.

Placement: Frying pan must be placed on top of the bonfire.

Placement: Crock pot and decorative food or crockery must be placed on top of the table.

Placement: Table must be placed adjacent to chairs.

Placement: Drinks must be placed on top of the table.


Set Recipes

Dragon Quest Builders 2 — Room/Set Recipe List

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Room/Set Recipe List by JonAcheson

Updated: 02/14/2020
Highest Rated Guide

Table of Contents

Set Recipes

Fiery Frying Pan

A Fiery Frying Pan consists of the following items:

The Fiery Frying Pan can cook recipes with up to 2 ingredients.

Dining Table

A Dining Table consists of the following items:

The place settings on the table can store/display items.


A Buffet consists of the following items:

The following tables will work as a Buffet:

The 2×2 Simple Table and the Enormous Table do not work.

The Buffet can store/display items, but cannot cook them.

Banqueting Table

A Banqueting Table consists of the following items:

Fancy Chairs include the Chic Chair, Connecting Couch, and the Fancy Bench. The Chic Chair is the one that matches the Royal Dining Table the best, IMHO.

Three-Course Meal

A Three-Course Meal consists of the following items:

The food items must be set out next to each other on a table. It doesn’t seem to matter if you use one big table or several smaller tables next to each other, as long as the food items are adjacent to each other.

If there are spaces between the food items, the set will not register. They can be in a 2×2 square, or a line or any other Tetris shape.

A Spa consists of the following items:

The hot water may be placed in a depression carved into the floor, or on top of the floor bounded by other blocks.

A Pool consists of the following items:

The water may be placed in a depression carved into the floor, or on top of the floor bounded by other blocks.

Once created, NPCs will swim in the pool, generating Gratitude points.

Cocktail Counter

A Cocktail Counter consists of the following items:

Once created, Bartenders will serve drinks to NPCs, generating Gratitude points.

Simple Sipper’s Set

A Simple Sipper’s Set consists of the following items:

NPCs will sit at the table and drink, generating Gratitude points.

Social Sipper’s Set

A Social Sipper’s Set consists of the following items:

NPCs will sit at the table and drink, generating Gratitude points.

Card Table

A Card Table consists of the following items:

Once created, NPCs will sit at the Card Table and play cards, generating Gratitude points.

Medication Station

A Medication Station consists of the following items:

Soldiers will use the Medication Station to heal the wounded, generating Gratitude Points.

Rocket Battery

A Rocket Battery consists of the following items:

NPCs will fire off fireworks from the Rocket Battery, generating Gratitude Points.

Dracky Totem

A Dracky Totem is a stack of three Dracky Totems that can be found in caves on Furrowfield Bog:

Simply stack the three totems to form the complete Dracky Totem.

NPCs will admire the Dracky Totem if you set it up in your beloved peasant village, and generate Gratitude Points.

Slime Stack

A Slime Stack consists of the following items:

Simply stack the two Stackable Slimes on top of each other to form the Slime Stack set.

Tree Swing

A Tree Swing set consists of the following items:

Simply place the Swing next to the trunk of the tree. You can also put a tree on either side of the Swing.

NPCs will play on the swing, generating Gratitude points.

Potted Flower

A Potted Flower consists of the following items:

You will have to place the Plant Pot where you want the Potted Flower to be, then grow the flower in soil. Once the flower has bloomed, pick it up with the Glove tool or the Ultimallet and place it on top of the pot.

Potted Plant

A Potted Plant consists of the following items:

You will have to place the Plant Pot where you want the Potted Plant to be, then grow the plant in soil. Once the plant has grown, pick it up with the Glove tool or the Ultimallet and place it on top of the pot.


A Station consists of a Stop Sign placed next to a minecart track. Minecarts traveling along the track will automatically stop at the stop sign. This allows you to build a train station where NPCs can get on and off the train of minecarts.

Darty Party

A Darty Party set consists of three Dartboards set side by side on a wall.

NPCs will play darts on the Dartboards, generating Gratitude points.

Playable Piano

A Playable Piano set consists of the following items:

The Wooden Stool looks good with the piano. To dress it up a little more, use the Comfy Stool and dye it some other color like black.

To play the piano (or any other musical instrument) select a piece of sheet music from your inventory, walk over to the instrument, and press Square.

Fighting Kit

A Fighting Kit consists of one of the following items:

This is an unofficial set that is really just a normal item, but is highlighted like a set or room recipe name in the on-screen text. Placing one of these items does not trigger the normal set creation animation.

Light Source

A Light Source consists of one of the following items:

This is an unofficial set that is really just a normal item, but is highlighted like a set or room recipe name in the on-screen text. Placing one of these items does not trigger the normal set creation animation.

In order for a light source to be recognized as part of a room recipe, it must be placed at floor level or at the second block level (on a wall or on top of a table or other block).

Bab’s Billboard is listed with the light sources in the Builder’s Workbench menus, but is actually a wall hanging. It does not count as a light source for room recipes and sets.

Fancy Light Sources

A Fancy Light Source is any of the following:

Resident’s Sign

A Resident’s Sign is one of the following items:

A Resident’s Sign can be used to assign a character to a room. They will then use that room exclusively. If it is a bedroom they will sleep in it.


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