treasure of nadia крафт рецепты
Treasure of Nadia Crafting Guide
Home > Guides > Treasure of Nadia Crafting Guide
In this content, we will give you information about treasure of nadia crafting. How to craft? What are the items needed for crafting and where to find them.
Treasure of Nadia Crafting
Treasure of Nadia is an erotic adventure game featuring 12 gorgeous women that you will meet as you adventure throughout the hidden caves and jungles searching for artifacts to make a name for yourself in the treasure hunting world. This guide will show you crafting guide for Treasure of Nadia.
Aloe Potion Crafting
Aloe Potion Crafting Recipe: Aloe Plant + Shea Butter + Ginseng Plant + Basic Container
Ant Killer Crafting
Ant Killer Crafting Recipe: Fossilized Algae, Quartz, Alumina, and additionally Rusty Key
Blow Dart Crafting
Blow Dart Crafting Recipe: Dart, Scorpion Venom, Bamboo, and additionally Feather
Camera Repair Crafting
Camera Repair Crafting Recipe: Broken Camera, Camera Base, Small Screwdriver and additionally Loose Screws
Chest Key Crafting
Chest Key Crafting Recipe: Broken Key, Broken Key, Broken Key, and additionally Broken Key
Concrete Crafting
Concrete Crafting Recipe: Stone talisman, Fly Ash, White Sand, and additionally Dolomite
Dehumidifier Crafting
Dehumidifier Crafting Recipe: Broken Dehumidifier, Small Screwdriver, Silver ore and additionally Gold Talisman
Gold Talisman Crafting
Gold Talisman Crafting Recipe: Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, and additionally Gold Ore.
Golden Teddie Crafting
Golden Teddie Crafting Recipe: Bumpy Candle, Gold Ore, Teddy Bear, and also White Sand
Grand Talisman Crafting
Grand Talisman Crafting Recipe: Gold Ore, Gold Ore, Gold Ore, and additionally False Talisman
Jade Shovel Crafting
Jade Shovel Crafting Recipe: Shovel Head, Shovel shaft, Shovel Hadle and additionally Jade Talisman
Jasmine Massage Oil Crafting
Jasmine Massage Oil Crafting Recipe: Jasmine, Rosa Moss, Basic Container and additionally Love Potion
Loaded Musket Crafting
Loaded Musket Crafting Recipe: Cleaning Oil, Old Bullet, Old Musket and additionally Silver Ore
Pickaxe Crafting
Pickaxe Crafting Recipe: Wrench Grip, Gaffer Tape, Grappling Hook and additionally Pipe Wrench
Pirate Key Crafting
The Pirate Key Crafting Recipe: Pirate Medallion, Grand Talisman, Broken Key and additionally Broken Key
Pirate Shovel Crafting
Pirate Shovel Crafting Recipe: Cursed Shovel, Pirate Medallion, Jade Talisman and additionally Gold Talisman
Rat Trap Crafting
Rat Trap Crafting Recipe: Plastic Wrap, Gaffer Tape, Roach and additionally Basic Container
Rock Bomb Crafting
Rock Bomb Crafting Recipe: Nitroglycerin, Basic Container, Silver Talisman and additionally Jade Talisman
Silver Talisman Crafting
Silver Talisman Crafting Recipe: Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, and additionally Silver Ore
Stompin’ Boots Crafting
Stompin’ Boots Crafting Recipe: Leather Gloves, Shoelaces, Damaged Boots and additionally Shoe Glue
Swift Shovel Crafting
Swift Shovel Crafting Recipe: Alloy Shovel Hand, Ultra Shovel Hand, Carbon Shovel Shaft and additionally Silver Talisman
Royal Talisman Crafting
3 grand talisman + 1 object under the Library.
Rope Ladder Crafting
Deadly Whip Crafting
Whip, shoe glue, royal talisman, and poison thorns.
Golden Teddy Crafting
Bumpy Candle, Gold Ore, Teddy Bear, White Sand.
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3 thoughts on “Treasure of Nadia Crafting Guide”
Unable to get pirate medallion to make pirate key…for shipwreck that the final update?
I need Alumina and nitroglycerine after I used the one I could buy at the shop or find at the doctor’s?
