scp secret laboratory машина улучшений рецепты
SCP-914 | |
Информация | |
Способности | Заменяет предметы или улучшает |
Подвижен? | Нет |
Опасен? | Да (на грубо и очень грубо) |
Ссылка на страницу SCP | |
Появление в игре | |
Встречается в | SCP: Containment Breach и все модификации с версии 0.1 |
Расположение | Камера содержания SCP-914 |
Связанные достижения | «Переработка» |
SCP-914 «Часовой механизм» — объект класса Безопасный.
Объект представляет из себя большой цельный часовой механизм. Имеет два больших отсека, маркированные как «Сырьё» и «Продукт». Между ними находится медная панель с большим переключателем с маленькой стрелкой. Пять делений переключателя промаркированы как «очень грубо», «грубо», «1:1», «тонко» и «очень тонко». Ниже находится большой «ключ», который запускает «ходовую пружину».
Роль в игре
Камера содержания SCP-914 находится в Зоне 1. Для входа в камеру требуется ключ-карта 2 уровня. Здесь можно найти аптечку, документ, в котором указано, что нельзя обрабатывать органическую материю в SCP-914, и записку Доктора Л.
Игрок может разместить любые предметы в левом отсеке «Сырьё». С помощью панели управления он может выбрать один из 5 режимов:
После того, как будет выбран режим и повёрнут ключ на панели управления, машина запустится и будет издавать звуки в течение нескольких секунд. Новая версия предмета появится в правом отсеке «Продукт».
Камера содержания SCP-914 не является безопасной: SCP-173 может войти в камеру, если не закрыть дверь, а SCP-106 может появиться внутри камеры, если игрок находится там слишком долго. Стоит также заметить, что если игрок уничтожит ключ-карту в SCP-914, он может оказаться в ловушке, если в игре больше не осталось карточек или он предварительно закрыл железную дверь в камеру содержания.
Что может произвести SCP-914
Модификации предметов, находящиеся в таблице ниже, находятся под спойлером.
Предмет | Очень грубо | Грубо | 1:1 | Тонко | Очень тонко | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Документ | Кусочки порезанной бумаги | Обработка SCP-148 и предметов Если обработать панель SCP-148 на Очень грубо или Грубо, можно получить слиток SCP-148. Некоторые предметы, обработанные со слитком на 1:1, Тонко или Очень тонко, защищают от воздействия SCP-012.
Обработка ключ-картКлюч-карта, улучшенная в SCP-914 на Тонко, даёт карту на уровень выше, однако процент вероятности получения зависит от сложности игры, который выбрал игрок.
Получение Omni-карты зависит от количества полученных достижений. Уровень сложности, выбранный в главном меню, влияет на количество получаемых достижений, которые как раз и увеличивают шанс получения карты (например, на сложности «Кетер» потребуется большое количество достижений). Scp secret laboratory машина улучшений рецептыНачнем с самого главного, с управления! Управление осуществляется с помощью следующих клавиш: Использование рации осуществляется с помощью следующих клавиш: Использование «Аммометра» осуществляется с помощью следующих клавиш: Использование «Дизармера» осуществляется с помощью следующих клавиш: На вашем уровне есть оружейная. На вашем уровне есть два Контрольных пункта. (Лифты А и Б). После побега вы появляетесь за Повстанцев Хаоса. Делайте все ваши передвижения как можно быстрей дабы ухватить хотя бы одну ключ-карту. Кооперируйтесь со всеми, чтобы повысить шансы сбежать. (Так Класс-Д выглядит в игре) На вашем уровне есть оружейная. На вашем уровне есть два Контрольных пункта. (Лифты А и Б). Не доверяйте классу-д ваши вещи. Идите на поиски пистолета если посчитаете нужным. Сразу же ищите SCP-914 чтобы быстрее сбежать. (Так ученные выглядят в игре) Вы появляетесь на Поверхности после высадки на вертолёте.Ваша задача спасти учёных и нейтрализовать других объектов (по приказу командира). В вашем отряде есть иерархия. На вашем уровне появлется отряд Повстанцев Хаоса. На вашем уровне есть пульт удалённого управления Альфа Боеголовки. Действуйте только по приказам командира во избежание казусов. (Так МОГ выглядят в игре) Вы появляетесь на Поверхности после езды на машине.Ваша задача спасти сотрудников класса-Д и нейтрализовать других субъектов. Вы вооружены Лёгким Пулемётом.