cloud meadow рецепты еды
Cloud meadow рецепты еды
В этом руководстве будет таблица рецептов, монстров и их статов. Помощь в прохождении.
Руководство будет постепенно обновятся по мере возможности, вместе с патчами до самого выхода игры из раннего доступа.
Если у вас есть идея как дополнить это руководство напишите в комментарии.
Note to English readers: I use a translator, I apologize in advance.
In this guide will be a table of recipes, monsters and their stats. Walkthrough assistance.
The guide will be gradually updated as possible, along with patches until the game is released from early access.
Если плохо видно вот ссылка на картинку / If you can’t see it well, here’s a link to the picture
Таблица / Table []
За меня уже написали как пройти тот или иной этаж, вот руководство /
I have already written for me how to get to this or that floor, here is a guide
Значок вашей пати загорится вот так, когда вы наберете уровень. Нажмите на него, чтобы распределить 15 очков на четыре основных стата. А также увеличить эффективность умения на 1 очко.
Телосложение определяет урон, наносимый персонажем. Оно лучше у некоторых персонажей, например у Крейтона.
Выносливость определяет, сколько у персонажа HP. Очевидно, очень важно.
Интуиция определяет рейтинг защиты персонажа. Полезно для персонажей, которые могут не выдержать большого количества ударов.
Стремительность определяет, как быстро заполняется полоса действий и когда персонаж получает свой ход. Чем выше уровень Быстроты, тем раньше персонаж получает ход.
Фермерское поле содержит культуры для земледелия и можно улучшить 2 раза, чтобы получить до 16 культур, до получения бонусов за соседство.
Поле Farn Field можно модернизировать дважды.
Вы можете проверить статистику растений, нажав на
Пугало. Оно использует следующие статы: Интуиция для
для ухода, телосложение для полива, выносливость для удобрения,
и быстрота для сбора урожая. Чем выше каждый из
эти показатели, тем больше растений получат свое
соответствующее внимание каждый час.
Пастбище вмещает 5 монстров и может быть улучшено, чтобы
можно получить Рабочее место для приготовления пищи для монстров, как только вы построите
силосную башню. Здесь монстров можно доить и разводить,
и вы можете организовать их по пастбищам, нажав на
на пугало. Работа по приготовлению пищи использует быстроту для приготовления
сельскохозяйственных культур. Чем больше стремительность, тем больше блюд
создается из доступных ингредиентов каждый час и скармливается
монстров, пока все монстры на пастбище не будут накормлены.
Монстр может обучать 2 других монстров, и эти
монстры получают опыт. Примыкание позволяет увеличить количество
учеников и тренеров. Тренеры используют телосложение, чтобы
получения XP для учеников. Чем больше телосложение
тем больше XP генерируется для каждого обучаемого
каждый час.
Док позволяет отгружать товары. К нему можно прикрепить до двух
монстров могут быть назначены на него. Выносливость используется для
для перевозки товаров. Чем больше выносливости, тем больше
товаров отправляется каждый час.
В этом здании содержится планктон, который производит ингредиенты из
пищи. К нему можно приставить монстра, чтобы
автоматически пополнять запасы в доках и отвозить кладовые
ингредиенты на склад.
Интуиция используется для ухода за
планктоном. Чем больше Интуиция. тем быстрее
быстрее планктон получает ингредиенты и тем быстрее
планктон питается.
Это ваше стартовое место. Оно может вместить 20 монстров на
два этажа. В остальном оно идентично пастбищу.
Здесь вы можете переработать зерновые культуры в ингредиенты для кладовой. Вы
можно назначить монстров на мельницу, чтобы они делали это автоматически.
Коэффициент прочности используется для переработки товаров. Чем больше стремительности тем больше товаров перерабатывается каждый час.
Это здание в два раза вместительнее обычного инкубатора!
Его можно модернизировать, чтобы получить в два раза больше места.
