wacky wizards roblox рецепты 2021

Как получить ингредиент Призрака в Roblox Wacky Wizards

wacky wizards roblox рецепты 2021

Следуя по стопам предыдущих обновлений Хэллоуина, Wacky Wizards Обновление Ghost, выпущенное 22 октября 2021 года, принесло массу новых зелий и новый жуткий ингредиент — Призрак. Чтобы узнать, как собрать этот острый ингредиент, продолжайте читать ниже! Если вы ищете полный список зелий Wacky Wizards, ознакомьтесь со всеми зельями и рецептами в Wacky Wizards | Roblox Wacky Wizards Полный список зелий.

Квест охотника за привидениями

Чтобы получить ингредиент Ghost, вам нужно найти NPC Ghostbuster. Этот NPC находится рядом с хеллоуинскими украшениями при возрождении, перед Пугающей доской. Поговорив с ним, он предложит дать вам ингредиент Призрака в обмен на помощь ему в поимке нескольких призраков — примите этот квест, и вы получите Снаряжение Охотника за Призраками.

Чтобы поймать призрака, подойдите к нему, нажмите и удерживайте кнопку действия. Призрак попытается избежать вашего всасывания, поэтому вам, возможно, придется сыграть короткую игру в погоню!

Собрав 10 призраков, вернитесь к Охотнику за привидениями и скажите ему, что вы выполнили его квест. После этого он наградит вас ингредиентом Призрака. Он также упомянет, что вы можете продолжать собирать призраков в обмен на конфеты!

Связанный: Как получить ингредиент тыквенной головы в Roblox Wacky Wizards

Зелье левитации

Добавление ингредиента Призрака в ваш котел создаст зелье левитации! Сообщите нам, какие еще забавные зелья вы узнали из этого обновления!

Чтобы узнать о последних обновлениях Wacky Wizards, перейдите к разделу Как получить ингредиент нежити в Roblox Wacky Wizards или Как получить дискотечный шар в Roblox Wacky Wizards!


All 145 Roblox Wacky Wizards Potions and Recipes

wacky wizards roblox рецепты 2021

Wacky Wizards is the new famous game in Roblox where players create new potions and explore the wizardry world. With a huge lobby of multiple players working together, you can easily exchange potions and recipes with your friends.

Roblox Wacky Wizards Potions and Recipes are the part of the game where you can drink them and get multiple effects. Every potion has a unique effect and has unique recipes. With tons of ingredients, you can mix them with other ingredients to create new potions.

In this post, we’ll go through all the potions and their effects.

How To Make A Potion In Roblox Wacky Wizards?

wacky wizards roblox рецепты 2021

If you wish to make a potion in Roblox Wacky Wizards, you have to spend some time gathering a couple of different materials, and for some materials, you may not have access to them.

How To Drink A Potion In Wacky?

After getting all the ingredients, mix these ingredients in a Cauldron and make a drink. By drinking these, the Potion will turn you into an imposter from Roblox Among Us game.

