olive oil cake рецепт

Лимонный торт с оливковым маслом

Нет ничего лучше, чем свежеиспеченный лимонный пирог!
В данном рецепте сочетание сочного лимона с фруктовым маслом GAEA Sparta Extra Virgin Olive создает вкусный и воздушный торт!

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Ингредиенты для торта:

325 гр. муки
225 гр. сахара
70 мл. оливкового масла GAEA Sparta Extra Virgin Olive Oil
120 мл. простокваши или кефира
50 мл. теплая вода
2 больших лимона
2 яйца
Пол чайной ложки разрыхлителя
Чайная ложка соды
Четверть чайной ложки соли
Четверть чайной ложки мускатного ореха
Чайная ложка экстракта ванили

Ингредиенты для глазури:

100 гр. Сливочного сыра
150 гр. сахарной пудры
1 столовая ложка лимонного цедры
1 столовая ложка Оливкового масла GRADE Sparta Extra Virgin

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Оставьте кислое молоко и яйца в комнатной температуре и предварительно разогрейте духовку при 175 ° C.

Для глазури смешайте сливочный сыр с сахаром и поместите его в холодильник.

Перемешайте в миксере муку, разрыхлитель, соду, соль, мускатный орех и цедру двух лимонов.

Медленно взбивая, добавьте в простоквашу или кефир, яйца, лимонной сок и экстракт ванили.

Наконец, добавьте оливковое масло и теплую воду.

Равномерно поместите смесь на глубокий противень и запекайте при 175 ° C в течение 55 минут.

Снимите его с противня и дайте остыть.

Выньте из холодильника предварительно приготовленный сливочный сыр и добавьте оливковое масло и лимонную цедру.

Хорошо перемешайте и смажьте верх торта.
Украсьте торт глазированными ломтиками лимона.

Оливковое масло и средиземноморская культура питания. Виды, свойства, польза, применение.


Olive Oil Cake

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Olive Oil Cake – a classic Italian and Mediterranean favorite! Made with rich extra-virgin olive oil which produces an incredibly well moistened, flavorful cake. One of the most delicious desserts you’ll make!

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The Best Olive Oil Cake

This tempting cake is truly one of my favorites! It’s what I plan to make for Christmas because we love it so much.

In a way the flavors are reminiscent to that of pound cake, but with a delectable olive oil infused flavor all it’s own (rather than butter flavor). Then the cake is fluffier with a texture closer to a classic birthday cake.

The recipe includes bolder olive oil for great taste, cake flour for a light and fluffy texture, fresh lemon for an added background flavor, and it’s finished with toppings of choice.

Or you can just eat it plan because it’s just that good!

I personally prefer pairing with fresh fruit or a fresh fruit sauce and whipped cream. Sometimes you’ll see it sprinkled with a few tablespoons granulated sugar before baking, or other times recipes will add a frosting (such as lemon or mascarpone) or a simple glaze (such as lemon or vanilla) after it is completed.

Lots of options to finish or even just use powdered sugar for a pretty and delicate, snowy finish.

It’s a simple, humble cake that doesn’t need much. Yet it’s a cake that never disappoints! A classic dessert that’s truly worthy of your holiday menu.

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Olive Oil Cake Recipe Ingredients

Scroll below for full recipe with print option.

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How to Make Olive Oil Cake

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Can it be baked in a regular 9-inch cake pan?

Yes, as long as you have a cake pan that is 3-inches deep, otherwise it may overflow upon baking.

Can I use refined olive oil instead of extra-virgin?

Personally I love that added vibrant olive oil flavor when using “extra-virgin olive oil” here, it’s what really sets this cake apart. But if you would like a milder flavor then yes you can use standard “olive oil”. There is actually quite a big flavor difference between the two if you never noticed.

Is it okay to freeze?

Yes olive oil cake freezes really well for up to 3 months when wrapped and stored properly.


Olive Oil Cake Recipe

This cake highlights the best olive oil has to offer, so reach for the good stuff!

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Why It Works

This tender, fluffy olive oil cake comes together in less than an hour, start to finish, making it an ideal option for a last-minute dessert. It puts the bold flavor and nuanced aroma of olive oil front and center, so choose a brand you really love. Try pairing it with fresh fruits and a scattering of lightly toasted nuts (pistachio or pine nuts work especially well), or a dollop of softly whipped cream. Or try our chocolate olive oil cake instead!



Getting Ready: Adjust oven rack to lower-middle position and preheat to 350°F (180°C). Line an 8- by 3-inch anodized aluminum cake pan with parchment (see our explanation and tutorial on how to cut a parchment round) and grease lightly with pan spray.

For the Cake: Whisk sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt together in a medium bowl for about 1 minute. This dry mixture will look homogeneous well before it truly is, so use patience at this stage, and whisk longer than may seem necessary. Under-mixing at this stage can produce dark spots or an uneven texture in the cake.

Add lemon zest, olive oil, buttermilk, egg, and orange flower water and whisk vigorously until batter looks smooth and well emulsified. Sift in cake flour and whisk just until well combined. Scrape into prepared pan. Bake until cake is firm but your finger can still leave an impression in the puffy crust, about 33 minutes. (A toothpick inserted into the center should come away with a few crumbs still attached.)