У вас имеется дымовая граната. У вас есть доступ ко всем оружейным,воротам А и Б и интеркому. На вашем уровне есть пульт удалённого управления Альфа Боеголовкам. Держитесь единой командой и определите главного человека в отряде. Найдите рацию дабы связаться или прослушивать МОГ или тех, кто имеет рацию. (Так Повстанцы Хаоса выглядят в игре) Статуя примерно 2 метра в высоту, сделана из бетона и арматур со следами Аэрозольной краски. Одушевлен и крайне враждебен. Быстрое перемещение, при взгляде людей не может двигаться. HP: 2000(в зависимости от сервера может меняться) Скорость передвижения: Бегает как Соник, с очень быстрой скоростью. Способ Атаки: Обычная Атака, убивает с одного удара (перезарядки нет). (Так выглядит SCP-173 в игре) Гуманоидное существо ростом приблизительно 2,38 метра. У субъекта наблюдается малое количество мышечной массы. Руки непропорционально велики по отношению к телу субъекта, длина каждой равна примерно 1,5 м. Кожа в основном лишена пигментации, признаки волос на теле отсутствуют. Скромник имеет 2 состояния, Спокойствие и Ярость. HP: 2000 (в зависимости от сервера может меняться) Скорость передвижения: В спокойном состоянии меньше скорости людей, в Ярости летает как соник превышает скорость SCP-173. Способ Атаки: В обычно спокойствии не может атаковать, в Ярости получает атаку ломающее харю убивающую с одного удара (перезарядки нет). Совет:Лучше всего за Скромника ходить по комплексу и не обращать внимания на людей,т.к. если вы будете ходить по все комплексу без особого маршрута,то многие могут случайно вас увидеть, а вы их нет, следовательно вы потеряете ярость просто так. Не надо ходить перед человеком,т.к. если он не глупый,то сможет от вас увернуться. Старайтесь делать засады, стоя позади двери, ведь когда человек откроет дверь, он посмотрит прямо вам в лицо. SCP-106 выглядит как пожилой гуманоид на поздней стадии разложения. Внешность меняется от случая к случаю, но свойство «гнилости» присуще любому облику. Старик имеет 2 способности, «Гнилость» и «Карманное Измерение».»Гнилость»- Старик может проходить сквозь любые двери, а также может создать лужу в которую сможет переместиться в любой момент(макс луж-1).»Карманное Измерение»-старик перемещает человека которого ударит в свое измерение где после телепортации человек теряет 50% своего здоровья, в измерении есть несколько проходов, лишь один из них правильный, случае ошибки вы умрете, а в случае правильного выбора вы выйдете в камере Содержания SCP-106. HP: 600 (имеет резист к урону почти в 90%,в зависимости от сервера кол-во HP может меняться) Скорость передвижения: Меньше чем у людей. Способ Атаки: Телепортация в Измерение (перезарядка между ударами 1 сек). Совет: Старик один из самых мобильных SCP, т.к может проходить через двери, ходите по комплексу и ищите себе цель, старайтесь играться с целью, ставьте «Гниль» в тех местах, где в случае отступления вас не найдут, и, также, старайтесь раз в 1мин-5мин менять эту точку, так вы будете дезаринтировать людей, а это и нужно вам и другим SCP. (так SCP-106 выглядит в игре) SCP-049 «Чумной Доктор» SCP-049 имеет гуманоидную внешность, рост 1,9 м. Одет в традиционный костюм «чумного доктора» Европы XV-XVI вв. Этот материал фактически является частью тела SCP-049. HP: 1200 ( в зависимости от сервера может манятся) Скорость передвижения: Немного медленнее чем у людей Способ Атаки: Обычная атака, убивает с одного удара. HP:2000 (в зависимости от сервера может меняться) Скорость передвижения: Немного больше чем у людей. Способ атаки: Обычный удар(самая быстрая перезарядка) Урон-20-40 HP. Совет: Если вы единственный SCP в игре, то сразу бегите либо в ЗВ, либо в ЛЗС. Спрячьтесь в углу, и убейте 2-3 людей, после чего, скажите зомби гонять людей по комплексу, а сами спрячьтесь в укромный голок, и ваши зомби сами приведут людей к вам. Если увидите группу МТФ или ХАОС, не деритесь с ними, бегите и готовьте ловушку. Scp secret laboratory машина улучшений рецептыThis guide will cover all aspects of SCP:Secret Laboratory (SCP:SL) in as much depth as possible, due to the ongoing nature of the development of the game this guide will continually be updated as new features are added and current features are tested and confirmed. SCP:SL features around twenty (20) players who are attempting to survive and emerge victorious within a