Normal Roblox Wacky Wizards Potions and Recipes

wacky wizards roblox рецепты 2021

Speedy Potion

Squirting Potion

Noodley Potion

Tiny Potion

Flounder Potion

Floating Potion

Explosive Potion

Zombie Potion

Warty Potion

Camouflage Potion

Giant Potion

Hot Potion

Beany Potion

Jandel Potion

Foryxe Potion

Cleetus Potion

Identity Theft Potion

Unresolved Size Potion

Enlarged Head Potion

Tiny Head Potion

Tall Potion

Shrink Ray Potion

Leg Day Potion

Wide Load Potion

Iron Potion

Long Neck Potion

Centipede Potion

Digging Potion

Rocket Potion

Bald Potion

Fire Walking Potion

Fire Breathing Potion

Swim Potion

Mermaid Potion

Puffed Potion

Octo Potion

Air Jumper Potion

Bang Potion

Ticking Potion

Bouncy Potion

Firework Potion

Exploding Squirts Potion

Popping Potion

Speckled Potion

Ragdoll Potion

Limp Potion

Slowing Hoof Potion

Giant Squirts Wacky Wizards Potion

Buirts Potion

Invisible Potion

Invisible Head Potion

Legged Potion

Minions Wacky Wizards Potion

Ghostly Potion

Banana Potion

Ingredients Beans + Giant’s Ear + Giraffe Hoof + Fairy

Potion Effects Become a giant gorilla

Loong Head Potion

High-Heel Potion

Doppelgänger Wacky Wizards Potion

Edwards Potion

Upside Down Potion

Wizard Potion

Heat-seeking Potion

Sally Potion

Nuclear Wacky Wizards Potion

Levitate Potion

Skinny Potion

Rolling Potion

Bouncy Potion

Crumbly Potion

Robux Potion

Empyreus Potion

Link Potion

Hat-Grower Potion

Buxly Potion

Korblox Potion

Sketch Potion

Jayingee Wacky Wizards Potion

Flybux Potion

Ingredients Robux + Bird

Potion Effects Become a flying Robux

Poor Potion

Square Potion

Mr. Rich Potion

Golden Potion

Premium Roblox Wacky Wizards Potions and Recipes

wacky wizards roblox рецепты 2021

Frozen Wacky Wizards Potion

God Potion

Rotation Potion

Leafy Potion

60’s Potion

Accelerating Potion

Air Walk Wacky Wizards Potion

Boombox Potion

Bushy Potion

Dizzy Potion

Fuse Potion

Hard As Wacky Wizards Potion

Heddle Potion

Human Flight Potion

Ice Potion

Infectious Potion

Jetpack Potion

Saddle Wacky Wizards Potion

Shroom Potion

Statue Potion

Slip Potion

Stumped Potion

Sus Potion

Unlucky Potion

Waterwalking Potion

Rock Bender Potion

Teleportation Potion

Meteorite Potion

Flying Poo Potion

Clone Army Potion

Caveman Wacky Wizards Potion

Size Controller Potion

Golden Tree Potion

Bux-Walk Potion

Throbux Potion

Goldify Wacky Wizards Potion


Все зелья и рецепты в Roblox Wacky Wizards

wacky wizards roblox рецепты 2021

Roblox Wacky Wizards — это игра по созданию зелий, которая позволяет вам создавать всевозможные волшебные смеси. Все рецепты зелий в Roblox Wacky Wizards.

Все рецепты зелий в Roblox Wacky Wizards влияют на вашего персонажа. С огромным количеством различных ингредиентов, которые нужно смешивать и сочетать, употребление созданных вами зелий вызывает множество различных эффектов на ваше тело. Они могут сделать вас сильнее против таких сильных врагов, как мистер Рич, или изменить пропорции вашего аватара. В игре почти 150 зелий, ниже представлен полный список бесплатных и премиальных зелий, а также все рецепты и описания.

Все бесплатные зелья в Roblox Wacky Wizards

Обновление 15 октября

Все перечисленные ниже зелья созданы из бесплатных ингредиентов, которые пользователи собирают в игре во время игры. Многие из этих рецептов глупы и созданы для прикола, например, зелье брызг, но здесь есть несколько полезных, которые наносят большой урон врагам, например зелье динамита. Другие также трансформируют размеры тела вашего Аватара или полностью превращают вас в новое существо!