А еще одна модернизация позволит вам установить wiztech
Граммофоны, которые будут петь яйцам по мере их роста,
гарантируя, что у них разовьются определенные черты!
Хранит еду и позволяет назначать еду на поля, чтобы
кормить монстров на них. В начале дня он
раздаст всю еду для каждого пастбища, основываясь на том, какие
продукты или еда назначены на это пастбище. Вы можете
назначить на силосе или на самом пастбище.
Это загадочное устройство используется для определения предстоящей
погоды и событий, а также для предсказания предстоящих
подземелья. Ему нужны два назначенных монстра.
Он использует Интуицию для всех преимуществ задания. Чем выше
интуиция, тем дальше во времени и тем больше
видов событий можно предсказать.
Cloud meadow рецепты еды
So Miraheze has blocked google docs. yay
so instead of getting the recipes there, i have a recipe list on my google docs, right here:
I keep this updated as much as i can with IRL rubbish happening.
This List is pinned in General in the official Discord for the game, so just keep in mind they’re exactly the same links!
THANK YOU ALL again for the ratings and rewards!! they are all super duper appreciated PLEASE READ:
Hi All! Just letting everyone know who comes looking for a recipe guide, I have been updating the Wiki Recipe Guide more than this one! THIS ONE IS OUTDATED, PLEASE USE THE WIKI
Thank you for all the ratings and rewards. I appreciate all of them so much! ;3;
(SPOILERS for those who would like to figure out the recipes on their own.)
Decided to make this as guides I have found online for the recipes of this game are not updated. For example: previously you could make a meal with a single crop item, but now they will require the crop item plus another ingredient, as a single crop item results in a Healthy Snackbar. Other guides I have tried seem to also use outdated recipe combos that no longer work.
Some recipes i have not figured out, but once i do i’ll be updating this with those.
Please let me know if you notice any errors, be it duplicates, recipes that do not/no longer work, or general spelling errors, especially within the lists. If you know a recipe in-game and it isnt on the list, lemme know and i’ll add it once i have tested it in-game!
(Pictures in the Thumbnail for this guide are from the game, made by S-Purple on Twitter!)
Crops are ingredients the player can grow themselves. One may often receive a random pack of seeds as a battle reward/enemy drop, or can buy seeds from Jaero’s store.
These can be purchased in bundles from Yonten, or from some of the vendors that appear during Market Day or at random during the week.
Other ingredients can be made via refining in the Windmill (acquired through upgrading with Lucia, door/building to the left of the wizard’s door/building), usually selecting an ingredient/crop in the windmill menu(s) will tell you what that ingredient/crop can make!
The game includes Monster Cells in the Ingredients Section, which can acquired I believe from milking farm monsters. If I’m honest i currently have no idea how i got all of these cells lmao
There is a ton of them. Some recipes require food from another recipe, that food will be Underlined in the recipe.
Recipes that are broken/do not yield anything even with the correct recipe will be Bolded.
Note: Baguette, White Bread, Burger Bun, Black Bread and Crumpet are all recipes one will already know in-game, and all require one flour. These will still be underlined as another food in recipes that require them.