randomly generated underground facility, owned by the Foundation, an organization dedicated to the protection of humanity via securing and containing highly dangrous individuals, items, machines and similar classiifed as SCP’s that are of a paranormal nature. Players who join a round will be placed as one of several roles at round start. Alternativly if a player dies they may be respawned as a ‘reinforcement’ for either a Foundation Mobile Task Force (MTF) or a Chaos Insurgency assault group (CI), as detailed below. As noted the site is seperated into three main areas and one minor fourth area, these are. LIGHT CONTAINMENT ZONE Side rooms within the LCV can contain minor items of note strewn around. Generally expect to find low level (Lv1 to Lv2) access cards. HEAVY CONTAINMENT ZONE SCP’s 049, 096, 106 and 939 all spawn here. A special ammo room can spawn within a T shaped junction that will contain a large reserve of SMG weapon ammo and a workshop. ENTRANCE ZONE Facility Guards spawn here. Multiple offices spawn in this zone, some of these rooms can be searched for access cards and similar. You may find a high level access card within any searched file cabinet. SURFACE MTF and Chaos Insurgency forces will spawn here. MTF forces will appear via helicopter insertion near Gate B. Chaos Insurgency forces will arrive by a military vehicle near Gate A. The two areas of importance on the Surface zone are the Alpha Warhead control room, and the escape room. The Warhead control room requires a all access keycard (O5 lv4 Admin Keycard or Containment Engineer lv4 Scientist Keycard) to enter. The escape zone requires no access and is located past Gate B near where the MTF will spawn. Researchers and Class-D that reach here ‘escape’ for all intents and purposes and will despawn. This section will give a detailed overview of all playable individuals or factions in game. Class-D personal make up the majority of the round start population. They spawn in the furthermost room in the facility from the entrance, and are often not far from SCP-173’s spawn location. The objective of Class-D’s are to escape the site, a monumental task considering the poor start of Class-D personal. The best strategy for Class-D personal is to quickly fan out and attempt to locate Keycards within the light zone. Best case scenario you may locate a high level keycard that can let you leave the zone right away. Otherwise if you find no keycard, or a card with insufficient access to leave the zone, you should attempt to locate SCP-914 and upgrade your card, or hide near an exit and hope someone opens it and you can sneak through. Early game threats are other Researchers and SCP-173. Rarely a Researcher may get access to a firearm, though most of the time Researchers will cooperate with Class-D’s to act as a meat shield for their survival. SCP-173 is the main threat early game as it spawns in the LCZ, but can be avoided with some skill. With some luck you could attempt to access the LCZ armoury. If successful you’ll gain access to an array of effective guns to defend yourself with, mostly against MTF units. However failure is more likely as the longer you are in the LCZ, the more likely more SCPs will enter to find you. Escaping the LCZ will lead to the Heavy Containment Zone. Dark, expansive, dangrous. Odds are you’ll run into SCP-106 or SCP-049 before you even get to the HCZ, both of whom are more than able to quickly dispatch you. However the smart Class-D may be able to locate a few hidden Assault Rifles within the HCZ that can help in fending off threats, or even prototype guns. Once you reach the Entrance zone your main threat are rogue SCPs and MTF forces combing the area. If against all odds you manage to reach the Surface, then you are a god among men. (Of course if a wave of Chaos Insurgency soldiers spawn then your task to escape is a lot easier, don’t count on it) Researchers are similar to Class-D’s however they start better equipped with a keycard and can be expected to be rescued by incoming MTF troops or guards. The roundstart access to a Keycard can faccilitate quicker access to areas of the zone and can allow you to start upgrading your card faster to escape. Use the Class-D’s as god intended, meatshields to throw at runaway SCPs. Otherwise, act akin to a Class-D that is escaping. Except odds are you may run into a MTF instead of a Zombie. 