Treasure of Nadia: пошаговое руководство + рецепты крафта
16 ноября 2021 г. # Категории Сокровище Нади
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Навигация по игре:
Рецепты крафта
Зелье алоэ
Рецепт изготовления зелья алоэ: растение алоэ + масло ши + растение женьшеня + базовый контейнер
Убийца муравьев
Рецепт изготовления Убийцы муравьев: окаменелые водоросли, кварц, глинозем, а также ржавый ключ
Ремонт камеры
Рецепт крафта для ремонта камеры: сломанная камера, основание камеры, маленькая отвертка, а также ослабленные винты
Ключ от сундука
Рецепт изготовления ключа от сундука: сломанный ключ, сломанный ключ, сломанный ключ, а также сломанный ключ
Рецепт изготовления бетона: каменный талисман, летучая зола, белый песок, а также доломит
Рецепт изготовления осушителя: сломанный осушитель, маленькая отвертка, серебряная руда, а также золотой талисман
Талисман, Каменный талисман, а также Золотая руда
Золотой Тедди
Рецепт изготовления Золотого Тедди: ухабистая свеча, золотая руда, плюшевый мишка, а также белый песок
Большой талисман
Рецепт создания большого талисмана: золотая руда, золотая руда, золотая руда, а также ложный талисман
Hacking Tool
Рецепт создания Hacking Tool: ключ-карта, устройство записи ID-карты, системный BIOS, сканер шифрования.
Нефритовая лопата
Рецепт изготовления нефритовой лопаты: голова лопаты, древко лопаты, лопата, а также нефритовый талисман
Масло для массажа с жасмином
Рецепт создания массажного масла с жасмином: жасмин, розовый мох, базовый контейнер, а также любовное зелье
Королевская лопата
Королевская лопата: ручка королевской лопаты, древко королевской лопаты, головка королевской лопаты, монета Каулли
Снаряженный мушкет
Рецепт изготовления заряженного мушкета: чистящее масло, старая пуля, старый мушкет, а также серебряная руда
Рецепт изготовления кирки: гаечный ключ, клейкая лента, крюк, а также трубный ключ
Пиратский ключ
Рецепт изготовления пиратского ключа: пиратский медальон, большой талисман, сломанный ключ, а также сломанный ключ
Пиратская лопата
Рецепт изготовления пиратской лопаты: проклятая лопата, пиратский медальон, нефритовый талисман, а также золотой талисман
Ловушка для крыс
Рецепт изготовления ловушки для крыс: полиэтиленовая пленка, клейкая лента, плотва, а также базовый контейнер
Каменная бомба
Рецепт создания каменной бомбы: нитроглицерин, базовый контейнер, серебряный талисман, а также нефритовый талисман
Серебряный талисман
Рецепт изготовления серебряного талисмана: каменный талисман, каменный талисман, каменный талисман, а также серебряная руда
Stompin ’Boots
Stompin’ Boots Создание рецепта: кожаные перчатки, шнурки, поврежденные ботинки, а также клей для обуви
Быстрая лопата
Рецепт изготовления быстрой лопаты: легированная лопатаРука, Ультра Лопата, Углеродный вал лопаты, а также Серебряный Талисман
Прохождение Treasure of Nadia & Гид
Полное руководство & Путеводитель по сокровищам Нади.
v03111 (1/2)
версия 03111 (2/2)
v 16012
версия 21022
версия 25032
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Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough & Guide + Crafting Recipes
By holding down the left mouse button you can quickly skip dialogs. If you want to skip the entire dialogue, press Skip on the screen during the dialogue. Also the Hide button on the screen hides the dialog.
Navigation through the game:
Crafting Recipes
Aloe Potion
Aloe Potion Crafting Recipe: Aloe Plant + Shea Butter + Ginseng Plant + Basic Container
Ant Killer
Ant Killer Crafting Recipe: Fossilized Algae, Quartz, Alumina, and also Rusty Key
Blow Dart
Blow Dart Crafting Recipe: Dart, Scorpion Venom, Bamboo, and also Feather
Camera Repair
Camera Repair Crafting Recipe: Broken Camera, Camera Base, Small Screwdriver and also Loose Screws
Chest Key
Chest Key Crafting Recipe: Broken Key, Broken Key, Broken Key, and also Broken Key
Concrete Crafting Recipe: Stone talisman, Fly Ash, White Sand, and also Dolomite
Dehumidifier Crafting Recipe: Broken Dehumidifier, Small Screwdriver, Silver ore and also Gold Talisman
Gold Talisman
Gold Talisman Crafting Recipe: Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, and also Gold Ore
Golden Teddie
Golden Teddie Crafting Recipe: Bumpy Candle, Gold Ore, Teddy Bear, and also White Sand
Grand Talisman
Grand Talisman Crafting Recipe: Gold Ore, Gold Ore, Gold Ore, and also False Talisman
Hacking Tool
Hacking Tool Crafting Recipe: Key card, ID Card Writer, System BIOS, Encryption scanner.