Ambrosia: Skolfruit Bitterjam, Creme, Jelbabu, Skolfruit
Beefstew Burger: Simmered Bofroot, Steamed Mado, Eggtrap, Burger Bun
Beignette Burger: Creme, Shrubstick, Flour, Plankton Egg, Butter
Bernard Beer: Coltus, Flim flan, Sugar
Biggun Burger: Turnog, Cheese, Biguns, Burger Bun
Bite Boy: Cheese, Bose, Burger Bun
Bitecake: Sugar, Flour, Cremetin
Bittershake: Bitterbeans, Milk, Cremetin
Blanbala Extract: Blanbala, Juice
Bofroot Cube Steak: Bofroot, Butter, Oil, Salt
Bofroot Mignon: Bofroot, Butter, Oil
Bofroot Prime Cut: Bofroot, Salt, Oil
Bofroot Stew: Cheese, Crumpet, Bofroot, Flour
Boozant Butterbeer: Boozant, Juice
Bread Pudding: White Bread, Skolfruit, Plankton Egg, Milk
Breakfast Burger: Simmered Bofroot, Scrambled Eggtrap, Chwon Chips, Cheese, Burger Bun
Butter Tarts: Butter, Sugar, Plankton Egg, Cremetin
Candystick: Camellow, Flour (RESULTS IN CAMELLOW FONDUE As Seen Below)
Camellow Fondue: Camellow, Flour
Caramel Cone: Flim flan, Milk, Creme, Sugar, Chocobar
Carbonara: Flour, Macrinas Noodles, Shrubstick Tendies
Cheese Stuffed Burger: Turnog, Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, Burger Bun
Chocolate Cremepie: Chocobar, Creme, Grownut
Chocolate Milk: Milk, Flim flan, Chocobar
Chocobite: Camellow, Chocobar, Flour, Coltus
Chutney Burger: Simmered Bofroot, Cheese, Jelbabu, Burger Bun, Chwon
Chwon Chips: Chwon, Oil
Chwon Kasha: Chwon, Sugar
Cloudvardier (RESULTS IN MOONCAKE): Lavapple, Juice, Sugar
Cobbler: Gempas Sweetjam, Skolfruit Bitterjuice, Milk, Grownut
Coltus Bitterbrew: Coltus, Sugar
Coltus Salad: Coltus, Salt
Cookiepie: Chocobar, Grownut, Butter
Creme Roll: Creme, Sugar, Flour Cremetin, Milk
Creme Sandwich: Camellow, Flour, Milk, Creme
Creme Soda: Boozant, Creme, Sugar
Cremetin Yoghurt: Milk, Cremetin
Crunchy Boy: Bacon, Bose, Cheese, Mado, Burger Bun
Crystant Carbonade: Crystant, Juice, Sugar
Crystant Sourjam: (Recipe Results in Crystant Carbonade) Crystant, Sugar, Juice
Crystant Tequila: Crystant, Juice
Deluxe Burger: Turnog, Cheese, Fried Bose, Flour, Oil
Dunker Sundae: (INACCESSIBLE Due to Candystick (and therefore Sundae) being invalid) Sundae, Chocobar, Flour, Flim flan
Eggnog: Plankton Egg, Sugar, Flim flan
Eggs Benedict: Plankton Egg, Fried Bose, Crumpet
Fish Finger Sandwich: King Salmon Slice, Flour, Plankton Egg, Baguette
Flimmed Flan: Flim Flan, Milk
Flip: Boozant Butterbeer, Skolfruit Bitterjuice, Plankton Egg, Sugar
Float: Crystant, Boozant, Chocobar
Foccain: Shrubstick Tendies, Fried Bose, Creme, White Bread
Fondant Burger: (INACCESSIBLE due to Candystick being invalid) Camellow Fondue, Salt, Chocobar, Candystick, Flour
Forbidden Fruit: Cooking Acid, Juice, Plemon, Blanbala, Sugar
Fried Bose: Bose, Oil
Gempas Fruit Shake: Gempas, Sugar, Gempas Sweetjam, Plemon, Juice
Gempas Nectar: Gempas, Juice
Gempas Plemonade: Juice, Sugar, Plemon
Gempas Sweet Creme Cake: Chocobar, Creme, Milk, Flour, Gempas