049 is seen as the most powerful SCP in the game currently by many. It has a extraordinarily powerful melee attack and is capable of reviving dead Humans into zombie like creatures (SCP-049-2). The primary attack for SCP-049 is a hitting a Human in melee with your hand. Your attacks are extraordinarily lethal as a few rapid clicks will instantly kill any Human target. The main strength of SCP-049 comes from its ability to revive a dead Human it killed. By simply holding ‘E» for around a few seconds will result in you reviving the dead Human as a instance of SCP-049-2, a zombie like creature. While SCP-049 has a large pool of health and is incredibly powerful in melee, it lacks the armour of other SCPs and will very quickly die under sustained gunfire from enemy forces. Approach with care and maintain gunfire and even a single man with a gun can dispatch 049 with time. Just don’t let it lure you behind a corner into melee. Revived zombie like entities created by SCP-049, these creatures move at roughly the same speed as SCP-049. They attack with a slow moving melee attack that deals moderate damage per hit, the attack is slow so hitting a moving target is hard. Instances of SCP-049-2 are quick to succumb to massed gunfire, and head shots can kill 049-2 very fast, however their strength is their ability to act as shields for more valuable SCPs and to overwhelm enemy forces. SCP-106 is one of the more balanced SCP’s in game. It has a good balance of attack power and can reliablly retreat, but has a crippling weakness that Humans can exploit. Your primary method of attack is a one hit ‘teleport’ attack that, if you connect your melee hit to a Human target, will teleport them away to a pocket dimension, which 95% of the time will result in them dying. There is a small chance they can escape the dimension alive, but they will sustain a bit of health damage, if they escape they will teleport outside of your containment chamber. 106 moves at a sub-moderate movement speed, slightly slower than an average human walk. 106 has the unique ability that they can walk through any and all closed doors. This makes 106 the only SCP that can easily move between zones and the entrance zones since it does not need someone else to open them. 106 has access to a unique personal teleport ability via hitting the ‘TAB’ key. When held you can place a single marker on the floor. Once placed you can use your second ability to teleport yourself back to that marker. Only one marker can be on the floor at any time. The ONE critical weakness of SCP-106 is that a Human can enter your Containment cell and initate your containment procedure. This process does require the ‘sacrifice’ of one Human who will die but this procedure will, if executed, contain and despawn you from the game. Fortunatly a very high level ID card is needed to access your containment chamber. You should keep a close eye on your containment chamber when able. Gunfire is mediocre in killing 106, but it will eventually kill it though it will take a lot of time and ammo to do so. Your best bet to terminate it is to lure it into grenades, find and use the HID Gun which will kill 106 after approximately three seconds of sustained fire or to initiate its containment procedure to contain it. Evading 106 is easy as its footsteps are loud and obvious SCP-173 is a highly aggressive and fast moving entity that is capable of instantly killing any target it is able to attack. While not being observed by a Human, 173 can move at an incredibly fast pace. Furthermore, as 173 loses health it will start to move even faster. However once 173 is being observed by a Human, 173 will freeze in place. At this point 173 will only move when all nearby Humans ‘blink’, blinking is universal in that all Humans will blink at the same time every 4 seconds, ensuring that 173 can continue to move forward to engage a target. 