Зелье Рецепт Описание
1SpeedyGiraffe HoofSpeed your character up
2SquirtingRotten SandwichUh oh! Poo Poo!
3NoodleyPool NoodleGive yourself noodle arms!
4TinyFairyMake yourself smaller
5FlounderFishFlop like a fish!
6FloatingBirdGet lighter!
8ZombieBrainBecome a zombie!
9WartySpiderGet warts
10CamouflageChameleonCamouflage to your surroundings
11GiantGiant’s EarBecome huge
12HotChilliCatch on fire!
13BeanyBenasmhmmm beannnnnsss
14JandelJandel’s HeadBecome Jandel (Creator)
15ForyxeForyxe’s HeadBecome Foryxe (Creator)
16CleetusCleetus’s HatBecome Flamingo
17Identity TheftYouClone yourself
18Unresolved SizeFairy + Giant’s EarKeep getting smaller and bigger
19Enlarged HeadBrain + Giant’s EarGrow your head
20Tiny HeadBrain + FairyShrink your head
21Tall PotionGiraffe Hoof + Giant’s EarGet Taller
22Shrink RayChameleon + FairyShrink yourself to death
23Leg DayGiraffe Hoof + FairyGet tiny legs
24Wide LoadBeans + Giant’s EarGEEET WIDEEE!
25IronPool Noodle + Giant’s EarGet big arms!
26Long NeckGiraffe Hoof + Pool NoodleLong neck!
27CentipedePool Noodle + SpiderBecome a centipede
28DiggingPool Noodle + BeansBecome a worm
29RocketDynamite + BirdPrepare for liftoff!
30BaldBrain + ChilliBurn off your accessories
31Fire WalkingBird + ChilliWalk on fire!
32Fire BreathingRotten Sandwich + ChilliBreath fire!
33SwimBird + FishSwim in the air!
34MermaidFairy + FishBecome a mermaid
35PuffedBeans + FishBecome a puffer fish
36OctoGiraffe Hoof + Spider + FishBecome an octopus
37Air JumperBird + Giraffe HoofDouble Jump
38BangBrain + Giant’s Ear + DynamiteGrow… THEN BANG Your HEAD!
39TickingBrain + DynamiteHead explosion… ouch
40BouncyGiraffe Hoof + DynamiteExplode your feet
41FireworkPool Noodle + DynamiteTurn yourself into a firework
42Exploding SquirtsRotten Sandiwch + DynamitePOO THAT EXPLODES!
43PoppingBeans + DynamitePOP
44SpeckledSpider + ChameleonRainbow colored warts
45RagdollBrain + Rotten SandwichRAGDOLL 🙁
46LimpPool Noodle + Rotten SandwichGo limp…
47Slowing HoofGiraffe Hoof + Rotten SandwichWalk slower
48Giant SquirtsGiant’s Ear + Rotten SandwichHUGEEE POO POO
49Cloning FartsFairy + Rotten SandwichPoo mini-me versions of yourself
50BuirtsBeans + Rotten SandwichI don’t feel so well
51InvisibleBrain + ChameleonTurn invisible
52InvisibleBrain + Chameleon + BrainSpoookkky no more head!
53LeggedGiraffe Hoof + SpiderGrow spider legs
54MinionsFairy + SpiderHave spider minions!
55GhostlyBird + SpiderTurn into a ghost
56BananaBeans + Giant’s Ear + Giraffe Hoof + FairyBECOME A GORILLA!
57Loong HeadBrains + BeansSTREEETCHEDDD HEAD!
58High-heelGiraffe Hoof + Giant’s Ear + Giraffe HoofWear high heels!
59DopplegangerYou + ChameleonBecome your neighbours!
60HeadwardsYou + BrainTurn your head upside down!
61Upside DownYou + Brain + YouTurn yourself upside down!
62WizardJandel’s Head + Foryxe’s HeadBecome Oz the Wizard!
63HeatseekingDynamite + Bird + DynamiteDangerous flying
64SallyPool Noodle + Cleetus’s HatBecome earthworm sally…
65NuclearDynamite + Giant’s EarBe careful not to touch anything!
66LevitateBird + FairyLevitate!
67SkinnyGiraffe Hoof + Giant’s Ear + FairyBe skinny!
68RollingYou + Pool NoodleROLLLLLINNNNGGG!
69BouncyGiraffe Hoof + Dynamite + BeansBOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE!
70CrumblyChameleon + BeansYou’ve eaten so many beans that you become them
71RobuxRobuxDrop a trail of Robux!
72EmpyreusRobux + BrainGet a Dominus Empyreus!
73LinkRobux + YouBecome the richest player on ROBLOX!
74Hat-growerRobux + Giant’s EarGrow your accessories
75BuxlyRobux + ChameleonYou are so rich you have become the bux
76RobuxRobux + Giraffe HoofGet Korblox!
77SketchSketchBecome Sketch!
78JayingeeJayingeeBecome Jayingee!
79FlybuxRobux + BirdBecome a flying ROBUC!
80PoorRobux + Rotten SandwichHey, this ROBUX potion didn’t work!
81SquareRobux + FishMR KRABS!
82Mr. RichCyclops EyePlease don’t fire any cannons at me…
83GoldenRobux + FairyBecome a golden statue!
84PremiumsaladPremiumSaladBecome PremiumSalad!
85InvertWitches BrewInvert the world!
86VomitBeans + Witches BrewERGHERHEGUERHER
87BroomFairy + Witches BrewFly on a broomstick!
88PumpkinRobux + Witches BrewSUPER RARE PUMPKIN!
89DetacherBrain + Witches BrewCATCH YOUR head!
90CrowsBird + Witches BrewSummon your crow army…
91SmellingPool Noodle + Witches BrewGrow a witches nose…
92TruckGiant’s Ear + Witches BrewGet a BIGG BUTT!
93WitchyYou + Witches BrewBecome Glinda the witch!