Gempas Sweetjam: Gempas, Gempas, Sugar
Gingerwhale: (INACCESSIBLE due to Candystick being Invalid) Candystick, Flour, Butter, Plankton Egg
Glazed Turnog: Turnog, Sugar, Salt, Butter
Greasy Boy: Burger Bun, Fried Bose, Bose, Cheese
Grownut Bun: Grownut, Plankton Egg
Hotton Halva: Hotton, Plankton Egg
Ice Coffee: Milk, Chocobar, Crystant
Ink Burger: Redsauce, Cheese, Shrubstick, Burger Bun, Skolfruit Bitterjuice
Jam Cheesecake: Gempas Sweetjam, Gempas, Creme, Flour
Jelbabu Juice: Jelbabu, Juice
Jeldisc Burger: Burger Bun, Jelbabu Juice, Bofroot, Cheese, Jelbabu
Jelly Shake Choco: Creme, Sugar, Jelbabu, Chocobar
Jelly Shake Fruit: Creme, Sugar, Jelbabu, Juice
Jelly Shake Syrup: Creme, Sugar, Jelbabu, Grownut
Jellypound Cake: Flour, Milk, Jelbabu, Plankton Egg
Jerky Bag: Salt, Fried Bose x 4
King Salmon: King Salmon Slice, Cooking Acid, Juice, Flour
Lasagne: Cheese, Noodles, Bofroot, Chwon
Lavapple Hotjam: Lavapple, Sourhead, Sugar
Lavapple Magmasala: Lavapple, Juice
Lavapple Pie: Lavapple, Plankton Egg, Milk, Flour
Lavapple Wholepie: Lavapple, Lavapple, Flour, Creme, Milk
Layered Salad: Seared Turnog, Plankton Egg, Biguns, Creme
Light Boozeshake: Boozant, Crystant, Creme, Sugar
Mac & Cheese: Macrinas Noodles, Cheese, Flour
Macaroni Cheese Baconburger: Mac & Cheese, Fried Bose, Bose
Macrina Noodles: Macrina, Cooking Acid
Mai Tai: Boozant, Plemon, Blanbala Extract
Mashed Mados: Mado, Salt, Butter
Mead: Blanbala, Sugar, Flour, Mado
Milktea: Milk, Tea in a bag, Gempas, Grownut
Mooncake: Lavapple, Juice, Sugar OR Sugar, Flour, Speedwheel
Mulled Wine: Skolfruit, Skolfruit Bitterjuice, Jelbabu Juice, Sugar
Nachos: Cheese, Flour, Macrinas
Nectar Concentrate (Recipe does not yield results): Cremetin, Speedwheel, Crystant, Sugar
Neopolitan Cremepie: Gempas Sweetjam, Flim flan, Creme, Flour
Noodle Soup: Noodles, Plankton Egg, Biguns
Not Balls: Chocobar, Flim flan, Speedwheel, Camellow Fondant
Octopus Burger: Burger Bun, Octobits, Turnog
Ogre Powerbrew: Chocobar, Sourhead, Lavapple
Okonomiyaki: Eggtrap, King Salmon Slice, Plankton Egg, Flour, Salt
Pacoca: Grownut, Salt, Sugar
Pancakes: Plankton Egg, Flour, Milk, Grownut, Butter
Pasta: Macrinas, Noodles, Cooking Acid
Patty Melt: White Bread, Cheese, Bofroot
Pierogi: Flour, Shrubstick, Butter
Pizza: Flour, Shrubstick, Cheese, Macrinas
Plank-Roll: Bose, Turnog, Plankton Egg, Flour
Plemon Tart: Speedwheel, Plemon, Creme
Poached Plemonade (Recipe Results in Gempas Plemonade): Plemon, Juice, Sugar
Pocketpie: Fried Bose, Flour, Plankton Egg, Simmered Bofroot
Poutine Burger: Burger Bun, Fried Bose, Cheese, Creme
Pretzel Burger: Speedwheel, Bofroot, Butter
Quadruple Stacked Burger: Turnog, Turnog, Cheese, Plankton Egg, Burger Bun
Quiche: Bose, Mado, Plankton Egg, Cheese
Ribeye Burger: Burger Bun, Redsauce, Jelbabu, Turnog
Risotto: Snowgrain, Biguns