173 has a early game edge in that it spawns in the LCZ and can quickly move to engage surviving Class-D and Research personal. However in the late game 173 is the weakest SCP (aside 079) since 173 will quickly succumb to massed gunfire since it will have a hard time retreating. Shoot it. 173 is the easiest SCP to deal with as it struggles significantly when it runs up against a squad of armed soldiers. Be wary of its increased movement speed as you decrease its health. SCP-096 A unique SCP. By default it moves very slowly, akin to standard Human walking speeds. However if this SCP is observed by any Human for a short period, it will enter a ‘rage’ state, after a few moments standing stationary it will be able to move at an incredible fast pace, and instantly destroy almost any door in its path, while being able to instantly kill any Human it hits in melee. When 096 exits its rage state it’ll return to its passive state and will have to wait a short time before it can rage again. The time someone can ‘accidently’ view 096 directly before it enters its rage state decreases as it loses health. As such if this SCP is at full health you can glance at it for a short period without triggering it, but as it loses health it’ll become far more sensitive to the point where even glancing at it will trigger it. How to defeat While a round is in progress there is a 65% chance that every 4.4 to 5.8 minutes that a new reinforcement MTF squad will deploy, drawing from all spectating players, these squad deployments will be announced over the site intercom system automatically. Extra note, any Scientist that evacuates will instantly respawn as a ‘MTF Scientist’. A MTF Scientist is identical to a Lieutenant except they spawn with a Medikit. Individual MTF operatives are very well equipped with powerful and effective items. Most spawn with a powerful Assault Rifle while the low level guards will spawn with a P90. These weapons can very quickly kill any Human with a few well placed shots, and sustained fire will deal massive damage to most SCP’s except for SCP-106 who has a high damage resistance to most attacks. MTF Frag Grenades are highly lethal and will usually kill or gravely wound (75% or more health) most SCP’s. MTF units also come equipped with a personal radio, allowing MTF units to remain in contact with one another over long ranges, further increaseing the effectivness of the MTF. Strategy wise, MTF forces will want to work to rescue any surviving Science personal and to begin work on recontaining the escaping SCPs. Best objective to accomplish this is to locate a sufficiently high level keycard (Facility Manager, Containment Engineer of O5 Card) and begin containment on high level SCPs. Rescuing Scientists can yield extra benefits (scientists become MTF soldiers instantly when rescued) and may provide good equipment. As agents of the Chaos Insurgency your orders as dictated by Delta Command are to infiltrate the Foundation site, attempt to ‘liberate’ any surviving Class-D personal for information extraction and to terminate any surviving science personal and incoming Foundation MTF forces. Termination of escaping SCPs is not necessary for mission completion and should only be done out of survival. At the start of the round there is a 10% chance a CI squad will spawn in lieu of a guard squad. Furthermore during the round there is a default 35% chance of additional CI squads being deployed instead of a MTF force at the appropriate times (as noted in the MTF section above). The deployment of CI forces is NOT announced unlike MTF arrivals to all players, however other CI and Class-D’s will hear a ‘musical string’ to indicate an arrival of another CI squad. Equipment wise CI agents are not as well armed and equipped as their MTF counterparts. The Logicar Machinegun is an effective weapon with a large ammo supply but it performs poorly at mid to long range combat and lacks the precision elimination of the MTF Assault Rifles. CI agents have access to a special issue Hacked Keycard which grants near total access to the entire site, with the exception of 106’s and 079’s containment chambers, and the Alpha Warhead activation room (their access is equivalent to the MTF Commander). The strategy for CI forces is surprise. If hostile forces are expecting you then they can prepare in advance, but rushing a squad of unaware MTF with Logicars will usually