Jade Shovel
Jade Shovel Crafting Recipe: Shovel Head, Shovel shaft, Shovel Hadle and also Jade Talisman
Jasmine Massage Oil
Jasmine Massage Oil Crafting Recipe: Jasmine, Rosa Moss, Basic Container and also Love Potion
King Shovel
King’s Shovel: King’s Shovel Handle, King’s Shovel Shaft, King’s Shovel Head, Caulli’s Coin
Loaded Musket
Loaded Musket Crafting Recipe: Cleaning Oil, Old Bullet, Old Musket and also Silver Ore
Pickaxe Crafting Recipe: Wrench Grip, Gaffer Tape, Grappling Hook and also Pipe Wrench
Pirate Key
The Pirate Key Crafting Recipe: Pirate Medallion, Grand Talisman, Broken Key and also Broken Key
Pirate Shovel
Pirate Shovel Crafting Recipe: Cursed Shovel, Pirate Medallion, Jade Talisman and also Gold Talisman
Rat Trap
Rat Trap Crafting Recipe: Plastic Wrap, Gaffer Tape, Roach and also Basic Container
Rock Bomb
Rock Bomb Crafting Recipe: Nitroglycerin, Basic Container, Silver Talisman and also Jade Talisman
Silver Talisman
Silver Talisman Crafting Recipe: Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, Stone Talisman, and also Silver Ore
Stompin’ Boots
Stompin’ Boots Crafting Recipe: Leather Gloves, Shoelaces, Damaged Boots and also Shoe Glue
Swift Shovel
Swift Shovel Crafting Recipe: Alloy Shovel Hand, Ultra Shovel Hand, Carbon Shovel Shaft and also Silver Talisman
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough & Guide
Full walkthrough & guide for Treasure of Nadia.
v03111 (1/2)
v03111 (2/2)
v 16012
Treasure of nadia crafting recipes
120043 best questions for Treasure of nadia crafting recipes
We’ve collected 120043 best questions in the «Treasure of nadia crafting recipes» category so you can quickly find the answer to your question!
Those interested in the Treasure of nadia crafting recipes category often ask the following questions:
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The treasure of Nadia is the follow-up to Lust Epidemic. In Treasure of Nadia, you take control of a young man looking to fill the shoes of his recently deceased father and become a famous treasure hunter. Along the way you will meet a variety of female companions, 12 to be exact! Treasure of Nadia 75031 Download Game Torrent For PC.
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Countdown to the Next Chapter. By NLT April 3, 2020. The next chapter of Treasure of Nadia is coming soon.
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🔎 How many pages are in treasure of nadia?
🔎 When is the next treasure of nadia update?
The next chapter of Treasure of Nadia is coming soon. Click here to download the latest versions of the games. Previous
Video from Treasure of nadia crafting recipes
We’ve collected for you several video answers to questions from the «Treasure of nadia crafting recipes» category:
Video answer: Found a treasure of hidden pokemon cards inside a store! opening #55
Top 120023 questions from Treasure of nadia crafting recipes
We’ve collected for you 120023 similar questions from the «Treasure of nadia crafting recipes» category:
How use save file for treasure of nadia and where is location?
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Treasure of nadia i how much does all 120 multi vitamins cost?
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How to update treasures of nadia walkthrough?
How to update treasures of nadia 2?
Treasure cave cheese recipes?
Skip to Content. We want to assure you that we remain committed to providing consumers with safe, high quality products and, as such, we are closely following the fast-evolving situation relating to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Treasure of nadia last update walkthrough :how to get all the chest keys?
Treasure cave blue cheese recipes?