Rock Chewers (INACCESSIBLE Due to Crystant Sourjam being unavailable): Crystant Sourjam, Crystant, Crystant
Rouladen: Bofroot, Chwon, Salt, Eggtrap, Fried Bose
S’mores Brulee: Creme, Grownut, Milk
Sakotis: Plankton Egg, Creme, Butter, Flour, Sugar
Salad Burger: Turnog, Plankton Egg, Crunchleaf
Salmon Fillet Burger: King Salmon Slice, Creme, Chwon, Burger Bun
Salmon Fingersandwich (in-game: Fish Finger Sandwich): Baguette, Plankton Egg, Flour, King Salmon Slice
Sangria (INACCESSIBLE Results in Forbidden Fruit): Blanbala, Sugar, Cooking Acid, Plemon, Juice
Sausage Baconburger: Bose, Sausage, Cheese, Burger Bun
Sausage Cheesebal Entreel: Bose, Sausage, Cheese
Sausage Roll: Sausage, Plankton Egg, Flour
Scooped Plemon: Sugar, Plemon
Scrambled Eggtrap: Eggtrap, Butter
Seared Turnog: Turnog, Sugar
Shrubstick and Bofroot Parma: Shrubstick, Bofroot, Cheese, White Bread, Plankton Egg
Shrubstick Coldcut: Cheese, Baguette, Shrubstick
Shrubstick Doubledown: Shrubstick Tendies, Shrubstick Tendies, Burger Bun, Cheese
Shrubstick Enchilada: Shrubstick Tendies, Flour, Snowgrain, Cheese
Shrubstick Fryburger: Shrubstick Tendies, Plankton Egg, Cheese, Bofroot
Shrubstick in Redsauce: Shrubstick, Mado, Butter, Redsauce
Shrubstick Nugget Pizza: Flour, Shrubstick Tendies, Cheese, Butter
Shrubstick Tendies: Flour, Shrubstick
Simmered Bofroot: Bofroot, Salt
Skolfruit Bitterjam: Skolfruit, Sugar
Skolfruit Bitterjuice: Skolfruit, Juice
Slider Tower: Burger Bun, Seared Turnog, Turnog, Flour, Salt
Slow Bofroot Bourguinon: Bofroot, Chwon, Eggtrap, Juice, Flour
Sloppy Joe: Seared Turnog, Seared Turnog, Seared Turnog, Burger Bun
Snowgrain Burger: Snowgrain, Cheese, Turnog, Oil
Sourhead Breezer: Sourhead, Creme, Sugar
Sourhead Pop: Sourhead, Juice
Speedburger: Cheese, Shrubstick, Speedwheel
Speedwheel Dunker: Sugar, Speedwheel
Spice Burger (INACCESSIBLE Recipe fails): Cheese, Crystant, Shrubstick, Burger Bun
Spice Cookies: Cremetin, Grownut, Sugar
Sponge Layercake: Creme, Sugar, Flour, Speedwheel
Spritzer: Plemon, Sourhead Pop, Juice
Steamed Mado: Mado, Salt
Stuffed Plemon: Butter, Milk, Plemon, Blanbala, Mado
Stuffing: Plankton Egg, Chwon, Butter, Baguette
Sundae (INACCESSIBLE due to Candystick being unavailable): Milk, Creme, Sugar, Flim flan Candystick
Sundowner: Speedwheel, Crystant Tequila, Lavapple Magnasala
Surprise Creme: Creme, Milk, Camellow, Flim flan, Sourhead
Tart: Gempas, Gempas Sweetjam, Flour, Cooking Acid
Tea: Blanbala, Sugar, Tea in a bag
Tentaburger: Octobits, Octobits, Bose, Burger Bun
The Big Jabroni: Lavapple Hotjam, Nut Butter, White Bread
Triple Decker: Fried Bose, Fried Bose, Fried Bose, Bose, Burger Bun
Turnog Kebab: Seared Turnog, Flour, Plankton Egg
Turnog Meat Pie: Turnog, Flour, Butter, Salt
Turnog Melt: White Bread, Cheese, Turnog
Whale Chewer: Sugar, Milk, Crystant, Cremetin, Cooking Acid
Cloud meadow рецепты еды
Hi, this is my guide on how I got rich fast and expanded my farm fully.