94TwitchyRotten Sandwich + Witches BrewTWITCH TWITCH TWITCH!
95Banging WartsDynamite + Witches BrewHave explosive warts!
96RattySpider + Witches BrewBECOME A RAT!
97Punchy PotionBoxing GlovesBig boxer
98Hot-PunchChilli + Boxing GlovesPunch them on fire. WHO
99Gravity-punch potionBird + Boxing GlovesAnti gravity punching. DO
100BRAINS-punch potionBrain + Boxing GlovesZombifying punching. YOU
101KaboomDynamite + Boxing GlovesPack an explosive punch. TRUST
102BEANOCKBeans + Boxing GlovesPunch people into Beans
103KnockPunchGiant’s Ear + Boxing GlovesPunch people away!
104Noodle ComboChameleon + Pool NoodleCombine for more noodle arms!
105SpaghettiChameleon + Fairy + Chameleon + Pool NoodleSpaghetti Arms!
106Firey-armsChameleon + Pool Noodle + ChilliFire Noodle Arms!
107Big-armsChameleon + Pool Noodle + Giant’s EarBIG Noodle Arms!
108NeonChameleon + Pool Noodle + Witches BrewNEON NOODLE ARMS!
109BeanrmsChameleon + Pool Noodle + BeansBEAN NOODLE ARMS!
110BroomFairy + Witches Brew + DynamiteTroll potion, that explodes
111Fancy ZombieRobux + Chameleon + BrainA very fancy zombie 🙂
112LankyJustinLANKY BOX 🙂
113SpidermanYou + SpiderSLING WEBS!
114Flame-rollingYou + Pool Noodle + ChilliFLAMING ROLL!
115Letss-gooooChameleon + Pool Noodle + YouDA BABY ARMS!
116PoisoonnRotten Sandwich + Boxing GlovesPoison people with your punches
117HeadlessBird + BrainLose your head!
118Long RatSpider + Witches Brew + Pool NoodleBecome a long rat
119OinkPet TagsGet a pet pig
120TrunkGiant’s Ear + Pet TagsGet a pet elephant
121Creepy-CrawlySpider + Pet TagsGet a pet spider
122LizardChameleon + Pet TagsGet a pet lizard
123SsssssssssssssssssssPool Noodle + Pet TagsGet a pet snake
124MagicalFairy + Pet TagsGet a pet unicorn
125New ZealandJandel’s Head + Pet TagsGet a pet kiwi
126New ZealandForyxe’s Head + Pet TagsGet a pet kiwi
127ArmedGiraffe Hoof + Spider + Pool NoodleGrow spider arms
128Bee disguiseSleepy BeeBecome a bee
129HoneyHoneyGet covered in honey!
130Fire FartingBeans + Chilli
130OnettYou + HoneyBecome Onett!
131BuzzingBird + HoneyGrow bee wings
132RushhhGiraffe Hoof + HoneySUGARRR RUSH.
133HoneymeltChilli + HoneyMelt into honey
134Sweet-armsChameleon + Pool Noodle + HoneyHoney flavored Noodle Arms!
135Rainbow-bodyHoney + ChameleonTurn into a lovellly rainbow!
136BuzzHoney + Pet TagsGet a pet bee
137QueenlyHoney + RobuxBecome the queen bee
138Buzzy headHoney + BrainGet a bee for a head
139Fire-fartingBeans + Chilli
140Hot-noodlesEggcanoGet pretty hot Noodle Arms!
141Hot-noodlesChameleon + Pool Noodle + EggcanoGet pretty hot Noodle Arms!
142CloneboomYou + EggcanoPoor little clone!
143FlashEggcano + Giraffe HoofRun like THE FLASH AHHHHH
144Exploding-beeEggcano + HoneyBee that explodes!
145FireballEggcano + BirdBecome a fireball!
146Flaming-skinEggcano + ChilliMY SKINS ON FIRE
147SsssssssssssssssEggcano + DynamiteBecome a creeper!
148Hot-richEggcano + RobuxGet a dominus!
149SteamyEggcano + FishTurn into a cloud of steam 🙁
150MeltyEggcano + Rotten SandwichTurn into lava 🙁
151FirebeeEggcano + Honey + YouTurn into a fire bee from Bee Swarm Simulator!
152CanoEggcano + Pool NoodleTurn into a small beancano!d
153BoxingEggcano + Boxing GlovesKickboxing!
154Sweet-armsChameleon + Pool Noodle + Eggcano + HoneyGet sticky arms!
155GlowingEggcano + ChameleonGLOW IN THE DARK
157Blood-suckingBird + Fairy + SpiderGrow bat wings!
158Potion-armsJandel’s Head + Foryxe’s Head + Chameleon + Pool NoodlePotion Arms!
159how did you find this?Jandel’s head + Foryxe’s head + Chameleon + Pool Noodle + Chameleon
160FumblebottomKadenBecome Kaden Fumblebottom
161JellyfishPool Noodle + FishJELLLLLY FISHHH
162Bouncy-bodyBrain + Rotten Sandwich + BirdBOUNCY BODY!
163SweetballWitches Brew + HoneyThrow a honey ball!
164Creepy HandsGiant’s Ear + YouGrow creepy hands
165Bean-manKSI + BeansBecome the bean man!
166FrogFrogBecome a frog!
167Frog-legsFrog + Giraffe HoofGrow Frog Legs!
168PrinceFrog + YouBecome a cursed prince!
169TadpoleFrog + FishBecome a tadpole!
170ThiccFrog + Giant’s EarGrow big legs
171Banging-feetFrog + DynamiteExplode when you jump
172Grapple-tongueFrog + BrainUse your frogs tongue
173HibertnationFrog + Rotten SandwichGo to sleep
174InfiniteFrog + FairyInfinite double jump
175LilyjumpBird + Giraffe Hoof + FrogDouble jump and place a lily!
176EyesFrog + ChameleonGrow eyes that stair at people… creepy…