result in your victory. Threat wise, MTF forces will typically have the advantage in combat as their weapons deal more damage, have better range and are far more accuracte than yours, as well as them having inbuilt night vision. But if you can close the gap your Logicar will quickly dispatch a MTF. SCP’s are a dangrous issue to deal with, your strategy’s to deal with SCPs are akin to how MTF will deal with them as noted in the above section. Do note that you can ‘win’ the round without having to kill any of the active SCPs. So long as all the Researchers and MTF are dead, and all the Class-D’s are evacuated, you’ll end the round. This contains a list of all non-playable SCP’s currently in game in some capacity. SCP-914 The machine has five settings. Rough, Coarse, 1:1, Fine and Very Fine. Rough and Coarse will typically downgrade the Tier of a keycard. 1:1 will typically exchange a keycard for a equilivant card in the same tier (so a Security tier 2 card for a Administration tier 2 card) and Fine and Very fine have a chance to upgrade a card by one or more tiers. A primary strategy is to place a desired keycard into the machine, set it to ‘Fine’ mode and continue to upgrade a card until you get a desired card. This can take a long time as the machine is not 100% guaranteed to upgrade or change a card, and may refuse to or even downgrade a card. This section will list all known weapons and items in game currently. COM15 Pistol MP7 Project 90 Epsilon-11 SR M249 «Logicar» Machinegun Standard issue Chaos Insurgency weapon. This weapon has terrible accuracy at range and massive recoil issues. But is is a very effective weapon in close range combat due to its output of damage. Spray and pray is the name of the game for this weapon. H.I.D. Prototype Handheld Firearm A rare prototype weapon that spawns within a special armoury in the Heavy Containment Zone. This weapon is extraordinarily effective in terminating SCP-106 and SCP-049 and its Zombies. This weapon, due to its early development, can only fire ONCE before being rendered useless. This weapon has a long charge period when the fire trigger is pulled before it’ll start firing a sustained high intensity light burst for a short duration before shutting down. Frag Grenade Standard issue anti-SCP/Personal grenade issued to MTF forces. All MTF except for MTF Guards spawn with one, and three of these grenades can be found in the LCZ Armoury. These grenades are excellent in hurting SCPs as a direct hit will usually either terminate or significantly wound any SCP within range. The grenade has a 5 second (aprox) timer when thrown before it detonates. Flashbang Uncommon issue Foundation grenade. Three can be found in the LCZ Armoury. When thrown it produces a powerful bright flash that will blind Humans and most SCPs for a short time. Barrel Attachments Oil Filter Silencer Muzzel Filter Sight Attachments Holographic Sight Night Vision Sight Sniper Scope Accesories Laser Sight Medical Kit Flashlight Radio Disarmer 50 Cent Coin Keycards are divied into three groups and four tiers. SCP Containment (access to SCP rooms), Security (armoury and entrance gate areas) and Administration (entrance zones and entrance gate areas). Card prefixes are as follow CC = Low | AA = N/A | IA = N/A | CA = N/A | EGA = N/A SCP Containment Tier 2 ‘Scientist’ Tier 3 ‘Major Scientist’ Tier 4 ‘Containment Engineer’ Security Tier 2 ‘Senior Guard’ Tier 3 ‘MTF Lieutenant’ Tier 4 ‘MTF Commander’ Administration Tier 2 ‘Facility Manager’ Tier 3 ‘Chaos Insurgency Hacking Device’ Tier 4 ‘O5 Command Keycard’ The average round will end typically when only one faction remains standing. This can vary slightly depending on the circumstances. The ‘Foundation‘ forces, Scientists and MTF, will end the round if all SCP’s, Chaos Insurgency agents and Class-D personal are dead. The ‘SCPs‘ will end the round if all Scientists, MTF and Class-D personal are dead. Chaos Insurgency forces do not need to be killed to end the round. Conversley. The ‘Chaos Insurgency‘ forces will end the round if all MTF’s and Scientists are dead and all Class-D personal are succesfully evacuated (or killed). The SCP’s do not need to be terminated or contained for the CI to end the round.