When you first start playing, you’ll probably be focused on unlocking all of your gallery first. However, I am going to write this guide as if you are starting from scratch. Wherever you are, this guide should be able to help you fully unlock the farm.
First, a note on crops and feeding your animals:
Your animals have to be fed every day, or they lose affection for you and run away. You also get fined. Because animal stats don’t matter for making fast income, I recommend just planting the fastest growing crops. I never buy anything that takes longer than 4 days to grow.
Also, crops don’t need to be watered or fertilised. Don’t task any monsters with farming, simply plant and harvest the crops yourself. Or, if you would like to maximise your time, simply buy all forty bakery items that Birma has for sale every day and feed your monsters that.
Now, the main part of the tutorial.
The way you will make most of your money is selling monster essence in the academy. The two monsters that produce the most valuable essence are dragons and chimeras. Their essence price peaks at 55 gold per essence. So, the basic strategy is to have a full stable of chimeras and dragons and nothing else. Harvest them every day, and sell the essences at the peak price.
However, if that’s all you do, its going to take you a long time to get the shards you need to expand your farm, since shards are 10, 000 gold coins each.
Its important that you breed selectively and maximise two traits: ‘Loads ♥♥♥’ and ‘Beast of Burden’. Loads ♥♥♥ gives you one extra essence per harvest per level. Beast of Burden lets you harvest one extra time, per level.
A monster with Level 5 Loads ♥♥♥ will produce 7 essences per harvest. If it also has Level 5 Beast of Burden, you can harvest it 6 times. Giving you a total of 42 essences per monster, per day. At 55 gold per essence, that’s 2310 gold. If you have 40 animals with these traits at this level, that is 92, 000 per day. However, it will take you a number of generations of ruthless breeding to reach that goal.
There are a few other traits that may be helpful. Abundant Body will net you a little extra cash, selling the surplus matter that your monsters produce. Dragon Blood will make levelling up the traits much faster. I also like Friendly as it makes it easier to keep the monsters happy.
When you start, playing, and finish the first mission to open your barn again, you’ll have some starter monsters. If any of them have Loads ♥♥♥ or Beast of Burden, you’ll want to keep them for breeding. Otherwise, breed them as much as you can before the first market day on the 7th.
On the market day, you want to visit the egg seller and buy ONLY DRAGON, CHIMERA AND CRAB EGGS. Chimera and crabs are bisexual and can be bred with males, females and each other, so they are great for crossing for traits. Crabs are also the third most profitable essence (sell at 45 gold).
Until you have a collection of monsters with Loads ♥♥♥ and Beast of Burden, you will keep buying crab, chimera and dragon eggs. When those traits start to show up, selectively breed across your lines, until you have the desired traits at the desired levels. Sell off excess crabs and replace them with dragons or chimeras.
Before then, bred often, hatch and sell the offspring as quickly as possible so you don’t waste food or time on them.
Remember to harvest from your monsters every day if you aren’t breeding them. Also, don’t mate them with your farmer, as it tends to weaken your bloodlines and make breeding limited.
To sell essence, go to the academy and ask to see the essence ledger. The plus symbol buys and the minus symbol sells. It took me ages to work that out. You can sell miscellaneous materials to the same woman who sells the shards (she also sells wood, stone and metal) on market days. To buy shards, select the dialogue option ‘what sort of deal do you have?’ and she will offer you a shard for 10, 000 gold.
To upgrade your farm, go see the wizard. The cost goes up with every expansion. The first is 1 shard, the second is 3 shards, the third is 7 shards, then 10, 13 and so on.