177Bounce-highFrog + BirdJump higher!
178Lilypad-jumpingBird + Giraffe Hoof + Fairy + Frog + FrogJump on a lilypad infinitely!
179Frog-boxingFrog + Boxing GlovesWart… Boxing… Gross…
180Wall-walkerGiraffe Hoof + Frog + SpiderWalk on walls
181EeelyFrog + Pool NoodleMorph into an eel
182BulletGunA simple gun 🙂
183Dynamite slingerGun + DynamiteSling dynamite!
184Giant-rayGun + Giant’s EarShot people with a giant ray!
185FlamethrowerGun + ChilliBURNNNNNNN PEOPLE!
186Bee-cannonGun + HoneyFire bees.
187Shrink rayGun + FairyMake people smaller!
188BeangunGun + BeansFIRE BEANS 😀 😀 😀
189WatergunGun + FishSquirtttt
190Poopy-gunGun + Rotten SandwichFIRE POOP
191Pig launcherGun + Pet TagsFire gurt
192Poison hairGun + SpiderFire gurt
193BuxshootGun + RobuxFire Robux
194Cow disguiseCow HatDisguise yourself as a cow
195Alien-armsChameleon + Pool Noodle + Alien Parasite
196Martian monkeyJandel’s Head + Alien ParasiteBecome a Martian Monkey
197ParasiteRotten Sandwich + Alien ParasiteAHHH A PARASITE IS ON YOUR FACE
198VaporDynamite + Alien ParasiteGet vaporized
199AlienheadGiant’s Ear + Alien ParasiteGrow a big aliens head
200EyeyyyyFrog + Alien ParasiteGrow ALIEN EYES
201LegsGiraffe Hoof + Alien ParasiteAlien Legs
202NeonChameleon + Alien ParasiteBecome a bright green alien
203Zero-gravityBird + Alien ParasiteLOSE ALL GRAVITY
204DNA-scrambleGun + Alien ParasiteDNA scrambler gun
205Alien-cloneYou + Alien ParasiteBecome who you touch
206Alien-eruptionEggcano + Pool Noodle + EggcanoSlime eruption
207Alien-babyFairy + Alien ParasiteBABABY REDACTED
208AlienAlien ParasiteAlien Parasite
209NexureNexure’s HeadBecome Nexure!
210NomerNomer’s HeadBecome Nomer!
211Void StarVoid StarBecome StarWars!
212Long-beePool noodle + Sleepy BeeBecome a LOONG BEE
213GillsAxolotlGrow Axolotl Gills
214AxolotlAxolotl + YouAXOLOTL
215Flying-beanBeans + BirdBecome a flying bean
217MarioflyMariofly5’s MaskBecome Mariofly5!
218DiscomanDisco ballBecome the man of disco
219FIRE MUH LASERDisco ball + Alien ParasiteFire lasers
220Techno-vikingDisco Ball + Giants EarBecome the Techno Viking
221Confetti-cannonDisco Ball + GunFire the confetti cannon
222Neon-bodyDisco Ball + ChameleonBecome the neon party animal!
223Disco-headDisco Ball + BrainGrow a disco head!
224Disco-bodyDisco Ball + Brain + YouBecome the disco
225ConfettiplosionDisco Ball + DynamiteExplode into confetti
226TailDisco Ball + Witches BrewTail
227AfroDisco Ball + RobuxGet that bling bling afro
228RainfroDisco Ball + Robux + ChameleonGet that bling bling rainbow afro
229Pet FrogPet Tag + FrogPet frog
230Disco-grenadeDisco Ball + ChiliDisco Grenade
231SpeakerDisco Ball + FairyDisco Grenade
232SlinkyDisco Ball + Pool NoodleBecome the human slinky
233Pumpkin-head2021 PumpkinProtects you from ender!
234Headless horseGiraffe Hoof + 2021 PumpkinBecome the headless horse
235JackbombDynamite + 2021 PumpkinDrop a jack-o-bomb
236SanBeans + 2021 PumpkinBecome the Sans
237SkellySpider + 2021 PumpkinBecome the skeleton
238DavePoll Noodle + 2021 PumpkinBecome Dave Skellington
239BroomedWitches Brew + 2021 PumpkinFly on a broom as a witch!
240PumoodleChameleon + Pool Noodle + 2021 PumpkinGet pumpkin noodle arms!
241Skull-arms2021 Pumpkin + Spider + Pool Noodle + ChameleonGet skeleton noodle arms!
242Pump-legsGiant’s Ear + 2021 PumpkinGrow pumpkin legs!
243Handed-headBrain + 2021 PumpkinGrab your own head!
244YoukinYou + 2021 PumpkinBecome a giant pumpkin!
245Pump-glovesBoxing Gloves + 2021 PumpkinPumpkin Gloves!
246Sweet-shotGun + 2021 PumpkinFire candy!
247Candy-poopRotten Sandwich + 2021 PumpkinPoop candy!
248Skeleton-spineUndeadGrow a skeleton spine!
249RIPUndead + Rotten SandwichPlaced in a grave
250Skeleton-armsUndead + FairyGet skeleton arms!
251FrankensteinUndead + YouBecome Frankenstein!
252Giant-cyclopsUndead + Giant’s EarBecome a Cyclops!
253Bone-glovesUndead + Boxing GlovesBone Gloves!
254SkullUndead + BrainGrow a skeleton head
255Zombie-fishUndead + FishBecome a zombie fish!
256Mr-explosionUndead + DynamiteMr-explosion potion
257Skeleton-wingsUndead + BirdGrow skeleton wings!
258Skeleton-legsUndead + Giraffe HoofGrow skeleton legs!
259Demon-girlUndead + SpiderRun around possesed!
260Pet-pumpkin2021 Pumpkin + Pet TagsGet a pet pumpkin!
261Bone-bowUndead + GunGet a bone bow!
262Fire-spineUndead + ChiliGet a fiery skeleton spine!
263ManubloxManuBecome Manublox!
264Zom-beeUndead + HoneyBecome a ZOM-BEE