Treasure Cave® Cheese | Recipes. Filter By. Filter By. Blue. Feta. Parmesan. Gorgonzola. Goat. Appetizer.
Can’t see treasure mushroom recipes?
How can i get an earthquake treasure card for crafting?
Can buried treasure only be found under sand minecraft crafting?
Buried treasure structures generate in beach biomes, and can also generate underwater. The treasure chest is almost always buried by some material. Most of the time the chest generates buried in a beach, so it has a sand or gravel block covering it. Sometimes, if generated on the side of an underwater hill, it spawns with stone blocks covering it. If it generates on the surface of the ocean floor, a gravel or sand block covers it.
Where is the magma blade in treasure quest wiki crafting?
Crafting is a feature in Treasure Quest. It can be used by combining items to create other items, such as Rare Weapons, Rare Armor, Mythical Weapons, and Ultimate Weapons. The player is also able to view a list of crafting recipes. 1 List of Crafting Recipes 1.1 Elementus Recipe 1.2 Torment.
Where is the lava blade in treasure quest wiki crafting?
The Lava Blade is a Rare Warrior weapon in Treasure Quest. It can be obtained by following a path from the fountain to a cave. Once the player ventures inside the cave a parkour must be jumped to reach the blade that is standing in a mound of lava.
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How save progress in treasures of nadia free game?
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Where is the chest key in treasures of nadia movie?
Where is the chest key in treasures of nadia free?
Where is the chest key in treasures of nadia game?
Where is the chest key in treasures of nadia book?
To get the chest key: Estero Park > Left, there’s additionally one web page to accumulate; Talk to Ash (Squallmart) Buy the simple walkway ($10), simple fence ($30) and lawn flowers ($20), use them to your residence, and speak to Alia; Buy a ee-e book ($60) in SquallMart and study; Find the Jade Talisman (Estero Park) and deliver it to Pricia (Parlor)
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How save progress in treasures of nadia free game pc?
in this video you learn how use save files for treasure of nadia game** for more explain turn on subtittle «cc»
Where is the chest key in treasures of nadia 3?
How save progress in treasures of nadia free game download?
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Are treasures used as crafting components?
What goes in a treasure basket recipes?
Treasure basket play can be really magical when it all goes well, and babies will become fully involved and concentrating on an activity for an astonishing amount of time. Treasure basket play is open to everyone. It is simple, cheap and easy to set up.
What to put in treasure basket recipes?
Classic objects to include are: a soft sponge, fluffy flannel, cotton wool, a soft toy, velvet powder puff, velour material, ball of wool and a soft baby brush. Let them feel the textures against their hands and skin and see how the different objects vary in their softness. 6.
How to use treasure upgrade infuser recipes?
Where is the chest key in treasures of nadia in english?
Where do i find the treasure isles recipes?
Treasure Isles Recipes are gained by trading with the Treasure Isles Trader Merchant in the Treasure Isles Biome. Each recipe can be traded with 300 Glim. They are a one-time-use item and will teach a player an unknown Treasure Isles Recipe when used. If all recipes are known, they will be unable to be used but can be deconstructed into Blank Scrolls. All recipes once used can be crafted at the Workbench.
Hey guys, I’m just trying to get every recipe in game, but where to find merchants, that are selling Treasure Isles recipes? Only stuff I can buy from them are mounts, soultraps and sails, both in ‘normal’ and drowned worlds. Any clues?
Where can i buy ra treasure card recipes?
How to make the best treasure hunt ever recipes?
The biggest advantage of treasure hunts is that they don’t cost you a lot. All you need is a bit of creativity to use whatever items you have at home. The Ultimate Guide to make a Treasure Hunt at Home. Here is how you can prepare a treasure hunt at home for your kids. 1. Work on a Theme. The first thing you need to do is pick a theme.
What to do on the treasure coast today recipes?
Best Things to Do at Port St. Lucie (The Treasure Coast) With barrier islands hugging the coastline for miles and plenty of preserved, undeveloped land, this area around Port St. Lucie is just about the furthest south you can go in South Florida and still find that “small town” atmosphere.
There are, in fact, certain treasures that are used in quests or to upgrade weapons (also considered quests). I found a list of all of these «Don’t sell» treasures in the game here: Barbed Scythe; Cactuar Needle; Coeurl Whiskers; Cylinder; Dynamo; Earth Gemstone; Glass Gemstone; Magitek Core; Magnetron; Metal Scrap; Monster Claw; Repair Kit; Rusted Bits; Sky Gemstone
How to make treasure in little alchemy 2 all recipes?