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Cool cake directly in pan about 10 minutes, then run a butter knife around the edges to loosen. Invert onto a wire rack, peel off parchment, and place cake right side up on a serving platter or cake stand. Serve warm or at room temperature, with a sprinkling of powdered sugar or with fresh fruit, nuts, and other accompaniments as desired.

Special equipment


Both bleached and unbleached cake flour styles will work nicely in this recipe. Bleached styles will improve the cake’s rise and create a more tender crumb (as shown here), while unbleached styles will produce a heartier, more rustic texture akin to that of a quick bread.

Make-Ahead and Storage

Wrapped tightly in plastic, the cake will keep for 2 or 3 days at cool room temperature.


Шоколадный пирог на оливковом масле

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Счастье и абсолютный mast have для всех шокоголиков. Воздушный, нежный, влажный, тающий и очень шоколадный пирог. И что важно: БЕЗ Муки и Сливочного Масла. С мороженым или взбитыми сливками будет волшебно-волшебно. Ингрединеты на форму диаметром 16 см.

За рецепт спасибо одному французскому журналу!

Пищевая ценность порции

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Оливковое масло традиционно входит в средиземноморскую диету, и популяции, в которых оливковое масло — обычный повседневный продукт, отличает долголетие и отменное здоровье.

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Куриные яйца приобрели большую популярность в нашей жизни, когда время на приготовление еды сократилось до минимума. Нет ничего проще омлета или яичницы, которые можно приготовить за несколько минут, к тому же благодаря полезным свойствам куриных яиц такие завтраки считаются питательными и очень сытными — по крайней мере, можно спокойно дожить до обеда, не думая о еде.


Citrus Olive Oil Cake

Meet our new favorite snacking cake made with fresh citrus, organic extra-virgin olive oil and sweet sherry. Top with powdered sugar or get a little fancy with candied citrus and pistachios!

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This post is written in partnership with Filippo Berio.

On first glance out of the oven, this Citrus Olive Oil Cake looks quite simple. Humble, even.

But this is a cake that makes the house smell so sweet and fragrant, a cake you truly can’t stop eating. You’ll want to sneak a slice at the end of a long day with a glass of wine. And then you’ll be tempted to have a slice in the morning with your coffee.

The heavenly aroma and texture of the olive oil, the punch of oranges and lemons, and a tame amount of sugar that doesn’t overwhelm makes this a cake you’ll want to keep on a regular rotation.

Video: How to Make Citrus Olive Oil Cake

Citrus Olive Oil Cake

Why Olive Oil?

If you’ve haven’t baked a cake with olive oil, you are in for a very pleasant surprise. The texture is tender and moist, outlasting butter cakes by several days – although good luck if you can keep it around that long!

The flavor of an olive oil cake is earthy and floral, especially when you incorporate the rich flavor of Filippo Berio Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Sweet sherry bolsters and deepens the full-bodied flavor of the oil, and candied orange slices, if you choose to make them, knock this cake out of the park. Dusting the pan with sugar before you add the batter imparts a subtle crunch. All of these elements add up to a winner.

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How to Make a Citrus Olive Oil Cake?

For the most part, this is an incredibly simple cake, mixing dry and wet ingredients together and baking for 35 minutes or so. One trick we’ve got up our sleeve here to take the flavor up a level: rub the citrus zest into the sugar before incorporating to make it super fragrant and flavorful.

To finish the cake, you can simply sprinkle it with confectioner’s sugar (especially if you’ll be having it for breakfast) or if you want to get a little fancy and make an impression, decorate the top with candied orange slices and pistachios.

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Citrus Olive Oil Cake



Set a rack in the middle position of the oven. Brush the bottom and sides of a 9×2 inch cake pan with olive oil.

Line the bottom of the pan with a circle of parchment paper. Brush the parchment with oil.

Generously sprinkle the pan with 2 to 3 tablespoons of sugar, tilting it to coat the bottom and sides, and tap out the excess.

In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt together to combine.

In a separate large bowl, rub the orange and lemon zest into the remaining 1 cup of sugar with your fingers until the sugar is permeated with the zest.

Add the eggs and whisk for about 45 seconds, or until the mixture lightens in color. Stir in the olive oil and sherry, and whisk until smooth.

Add the dry ingredients to the batter and whisk just until smooth.

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Set the cake pan on a baking sheet and pour the batter into the pan.

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the cake: Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

Place the pan on a rack to cool for 15 minutes.

Run a knife around the edge of the pan, and remove the sides and bottom (or invert the cake onto a plate if using a layer cake pan and then turn right side up). Remove the parchment and let the cake rest on the rack until it is cool.

In a 9- or 10-inch deep skillet or saucepan over medium-high heat, bring the sugar, water, and lemon juice to a boil. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves.

Add the orange slices and adjust the heat to a simmer. Simmer, turning the oranges with tongs in the syrup occasionally, for 15 to 18 minutes, or until they are translucent. (If the syrup reduces to a sticky thickness, add more water, a few tablespoons at a time.) Leave the oranges in the syrup until lukewarm.

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Brush the top of the cake with some of the orange syrup. Place the candied slices on top and sprinkle with pistachios.


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