Добавление ингредиента Призрак

Руководство о том, как получить ингредиент Призрак читайте тут!

265Ghostbuster-equipmentGhostHunter GearПолучите снаряжение для охотников за привидениями
266Levitation (Левитация)GhostЛевитировать как призрак!
267Echtoplasm-melt (Эхтоплазма)Ghost + ChiliСтаньте тающим призраком!
268Ghost-bee (Пчела-призрак)Ghost + HoneyСтаньте пчелой-призраком!
269Grim-reaper (Смерть с косой)Ghost + UndeadСтаньте мрачным жнецом!
270Flying-dutchman (Летучий голландец)Ghost + FishСтань летучим голландцем!
271Ghost-vision (Призрачное видение)Ghost + Rotten SandwichВойдите в призрачное измерение!
272Marshmellow-giant (Маршмеллоу-великан)Ghost + Giant’s EarСтаньте гигантским маршмеллоу!
273Teal-pacghostGhost + Brain + FishСтаньте бирюзовым призраком!
274Ghost-elephant (Призрак-слон)Giant’s Ear + Pet Tags + GhostЗаведи слона-призрака!
275Ghost-foryxe (Призрак-форикс)Foryxe’s Head + Pet Tags + GhostПолучите домашнее животное призрак Foryxekiwi!
276Ghost-jandel (Призрак-Джандель)Jandel’s Head + Pet Tags + GhostЗаведи домашнее привидение Дженделькиви!
277Ghost-lizard (Призрак-ящерица)Chameleon + Pet Tags + GhostПолучите питомца-призрака-хамелеона!
278Ghost-pig (Свинья-призрак)Ghost + Pet TagsЗаведи свинью-призрака!
279Ghost-snake (Призрак-змея)Pool Noodle + Pet Tags + GhostПолучите домашнюю змею-призрак!
280Ghost-spider (Призрак-паук)Spider + Pet Tags + GhostПолучите домашнего паука-призрака!
281Ghost-unicorn (Призрак-единорог)Fairy + Pet Tags + GhostПолучите единорога-призрака!
282Ghost-pumpkin (Призрак-тыква)2021 Pumpkin + Pet Tags + GhostЗаведите питомца-призрака из тыквы!
283Red-pacghostGhost + BrainСтаньте красным призраком!
284Scared (Испуганный)Ghost + YouПугаются!
285Pink-pacghostGhost + Brain + FairyСтаньте розовым призраком!
286Orange-pacghostGhost + Brain + DynamiteСтаньте оранжевым призраком!

Премиальные зелья в Roblox Wacky Wizards

Премиальные зелья в Roblox Wacky Wizards содержат по крайней мере один премиальный ингредиент в каждом рецепте. Эти премиальные ингредиенты продаются за Робуксы, поэтому вам придется заплатить реальные деньги, чтобы создать зелья из списка ниже. После оплаты эти ингредиенты остаются в ваших руках. Премиальные зелья можно узнать в книге зелий по желтым текстовым сообщениям.