Walkthrough for treasure in Little Alchemy 2. fire + fire = energy; earth + fire = lava; earth + earth = land; water + water = puddle; air + lava = stone; puddle + water = pond; earth + land = continent; earth + lava = volcano; continent + continent = planet; fire + stone = metal; stone + stone = wall; pond + water = lake; earth + metal = plow; air + planet = atmosphere
How do you make a crafting table in minecraft pe?
You can’t. Minecraft PE is a in-proper version of minecraft where you cannot craft.
How to make a treasure chest cake with open lid recipes?
Cover the outside of the lid with the spread and decorate it with chocolate drops. Put all the cake into a cool place for at least an hour. Fill the chest with gold covered chocolate coins or sweets. Push the cocktail sticks halfway into the back edge of the chest. Carefully secure the lid onto the sticks, tilting it open at the front.
Where to buy treasures of the sea parmesan tilapia recipes?
Treasure of trinity?
Treasures of Trinity is a charitable resale shop featuring hand selected furniture, unique home goods, artwork, kitchenware, seasonal decor, vintage items, hidden gems and more. Our store, located at 212 E. Chicago Avenue in Westmont, is open daily from 8
A treasure of?
Exploring Endless Possibilities. A Treasure Of Dreams A Treasure Of Dreams A Treasure Of Dreams A Treasure Of Dreams
What kind of treasure hunters find treasure?
ToA by itself has an extreme lack of treasure and magic items in particular. This is definitely a potential balance issue later in the game when more creatures appear that are resistant or immune to non-magical damage. I am currently involved in a ToA run that is at the end stages of the tomb.
Lost treasure of pandaria?
The lost treasures hidden throughout Pandaria are items of great value, found in containers and NPCs throughout Pandaria (usually of the same name). Obtaining them is the objective of a series of achievements. There are 28 known containers/NPCs that contain lost treasures, although some of these will provide one of a number of possible items.
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Treasure of pandaria locations?
Achievement treasures first, other treasures second * = entrance noted in another waypoint The Jade Forest /way The Jade Forest 26.2, 32.3 Ancient Pandaren Tea Pot /way The Jade Forest 31.9, 27.7 Lucky Pandaren Coin /way The Jade Forest 23.5, 35 Pandaren Ritual Stone /way Pandaria 70.1, 74.3 Ship’s Locker (inside the ship, at the bottom on left)
Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough 2021 – Wiki, PDF, Guide
If you’re searching for Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough, you’ve come to the one of the right place. In this post, we have put together a Complete Guide of Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough, Check them out
In this post, We provide the most up-to-date Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough & Guide you can simply check here.
You can check our Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough, we have updated this Post frequently. So be sure to keep bookmarking this page and check back regularly to getting all the latest information and updates.
Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough
Here we provide all the complete information about Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough in details so without wasting time let’s began.
Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough – V 03111 [1/2]
Treasure Of Nadia Walkthrough – V 03111 [2/2]
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 06112
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 09121
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 11122
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 14011
Read More – Milfy City Walkthrough to Complete Guide and Ending
Walkthrough V 16012
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 19021
Squalmart: Talk to Pricia and Emily, then go to the parlor (backyard), plant a ginseng in Prussia’s garden (you can find ginseng in Estero Park), and go to the parlor to talk to Pricia.
Library – Take the ginseng plant look outside – lower-left corner, you can sell it to Pricia at 250$
Janet’s house: Backyard, then the living room, talk to Janet and Naomi, go to the kitchen, and get some iced tea (refrigerator). Go up > Janet’s room and also take wine (nightstand) and shoelaces (bathroom). Give Naomi and Janet wine, watch the scene, and go to Kelly’s room.