Зелье Рецепт Описание
P1FrozenFrozen EggBecome frozen!
P2GodZeus’s BeardHarness the power of zeus!
P3RotationHat of GearsRotate your body
P4LeafyMagic SeedBecome one with nature
P560’sMagic Seed + FairyGrow flowers wherever you go!
P6AcceleratingZeus’s Beard + Giraffe HoofGetting faster and faster…
P7Air WalkBird + Frozen EggWHERES MY SUPERSUIT!
P8BoomboxHat of Gears + Zeus’s BeardPlay music!
P9BushyMagic Seed + ChameleonTurn into a hidden bush!
P10DizzyHat of Gears + BrainSpin your head!
P11FuseHat of Gears + Dynamiteyou don’t have much time
P12Hard asMasgic Seed + Chameleon + Hat of GearsTURN INTO ROCK!
P13HeaddleHat of Gears + Giraffe Hoof + BrainLet your friends sit on your head!
P14Human FlightZeus’s Beard + BirdFLY LIKEEE A BIRD
P15IceFrozen Egg + ChameleonBecome ice
P16InfectiousZeus’s Beard + Rotten SandwichInfect players around you with warts
P17JetpackHat of Gears + BirdCreate a jetpack
P18SaddleHat of Gears + Giraffe HoofLet your friends sit on your back!
P19ShroomMagic Seed + Rotten SandwichGrow mushrooms wherever you go!
P20StatueChameleon + Zeus’s BeardTurn players white
P21SlipGiraffe Hoof + Frozen EggSLLIPPPPERRRY!
P22StumpedMagic Seed + Giraffe HoofGrow tree legs!
P23SusHat of Gears + Beansverrrrrry susss
P24UnluckyZeus’s Beard + DynamiteThat’s unfortunate
P25WaterwalkingFish + Frozen EggWALK ON WATER
P26Rock BenderMagic Seed + Zeus’s BeardBend rocks to your will!
P27TeleportationZeus’s Beard + FairyTeleport wherever your heart desires!
P28MeteoriteZeus’s Beard + BeansFire bean meteorites!
P29Flying PooHat of Gears + Bird + Rotten SandwichCreate a jetpack from poop
P30Clone ArmyYou + Magic SeedClone yourself
P31CavemanYou + Frozen EggBecome a prehistoric caveman
P32Size ControllerFairy + Giant’s Ear + Zeus’s BeardControl Your Size
P33Golden TreeRobux + Magic SeedGrow a golden tree!
P34Bux WalkRobux + Frozen EggWalk on ROBUX!
P35ThrobuxRobux + Hat of GearsMAKE IT RAIN ROBUX!
P36GoldifyRobux + Fairy + Chameleon + Zeus’s BeardTurn players golden!
P37DeathMagic Seed + Witches BrewGrow a dead tree!
P38FloatingHat of Gears + Witches BrewWould you look at that, a floating hat!
P39VehicleWheelTurn into a car!
P40MonsterGiant’s Ear + WheelTurn into a monster truck!
P41LimoPool Noodle + WheelTurn into a limo!
P42Teeny WheelFairy + WheelTurn into a tiny car!
P43Let’s GooBeans + WheelLet’s goooo!
P44Take OffBird + WheelTake off like a plane… kind of…
P45KachowZeus’s Beard + WheelKA-CHOW
P46Burning CarChilli + WheelBURNING
P47AntSpider + WheelBecome an ANT MOBILE!
P48RichRobux + WheelDrive this rich mans car!
P49ExplodespellZeus’s Beard + Witches BrewCast an explosion!
P50Frozen-hit potionFrozen Egg + Boxing GlovesHit them cold!
P51Shocking-hit potionZeus’s Beard + Boxing GlovesHit them with electricity!
P52Icy-armChameleon + Noodle + Frozen EggFire Noodle Arms!
P53FrozenFrozen Egg + Magic SeedBecome a Frozen Tree!
P54Freeze-burnFrozen Egg + ChilliFreeze to death!
P55Spinny legsGiraffe Hoof + Fairy + Hat of GearsSpin your legs!
P56MeltingFrozen Egg + Witches BrewMelt into the abyss!
P57Sus-PunchHat of Gears + Beans + Boxing GlovesPunch people sus
P58Oink-MountMountRide a Pig
P59Happy FeetFrozen Egg + Pet TagsGet a pet penguin
P60Penguin MountMount + Frozen EggRide a penguin
P61Giraffe MountMount + Giraffe HoofRide a giraffe
P62Sssssss MountMount + Pool NoodleGet eaten by a snake
P63Lizard MountMount + ChameleonRide a lizard
P64Spooky MountMount + SpiderRide a spider
P65Giant MountMount + Giant’s EarRide an elephant
P66Unicorn MountMount + FairyRide a unicorn
P67New Zealand MountMount + Jandel’s HeadRide a kiwi
P68New Zealand MountMount + Foryxe’s HeadRide a kiwi
P69BeedZeus’s Beard + HoneySpawn Bee’s where you click
P70Bee mountHoney + MountGet a bee mount
P71Fire-statueChameleon + Zeus’s Beard + EggcanoTurn players golden!
P72CauldronMr. CauldronBecoming a working cauldron!
P73CannonMr. Cauldron + DynamiteBecome a cannon and fire players out!
P75EruptingEggcano + Hat of GearsSummon a volcano!
P76BeanyMr. Cauldron + BeansBecome a can of beans and let players eat!
P77PressingMr. Cauldron + EggcanoDon’t let anyone touch!
P78LandmineMr. Cauldron + Giraffe HoofDrop a landmine
P79Honey-walkHoney + Frozen EggWalk on water with honey!
P80Lava-walkEggcano + Frozen EggWalk on water with lava!
P81BlastoffMr. Cauldron + BirdBecome a rideable rocketship
P82CookerMr. Cauldron + ChilliCook people!
P83Hot-air balloonMr. Cauldron + Giant’s EarHot Air Balloon!
P84BouncyMr. Cauldron + Pool NoodlePlace a trampoline!
P85FuserMr. Cauldron + ChameleonFuse into players around you!
P86StickybombHat of Gears + Dynamite + HoneyThrow a sticky bomb!
P87Car-seatMr. Cauldron + WheelBecome a car with seats for others!!
P88Iced-skinEggcano + Chilli + Frozen EggHave frozen skin!
P89FuserMr. Cauldron + FairyEVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
P90Lilypad-morphMagic Seed + FrogMorph into a lilypad
P91Control-jumpZeus’s Beard + FrogControl your jump height
P92UniHat of Gears + FrogRide a unicycle
P93Airstrike potionAirStrikeCall in an airstrike
P94Shrink-beam potionAirStrike + FairyHit people and shrink them to death
P95Freeze-gun potionGun + Frozen EggFREEZE PEOPLE!
P96Bee-swarm potionAirStrike + HoneyBee Swarm!
P97Big-gun potionAirStrike + Giant’s EarGet a very big gun!
P98Gun-fire potionAirStrike + GunFire guns… what?
P99Freeze storm potionAirStrike + Frozen EggCreate a storm that freezes players
P100Throw nukes potionAirStrike + DynamiteThrow nukes
P101Fire napalm potionAirStrike + ChilliFire Napalm
P102IED potionAirStrike + BeansSpawn a bean can IED
P103UFO potionAlien Parasite + WheelFly an UFO!
P104Laser-strike potionAlien Parasite + AirStrikeORBITAL STRIKE!
P105Sus-gun potionHat of Gears + Beans + GunSUS GUN 🙂
P106Abduction potionAlien Parasite + Wheel + AirStrikeAbduct people in PVP
P107Superman potionSuperhero CapeBecome the Superman
P108Spider-dude potionSuperhero Cape + SpiderBecome Spider-Dude
P109Green-dude potionSuperhero Cape + Giant’s EarBecome the big green dude who’s mad
P110Invisible potionSuperhero Cape + ChameleonBecome invisible…whenever you want!
P111Portal potionSuperhero Cape + GunThink in portals
P112Aquaman potionSuperhero Cape + FishBecome part of the sea.
P113Werewolf potionSuperhero Cape + Witches BrewHOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL
P114Purple-dude potionSuperhero Cape + Zeus’s BeardPurple Dude
P115Human-torch potionSuperhero Cape + ChiliThe HUMAN TORCH
P116Purple-car potionSuperhero Cape + WheelYou could live with your failure
P117Sabre potionSuperhero Cape + Boxing GlovesVOOOOSH
P118Flash potionSuperhero Cape + Giraffe HoofSUPER SPEEDY
P119Frog-mount potionMount + FrogRide a Frog
P120Fart-villain potionSuperhero Cape + Rotten SandwichBecome the villain of fart
P121Manbat potionSuperhero Cape + RobuxBe the man bat… wait the batman? no…no…manbat?
P122Ivy potionSuperhero Cape + Magic SeedThe poison ivy
P123Sus-o-weenHat of Gears + Beans + 2021 PumpkinBecome Sus of Ween!

Добавление Призрака

P124Ghost-forcefieldGhost + Frozen EggGet a ghost force field!
P125Ghost-penguinFrozen Egg + Pet Tags + GhostGet a pet ghost penguin!

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