Lighthouse: Get a photo at squalmart, go to Lighthouse > Basement, and talk to Albert twice: Damaged Shoes, Take Crate Page, and Open Chest (Password 684)
Buy shoe glue at squalmart, and find the crafting page at Full Mast Bar > Men’s Room. Search in
Kev (Crafting): The recipe for Stompin’ Boots is: Leather Gloves + Damaged Boots + Shoeless + Shoe Glue. Stompin’ Boots, You Can Pass From Poisonous Insects
Full Mast Bar: Carbon Shovel Shaft and Chest Key
Estero Park: Go where the scorpions were, and also pick up the Ultra Shovel Handle, a Crafting Page, and Golden Talisman. To open the chest you have to give the goose by antacid tablet (squalmart)
Walkthrough V 21022
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 23031
Walkthrough V 25032
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Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 27041
Kayak License Exam (List) Answer: Sunscreen, West 15+ Knots, Bear and South Take the Ranger Test
Follow the ranger (Estero Park) > talk to Diana (West > to the river), then place the stone on the plate to open the path
Pick up items at the new location and go back with Diana
Return to the island and break the rock (hard side) with the pickaxe to get some quartz
Go to the northwest side of the park and break another rock to get some fossils
Talk to Emily (SQUALmart), and buy alumina
Talk to Ash (parking lot) to take a photo
Craft the Ant Killer (Cave)
Simply go to your inventory, then open the old map, and now get the chest key (under the tree)
Go to the island, kill the insects with ant killer and take the maca plant. There is a chest on the east side of the island, get a page to open it
Give the plant to Prussia (Parlor) > Visit Sofia’s Mansion > Talk to Diana (Library)
Walkthrough V 30042
V 32051
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 34052
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough – V 36061
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 38062
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Walkthrough V 40071
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 42072
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 44081
Find Crafting Scrolls in the Park: Rock Bomb = Nitroglycerin + Basic Container + Silver Talisman + Jade Talisman
Go to Squalmart > Cave > Craft the Rock Bomb > Full Mast Bar > Fish for Jessica on the Beach (if you fail to buy the bait at the bait shop)
Next location > break base, get a basic container and go back to build another rock bomb
Church > break this wall with a rock bomb
Go to the location, and also take the broken key and spike boot from inside the vase (break it). Then teleport to the park and take the gorgeous amulet from the hidden vase
Take the Broken Key (West of the Island) and craft the Pirate Key = Pirate Medal + Gran Talisman + Broken Key + Broken Key
remember where you threw the stone, now you can open the chest with the pirate key
Visit Diana > Sophia’s Mansion > Cave Puzzle:
Find the first page here:
Solve the second cave puzzle exactly like this:
To complete this update take the Philweed plant (above, under the palm)
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 46082
Walkthrough V 48091
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 51092
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 54101
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Walkthrough V 56102
Library > Teleport to the Jungle > Head north until you find a cave > go left to the third palm tree (starting on the right) and then go up
Park > turn left to the end > go north
Bar (Meet Claire) > Full Mast Bar > There’s an orange light on the left side of the building (from the palm trees), take it (Profile of Pricia)
Back to the Cave > Puzzle: Click on 3 circles at the same time to move Claire down and Diana to the left corner, then stand on the circle > On the left is a broken key, off a cliff
Also, take the chest key (on the circle to the right of the chest) > and another key in the second cave (use the teleport), on the left side of the stairs
Craft: Broken Dehumidifier + Small Screwdriver + Silver Ore + Gold Talisman
Give Emily a dehumidifier (SQUALmart) > Exit the store, move to another location and return to the store > Go to the store’s parking lot.
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 58111
Doctor’s Office Get Nitroglycerin from Jessica
Parlour > Get Lotion from Precia
Stores > Buy x4 Basic Container
Craft Rock Bomb: Nitroglycerin + Basic Container + Silver Talisman + Jade Talisman
Teleport to the new cave (Last Update) and blow up the middle rock with the Rock Bomb > Come inside and take the Aloe plant, also use the pickaxe to get the key to the buried chest
Exit > Go Left > New Cave (Last Update – Claire and Ash) > Teleport
Lighthouse > Basement > Take Kelly’s profile on the way > Blow up a stone block blocking a hallway > Open the chest (Burial Chest Key) and also read the crafting page
Craft Aloe Potion: Aloe Plant + Shea Butter + Ginseng Plant + Basic Container
Doctor’s Office > Give Jessica the Aloe Potion
Janet’s House > Upstairs > Sophia Mansion > Library (Talk to Diana) > Parlor (Jessica) > Squalmart
Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough V 60113
This Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough is currently working on it
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